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Gavin Allan

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Jefferson City, MO

This whole "Two Americas" nonsense is getting really old. So let me enlighten you on some statistics that the lamestream media will likely never report ... or challenge Hillary and Obama on the campaign trail.

For one thing, the notion that the poor are getting poorer is completely false.

Demographic changes in the size and composition of U.S. households have distorted the statistics in important ways. The Census Bureau says that the share of the economic pie consumed by those defined by the government as poor has been shrinking; what Democrats fail to tell you is that this pie has grown tremendously. The real GDP is currently three times greater than it was in the 1970s at $14 trillion. So the amount received by the bottom 20% increased from $181 billion to $476 billion. Adjusted for population growth, this means that the average income for people in the bottom 20% has risen by 36%. And this isn't just for the poor, economic growth has raised income across all populations.

According to the annual survey of household, the "typical" household keeps changing. This is also something that Democrats will never tell you. In essence, by comparing today's statistics to decades passed, it is like comparing apples to oranges. Here's an example. Since 1970, the rate in households categorized as divorced, never-married or single-person has increased dramatically. Back in the 1970s, 71% of American households were two-parent families. That statistic has shrunk to 51%. As a result, the average household size has shrunk from 3.14 persons to 2.57 persons.

Ok so what does that mean? It means that when you adjust for these changes in household size and composition ... the income share of the poor increased by 8% and reduced the standard of inequality by 4%. In other words, all of these "inequality trends" would be obsolete.

So when you look at the "poor," even after just two years, you are no longer looking at the same people. Democrats never take mobility into account, and they fail recall the fact that nearly half of all our growth comes from immigration; Legal and illegal resident enter at the lowest rungs of society. In the big picture, immigrants move up the economic rungs, but they are replaced by new immigrants ... and the cycle continues. But it is very rare to see household stay "poor" for more than a few years.

I know this is painful for your bedwetters out there, but we are almost done. Living standards have risen across all income spectrums. Since 2000, GDP has risen 18% and population growth by 6%, which means that per capita incomes are rising. Personal consumption has risen by $2.5 trillion since 2000. More Americans today own homes and new cars, and items such as laptops, iPhones and flat screen TVs have become necessities rather than luxuries. The average person defined as "living in poverty" in America has a higher standard of living than the average European.

That should give you enough ammunition to tackle your liberal friends who are whining about these "Two Americas."
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Gavin, thanks for the post.

Like most debates on polar topics, I find the more accurate "truth" usually lies somewhere in the middle.

Are there two Americas? "No, not really".

Is this the land of opportunity where everyone has the same chances of getting ahead? Again, "No, not really."

The actual state of this country is somewhere between those two extreme views.

You are aware that the WSJ is a newspaper geared to the "haves" and not the "have nots"?

Guess that explains why I saw a guy using food stamps the other day at the store and then went out and got into a brand new Cadillac.

i have to agree, both parties manipulate the figures to fit their own agenda. They will quote the same numbers and slice and dice them to give two totally differnt views of the exact sam situation. One says the glass is half full while the other says it's half empty.

Perhaps that's why so many Americans have not faith in our politicians and that they are all a bunch of liars.

How does the old saying go.."Figures don't lie, but liars figure"...That's about what it amounts to whenever I hear some politician spitting hout a bunch of numbers...Simply put, nobody knows what the real numbers are because they are all covered up withthe political BS.


I assure the readers of this post that the content is specifically slanted towards the RIGHT.

I cannot believe that there are still supporters of the "Ownership Society" that George W wants to create.

Look in the mirror and try to tell yourselves that everything is all good with our society.

I have never seen such fecal matter posted in my life. I can go through Coulter/Hannity/Limbaugh's biggest lies and not come up with such a whopper that has been posted here.

I guess I have to consider the source:

Gavin/TomT/Richard L.

(Propaganda producers)
Frank, I'm not sure what your problems are, but my standard of living and quality of life have never been better. I have nearly everything I could want. My job pays me well. Although I have a mortgage, the interest rates have never been lower. I look around and unemployment rates are very low. Despite $3.00 a gallon gas, I see lots of SUVs, sports cars, pickups, etc. Even the "poor" people receiving government assistance have central air conditioning, digital cable TV, cell phones, lots of jewelry and expensive clothes, and they drive nice cars. Most of the "poor" people I see have money to spend on cigarettes and most of them look like they are getting plenty to eat.

I hear the liberals screaming "THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING!", but I am doing well and everywhere I look around everyone else seems to be doing well.

Why do you think everything is so bad?
Out of touch with reality is all I can come up with dude.

Unemployment is NOT low.

And what about the people who ran out of benefits??

I can give a crap about gas prices (which are over 3.25 a gallon soon to be 4 dollars).

THE DOLLAR has been de valued about 45% That means (to you REALITY challenged people) that your dollar buys about half of what it did eight years ago. (Hmm thats about the amount of time your hero Bu sh has been ruining the country) Think about it dude. It aint that complicated.

You are completely out of touch with reality.

Put me in the Gavin camp.

Although I have been a victim of downsizing, rightsizing whatever you want to call it 3 times since 2002 (there's some reality for you) I have somehow almost doubled my salary, bought a house worth 2.5 times what I was in, own a second vehicle (the ST), felt comfortable enough financially to have two more kids, have increased my savings account 5x what it had been, contribute $125-$150/month to all 3 kids 529 plans, pump cash into my 401K, etc, etc. Devalued dollar or not I sure as hell feel I am doing better than I was went Mr. Hillary Rodham was running the joint.

Oh, wait, I know where all my expendable income comes from - savings from haircuts. Being follically challenged can be a good thing.

Please accept the previous paragraph as sarcastic humor.

Lets face it. It's not a Republican problem, nor is it a Democrats problem. It's an American problem created by both Republicans and Democrats.

80% of Americans are very middle of the road. Most have specific opinions that are very conservative while views on other topics may be very libral. Most americans will sway from side to side depending upon which topic is being discussed, but overall they are very much a middle of the road group.

The problem is the political candidtate have to follow the pary line an lean extremely to the Left or Right to mantain their party support. That appears to be John McCain's problem now is that many of the extreme Right don't think he is conservative enough to represent their paries views

Hillary is in a similar predicatment being behind in delagates because she pay be too extreme to the Left to what appears to be a more moderate Obama?

We had 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of George W, and neither has done much good for America. I beleive that George the first created the conditions changed the economy when Clinton took over, but by the end of the Clinton era the stock market was in shambles and going down hill. George II too over and saw the collapse of Enron and the other Wall Street scandlles break. Then after some prosperity followed by the war dragging on, the realestate markets bubble burst and the economy falling into a resession/depression.

Neither party did it alone, they both followed a different path to the same results because they only worried about what would happen during their term in office, not what would happen in the long run. But then who do you blame when this has been goining on for 60+ years.

In the end it is us that is the problem we keep tolerating the pliitical extremests, the lobiist, and political corruption by voting for these same people over and over again. We need a totally independent candidate who will truely represent change and you will not find him/her in either the Democratic or Republican party.


In the end, people who complain the most only have to look in the mirror to see the problem...trying to blame someone else for you problems will not fix them, only you will !!!
Oh, this is going to be FUN...

You are aware that the WSJ is a newspaper geared to the "haves" and not the "have nots"?

Just because they are a "financial" times paper makes them a paper for the "haves"? I know more people who get the WSJ than the NY Times, but hey.... that's because all I hang around with are bigots, racists, capitalists, evangelical hatemongers, right?

Look at circulation numbers:

The Wall Street Journal, 2,068,439

The New York Times, 1,627,062.


I can go through Coulter/Hannity/Limbaugh's biggest lies

I'm just waiting to hear what these may be. Do I agree with EVERYTHING they say? Nope. But I don't go around calling them a liar. Do I agree with everything that the 3 Al's say (Sharpton, Franklin, Gore)? Absolutely not. I will call them all liars because they have been prooven to be liars. Gore in court. Sharpton in court. Franklin.... his entire life. I have yet to see a single lie especially out of Hannity and Limbaugh.

I guess I have to consider the source:

Gavin/TomT/Richard L.

(Propaganda producers)

Guess getting information from The DailyKOS and Media Matters makes you a truthsayer then? Got news for ya....

Out of touch with reality is all I can come up with dude.

Since EMPLOYMENT is at 95.2% right now. Can't be all bad when 95 out of every 100 people have a job IF they are looking. Economists consider "full employment" to be between 94-95%, we are more than fully employed.

So tell me, who's really out of touch with reality?

Unemployment is NOT low.

See above. 95.2% EMPLOYED. That's definately high. It's higher than the average time during Mr. Clinton's presidency.

But if Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are the "saviors" of our economy, let's look at the unemployment in Illinois and New York:

Illinois: 5.2% UNEMPLOYED (Dec. 2007)

New York: 4.6% UNEMPLOYED (Dec. 2007)

If they are going to be soooo good for our economy, why don't they start in their own states which have lower unemployment than the national average?

And what about the people who ran out of benefits??

It's called "Time to Get Your Ass Out and Get A Job" benefits. They are out there. Do something for yourself for once. Why must you rely on the government to do something for you? The last time people relied on the government for services, we got a bankrupt and utter failure of the "Social Security" program and the spectacular results of the Katrina Aid Program. Yeah, I want these same people to do my health care and my employment.

Think I'll pass on both.

I can give a crap about gas prices (which are over 3.25 a gallon soon to be 4 dollars).

I paid $3.01 Sunday. Local stations are still at $3.05. This has little to do with a president but rather a congress passing draconian laws that place a premium on the tufted tit mouse vs. nearly $1 TRILLION in economic growth. Don't get me wrong, we need to be good stewards of our environment. However a pipeline through uninhabited tundra and drilling in a miniscule area of Alaksa (a pretty barren place that northern shore is) is not going to affect the Carabou population. Trust me on that one.

THE DOLLAR has been de valued about 45% That means (to you REALITY challenged people) that your dollar buys about half of what it did eight years ago. (Hmm thats about the amount of time your hero Bu sh has been ruining the country) Think about it dude. It aint that complicated.

Exactly. It ain't that complicated.... until you look to really see how the economy works. Then you can go and contradict yourself, as you just did. You want a "strong" dollar, but yet you want a good economy. If the dollar were "strng" right now, unemployment would be like it was under (another one of<
Thanks for the additional info, guys.

I hear about all the gloom and doom, and I look at myself and see that I am doing pretty dang good-- living better than 99% of the rest of the world. Things have steadily been getting better, and I believe in the hard-working American spirit to continue to meet whatever challenges are thrown our way. We have nearly unlimited opportunities in this country if you want to work hard and do even better.

I look at all the people crying and complaining about being poor and see that many of them have more toys and an easier life than I do. I'm not complaining, but they sure don't look like poor people to me. They don't act like it either. They get better cuts of meat than I do and buy prepared gourmet food and stuff with their food stamps, and then they buy cartons of cigarettes, bottles of liquor and fancy dog food with cash. Then they load it all up in a Lexus or Escalade.

Sure, things could be better, but I thank God everyday for all the wonderful blessings he bestows on me and people in the U.S.
RShek said: "I have yet to see a single lie especially out of Hannity and Limbaugh."

I will stop you right there son. If you actually believe that two freaks like Limbaugh and Hannity dont lie...I will go no further. You have just crossed over the "reality line."

You also said that you arent affilliated with any political party. HA- you think Hannity and Limbaugh dont lie!!! hahaha You ARE a complete stooge RShrek, and can no longer claim to have a valid opinion on this site. AWESOME!

I cannot believe that you said that Hannity and Limbaugh have never lied. You are a piece of work. You have to be kidding right?? I have never seen anything like it! my oh my....

I love it!
