Palin for VP

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Partisan politics is never going to change in this country until we get a strong third party, and that ain't happening this year, either. So get used to the bickering, it's not going to stop.

It won't stop even with a 3rd party. Ron Reagan had 49 states when he beat Mondale. He got criticism until the day he died (and many stil criticize him).

It's not going to change until everyone is dead or Jesus returns..... There were those that criticized Washinton, Adams, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Ford, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, Bush. Nothing new. There will be those that criticize President McCain and those that will criticize the looser as well. There will be plenty who would criticize President Obamalamadingdong.... it's life in politics.
Hey Frank,

Instead of calling everyone unpatriotic, or a schmuck, tell us why you think Obama is the right choice. And don't say because Opraha told he was the right person.
After watching the news all day, I think McCain has put the nail in the coffin.

No way he can win at this point.

Thank gawd, as a Lib, I won't have to vote for obama or McCain.
McCain just secured the female vote that was already to vote for Hilarity. Remember, as great as America is we have a lot of dumb people that are lemmings and 'do' just because that is what others are doing.

It is pretty brilliant what McCain did. The charm on the arm.

What a thread!

You guys never disappoint!:D

Looks like we have a majority that support McCains decision.

A few that do not, and a couple that think she's HOT!:wub:

Well done ST'ers.

Shek, don't know about j.vocaty post

I give it a huh as well:lol:
According to several websites, a majority (70% or better) see this decision as positive. Only 20% sees this decision as bad, according to Fox News.
Has anyone been to Alaska? I was there on a fishing trip about 10 years ago. What struck me most was how little there is there. Even Anchorage feels small. Not much to govern. Experiance is going to be an issue. On the otherhand she is hotter than Hillary.
A very positive move for all. I see this as an excellent way to get people to take an interest in what is going on. No matter who one votes for, this will stir the public to get out there and vote. (I hope)

Paulin may or may not be a good candidate for McCain's VP We know very little about her at this point. For that matter we don't know that much about Obama either. He kind of burst onto the national scene when he spoke at the Democratic Convention 4 years ago as an unknown except for some people in Illinois.

Since he started running for President, we only got more info about him when he started to surpass Hillary in the primaries. Then much of the negative info were lies. I'm sure we will hear a lot a lies about Palin from disgruntled Democrats

I have only heard one new report about Biden's plagerizm scandal back in 1988 since he was announced as Obama's pick for VP. There was never any mention of is other error of puffing up his military experience that proved to be false. I beieve that he claimed he was a Colonel when he was only a Captain, and/or that he received metals and awards that he did not receive.

I'm sure there will be skeletons in Palins closet as well as John McCain's and even Obamas. Almost everyone has done something in their past that they don't want others to know about...Those incidents might just be embarassing, while others might be deemed as crimes.

Anyone who thinks that a single speach, or the selection of a running mate, make that the linch-pin of theire vote at such an early stage of this election.


All we have heard about obama is that he wants change. Change to what? He won't tell us. And then there is hope. What's that mean? Change is not always good.

They keep talking about if you are better off now or 8 years ago. 8 years ago, on the tail end of the Clinton admin, the economy started going down. I'm in construction, and the office building market which was our primary focus, and that work dried up almost overnight, and I lost my job. That was 2000. Can't blame that on Bush. Can't blame that on Clinton. Economy is cyclical, always has been, always will be. Blaming the prez is stupid. I knew that from Clinton's campaign statement "it's the economy, stupid". I'm not saying that this mortgage situation isn't a mess, a lot of people are getting hurt, and it's dragging down an overinflated housing market. People gambled, and they lost. I could see those loans were trouble when they became popular, I made the right decision to stay away. So to answer their question, yes I am better off today than I was 8 years ago.
Good points Randy.

Bush hasn't been that bad of a President as far as I'm concerned.

Actually the unemployment rate is low.

Bush tax cuts are a good thing and the Rebates helped.

We are and have been in a major trade deficit, but that has been the case

through several administrations.

No other president in recent times have had to endure with the stuff

that Bush has had to deal with.

1. 9-11 seven months into his presidency. The worst act of terrorism

the world has ever seen as far as impact and effect.

2. Katrina, Nagin and Blanco are mostly to blame, but NO should have been more prepared.

Who builds a city under sea level anyways?

3. Housing crisis, Lenders and borrowers alike are personally responsible for this.

Bush didn't make the bad loans.

Can anyone name one piece of legislation Obama has Authored?

Can anyone name specifics on why they think Bush is a bad President?

What was the first thing Bill Clinton signed when he took office?

It's just that Politics and the News media have divided this country nearly in half.

We have the Red and Blue States.

Democrat and Republican.

McCain is vying for those on the fringe.

The undecided or independents that vote for people not parties.

I am Conservative, but feel that the Republicans of late

have lost touch with their base. They have no fight.

They seem cowed down by the media which has proven to be biased to the left

and have their own agenda. The media agenda is money and greed.

Divisiveness sells, they have created most of this.

I haven't been a McCain fan, but looking further at him,

he does have what we need, a Maverick who can shake things up.

Reach across the aisle and maybe, just maybe get things done.

Congress just wants to bicker, Not one of those jerks have done anything to bring Gas prices

down. If we can get a tank of gas back down under 40 bucks. That would help

the country alot.


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