Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot............................

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The reason why you are ignorant (must I repeat that) is because you are under the assumption that criminals don't use other types of weapons. They do; some are very common and you own those very same items. Thus, you think that owning a gun is just for protection from a criminal misusing a gun. How do you feel about knives at the dinner table? Do you at a restaurant (assuming you go out) eat with a knife or a fork? You know there are many cases where knives have been used as weapons. Oh, those evil sharp objects. Bad! Bad! The car you drive (assuming you go out) has been used in many deadly accidents caused by (what?) people who have misused or took no responsibility for the vehicle. You know many animals die daily by cars and I bet some people purposely swerve for animals (imagine that). So, should you drive a car, you are then contradicting yourself about how a single tool (or machinery) can be used for evil purposes and shouldn't be allowed for use. Should I give up my truck because Jimmy Smith likes to purposely run over animals with it? No.

Ya know, if you were to take a small percentage of a group of people and then decided to label the whole group as that particular thing ... well.. then I guess a lot people are "dunks" since we drink the same beverage that alcoholics do. Sounds fair.

But then again, you find humor in the fact that a person was shot and almost killed by a gun.

Yeah, you don't need a gun.
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Wait till I give my opinion on the The Right to Bear Arms...

You don't have an opinion that counts because you do not have the rights an American Citizan has. If Canada has that right, good for them.

Gee...I thought everyone was allowed to have an opinion. What about Canadian Boilermakers? I see a Canadian flag on your union logo, so I had to ask. Even if Canada doesn't allow opinions, Rich Stern does. Just have to stay away from personal attacks. eh? :huh:
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I did not attack him personally. To truly have an opinion that matters, it must pertain to you.

It is no different then someone that was never in the military to say that those that served did not make sacrifices.

Only if you grew up with a certain right, can you honestly have an opinion that means something. If you never had the right to keep and bear arms, someone else having that right does not mean anything to you.

If I were blind from birth, I could say being able to see is overrated because I can not experience what it is like to see in the first place so it means nothing to me. If I once could see, then I lost my sight, then I can honestly say if I feel vision is overrated.

It wasn't ment derogotory against gwac. From someone that does not have the rights as a US citizen, they really have nothing meaningful to say about our rights we have because they don't have those rights so they never was able to live with them.

If gwac was born in the USA, then moved to Canada and relinquished his US citizenship, then I would have to listen to what he says because he had the same rights as we have and gave them up.

Many in Europe feel that the death penalty is wrong no matter how you slice it. They feel it is better to lock someone up for the rest of thier life and pay to support scum then it would be to just get rid of that person. No matter what you say, you can never convince them otherwise.

Gwac wern't bald eagles killed off by pesticides being sprayed on crops so all you Veggie lovers can have pest free veggies? Jenn D is correct in saying it is hard to find any hunter who kills for no reason... It is actually frowned upon amongst hunters.... I eat what I kill and I try to do it correctly... Like any other animal in the world it isn't always pretty but it is what it is... We have always done it and always will... Ever see a pack of wild dogs disembowel a antalope while it is still alive? Maybe we should shun them too..:lol:
Back to the original topic...

Let's put it into perspective: Which would you rather do... Go hunting with Vice President Cheney, or for a car ride with Senator Ted Kennedy?:D

And here's a link to a good wild game cookbook.
By the way .. this is not the first time a vice president has shot someone. On July 11, 1804 vice-president Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel in Weehawken, New Jersey. Hamilton died the next day. Burr was indicted for murder, but never prosecuted.

James and Sarah Brady Comment on the Vice President's Hunting Mishap

2/12/2006 5:40:00 PM


To: National Desk

Contact: Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-289-5792

WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- James and Sarah Brady made comments today related to Vice President Cheney's reportedly accidental shooting yesterday in Texas.

"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," said Jim Brady. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog - and I thought he was an idiot."

"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."

© 2006 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770


I do no believe you need to own a gun and I do no believe in killing animals except

for humane reasons.

Now you can continue calling me names....

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Sing it Cheap Trick:

I try to sleep, they’re wide awake, they won’t leave me alone.

They don’t get paid to take vacations, or let me alone.

They spy on me, I try to hide, they won’t let me alone.

They persecute me, they’re the judge and jury all in one.

’cause they’re waiting for me.

They’re looking for me.

Ev’ry single night they’re driving me insane.

Those men inside my brain.

The opinion police, they live inside of my head.

The opinion police, they come to me on the web.

The opinion police, they’re coming to arrest me, oh no.
This sums it up better than I can......

The Humane Society of the United States Reacts to Vice President Cheney Hunting Incident

2/12/2006 8:36:00 PM


To: National Desk

Contact: Tracey McIntire of The Humane Society of the United States, 301-548-7793

WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, issued the following statement after learning that the Vice President shot a man during a quail hunt in Texas on Saturday:

"Vice President Cheney just seems to keep topping himself on the hunting front. First, he showed terrible judgment by hunting ducks with Justice Antonin Scalia when his office had business before the Supreme Court. Then, he went on an exclusive private shooting spree in Pennsylvania and shot dozens, perhaps hundreds, of stocked pheasants at a drive-thru canned hunting operation -- where the pen-raised birds were treated as nothing more than living targets. Now, he's shot a hunting companion in his latest hunting venture. We don't quite understand his obsession with shooting animals, and we'd advise him to pursue a less violent form of relaxation and get on with the important business of leading the country."


The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization with 9.5 million members and constituents. The HSUS is a mainstream voice for animals, with active programs in companion animals and equine protection, disaster preparedness and response, wildlife and habitat protection, animals in research and farm animal welfare. The HSUS protects all animals through education, investigation, litigation, legislation, advocacy, and field work. The non-profit organization is based in Washington and has field representatives and offices across the country. On the web at



/© 2006 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/

Which would you rather do... Go hunting with Vice President Cheney, or for a car ride with Senator Ted Kennedy?

Ooowww, that's a tough one. I will have to think about it. :D

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Gwac - you are an idiot because only a person with deficient mental capability would make a statement expressing his joy at the possible mortal injury of another human being. Understand that I mean human beings who ae not deserving of such a fate, after all we have no evidence that the person who was shot is evil or deserving of beiong shot. There are people who deserve to die, but that is a seperate discussion.

You are a poor excuse for a human being becasue your statement expresses zero concern or feeling for a fellow human being. Your lack of empathy is astounding and is sickening to me because it is likely based on some silly political belief like gun control or animal rights. I am making an assumption regarding your motivation for this idiotic statement, please correct me if you have a reasonable and intelligent basis for the statement.

Oh, and I will blow you out of the water on ANY anti-Second Amendment argument which you may put forth.
GWAC wrote
Jenn you needs guns to protect yourself from others with gun, that make sense

Not neccesarily. Please explain how the average woman can protect herself from the average man without using a weapon? The average man is bigger, faster, stronger and more aggressive. Disarming the public would permit any robber and rapist an open season.

Although I am 6'2" tall and 200 lbs, how would I protect myself from the gangs I see while I walk through downtown Atlanta? Reason with them when they want my T-Brid or Harley? Talk them out of taking my wallet, kicking my ass and raping my girlfriend?

Ask any criminal who he fears the most a cop or an armed citizen. I have asked them and I know the answer. The exact quote from pne upstanding citizen was "Cops got rules about shootin my ass, you don't! You go to court, IF you go to court, and they gonna let your ass go!".

How should the weak protect themselves from violent criminals? Call the cops? In most cities, those poor overworked cops basically drive from crime scene to crime scene to write up reports after the fact. It isn't their fault, they are just undermanned.

Also, there is about one gun for every person in the USA, it seems there would be Niddle Eastern style carnage in the streets. Wonder why there isn't?

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I have no empathy for 2 old men running around in the forest shooting at each, sorry.

If you can`t see the difference between a bird and human being maybe you should

not be allowed to own or shoot a fire arm, but that`s just my opinion....

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Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Founding Fathers included this amendment specifically re-affirming and guaranteeing the already God-given right to keep and bear arms primarily as another means of keeping government in check. Having just won independence from an oppressive, powerful government that had attempted to disarm the populace in order to maintain power, they included the Second Amendment to prevent this from ever happening again.
Hunting for old people.................

The following statement by the Humane Society of the United States was e-mailed to on Tuesday afternoon:

Monday's hunting trip to Pennsylvania by Vice President Dick Cheney in which he reportedly shot more than 70 stocked pheasants and an unknown number of mallard ducks at an exclusive private club places a spotlight on an increasingly popular and deplorable form of hunting, in which birds are pen-reared and released to be shot in large numbers by patrons. The ethics of these hunts are called into question by rank-and-file sportsmen, who hunt animals in their native habitat and do not shoot confined or pen-raised animals that cannot escape.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported today that 500 farm-raised pheasants were released yesterday morning at the Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township for the benefit of Cheney's 10-person hunting party. The group killed at least 417 of the birds, illustrating the unsporting nature of canned hunts. The party also shot an unknown number of captive mallards in the afternoon.

"This wasn't a hunting ground. It was an open-air abattoir, and the vice president should be ashamed to have patronized this operation and then slaughtered so many animals," states Wayne Pacelle, a senior vice president of The Humane Society of the United States. "If the Vice President and his friends wanted to sharpen their shooting skills, they could have shot skeet or clay, not resorted to the slaughter of more than 400 creatures planted right in front of them as animated targets."

The Humane Society of the United States deplores the shooting of captive birds and animals where traditional "fair chase" hunting ethics are discarded and kills are guaranteed. We are campaigning to outlaw canned hunts through federal and state legislation and our opposition is more thoroughly delineated in an opinion page essay by Pacelle in today's edition of The New York Times. See the essay at

More people without empathy

Some of them are pretty funny
