Todd Z's Zabteck Performance Website

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Rich, I am not home and cant make that change right now.....

BUt this is from the bottom of the throttle body page.

We will mod any throttle body for any vehicle. Due to the Sport Trac being our only vehicle we do not stock cores or do R&D on any other vehicle. If you have a core or wish to send us your throttle body for modification please allow a 3 to 4 week turn around and be aware that they may not be able to be modified as much as the Sport Trac.

HA, I said Sport trac twice !!..... LOL :lol::lol::lol:

It will get done this weekend some time.

Todd Z
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Ah yes! You hid it in the fine print. :rolleyes:

I would put "Sport Trac" right up there with the 2001 Job1 and 2001-2006 Job2,

I would also indicate on the home page that you are speciallizing in Sport Trac and Explorer performance ehhansements....Unless of course you plan on doing things for other vehicles??

I don't plan on advertising for other vehicles, But this can be done to any vehicle, AND I am willing to do it for others... so I need to word it in that way.....

And Yes, the front page will get the ST update, I will work it right in, BUT I will not put till 06 though..... :D:D:D

Todd Z
lol, Sorry, Todd. It doesn't suck, it serves a very good purpose; all the info you need in a quick and easy read. I realize I may've been over critical, and maybe even harsh, but I'm not gonna tell someone something because that's what they want to hear. If all you have a 'yes men' you never know how to improve. One should always try to improve. Also, I wouldn't have said anything if I hadn't been there before, knew the difficulties, and weren't willing to help. I've had my hand in site design and maintenance for several years now and know what you're going through. If yall ever need a hand, lemme know, I'll see what I can do.

Still don't have the motor <i>running</i>, didn't really check out the carb I got with the motor a whole lot, other then a general inspection, turns out there wasn't a single gasket on it. Leaked like a sieve. Also think the primary fuel bowl is messed up a bit. Off to Summit later today or Saturday to get a carb renew kit and new fuel bowl.
I think it serves its purpose well. Since it mostly focuses on Sport Tracs, and is linked from this site, I don't think it needs to be very elaborate. Anyone who finds that page knows what they're looking for when they go there. I think it would be very hard to "stumble" across that page just searching the internet, and even then, you'd have to be searching for Explorer or Sport Trac performance parts. I like the background, but I think the pics should have some kind of border around them to make them stand out from the background, and I don't care for the way the videos start playing automatically. When I go look at the "Customer Whips" page, I get 2 videos trying to play at the same time and the sound and everything gets pretty annoying.

Like I said, it serves the purpose well. It shows you up front what you are getting, it shows you some active members of the site with the parts installed, and it shows you what you can gain. Nothing more, nothing less; nothing to take away from the fact that this IS just a garage shop. I'd much rather buy from a garage shop than a high volume online store because I know the guy in the garage probably knows more about the specifics of what he's selling, and he'll be easier to contact should I need to. He'll also be more likely to be able to help should a problem arise, instead of just an e-mail saying "send it back and pay for s/h and we'll send you a new one if we think it's broken"
Tiger, I appreciate the help offer, But i think this is as far as I want to go with the site, I just want the info out there and thats relay it....

I don't expect everyone to say we love it...

Scott's points are well taken especially the security stuff, i agree...

I looked at his companies web site and the 3 pages of security and CYA stuff is mind boggling.....

Can the site be made much better, Yes I do agree, But I am not trying to compete with any one else...

IF Some one doesn't want my product because of the web site, then it is what it is...

Todd Z

Blert, It is there, Just no need for a "home" button on the home page...

What I meant was that it was there (on the other pages) but it had not been changed as the rest had been. I see it is fixed now.

If t'was me, I would ditch the frames and go with some sexy CSS design. Frames are clumsy and can be funk to work with. I actually like it though. It says "Hey, if you want my product contact me. This is not a business but rather something I enjoy doing." Flashy website are a bore and a waste of time, IMHO.
Note to self....

Do not sell to Scott Simon.... ... He will sue you....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I know all the BS stuff that can happen..... IT is stupid and retarded... .... Maybe I will just make the site private......hmmmmmmmmm

Todd Z
Scott, I guess I am a plain and simple man, I see the desk blotter and think school, The pics of me are UGLY and I would never put me on any site I create.. I hate brown paneling...

The layout is cool, But to me that site doesn't in any way say "performance" I am sure logos and other pics and buttons can be added to make it look like a better site, But IT looks like It is a resume site for me trying to get a job in teaching....

IF the layout was like Explorer expresses site, Underdogs site, or something like that it would be cool, Those layouts I like...

IF I had the knowledge and know how I would make a site with a better layout and better looks... , But I don't, and I am not a person to ask favors and have people do stuff like that for me...

Todd Z

Todd, IMO the site works for me. It's simple and easy to use. I don't like having to root around through a buch of stuff to find what I'm looking for. Show me what you have and I'll look at it. Your site does that. Good job and I'll be hitting you for a TB hopefully sometime soon.;)

We are working on more colors and different back rounds and stuff like that, IF I feel the need to "improve" with a different layout I will, OR IF I ever get the time to learn something about web design, I may update then....

For now the census says it is OK-good, I am happy for now...

Maybe the improvements we made tonight may help...

Todd Z
Thanks to everyone with the constructive comments on how to improve the site. Like Todd said neither one of use have website design experience and there is no point on having someone design a $3,000 website built on flash. Scott, thanks for your comments too, although they could have been worded less negatively. I know you are trying to help but with someone having all that advice I would think your Solutions Etcetera site would have been better than it is ;)

The biggest complaint was the link buttons, and those have now been fixed. We did think about changing them ourselves but wanted to get the site live asap. Thanks for those comments. I also changed removed the background image and replaced it with solid black. I personally think it looks a lot better. I also added "Sport Trac" to the item descriptions, removed the embedded videos (they are now links), changed the color of the links, and added a basic disclaimer page.

Tiger and others, thanks for your comments. I will continue to read the suggestions and get ideas. We don't want to change the basic layout and like the simple, basic look. Todd doesn't have a lot of items for sale (at least not now), and this makes the site easier to navigate.



Yes remove them...

Todd Z
Jeff, I have no clue...

Scott was trying to help (I guess) and it seemed to me it was more bashing then help...

I think he could have simply stated (like SST did,) That the site was OK, But he felt he could do better and offer help, Not write a thesis and smash my head on a rock...

People allways react differently to things and people take things differently...

By scott making that web site (to me) was a slap in the face, Basically mocking what George and I created.. Thats how I took it... AND that to me is NOT helping..

I know nothing about web design and probably never will....

Todd Z

I love it when people say "Bye" as to provoke pitty or something.

I can see where Scott was trying to help, Todd. But, I feel he got upset that you didn't take his advise. How can I put this. A guy fixes your car for free but gets upset when you don't say thankyou, yet in reality, you never asked him to repair it, but offer a solution to the problem.

Oh well...:huh:
I like the small changes to the website, to me, made a huge improvement. That background was bothersome to me.

I love simple sites. While having flash, lots of JavaScript or huge CSS files can create some really awesome effects, they really aren't needed. Look at the more popular sites like Yahoo! and Google, simple and clean layouts. Although Yahoo! does have a fair amount of JavaScript and flash, the look is simple. Where am I going with this? I'm not sure. So I'll stop.

On last thing I'd change, re-render the navigation buttons to get rid of the little bit of white that's left in the corners. Of course, I might just be nitpicking now...

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