Ted Kennedy passed this evening at 77

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Bill V said:

Fast Eddie, until you have any idea at all of what you're talking about, STFU....


Easy, Bill. Might want to heed your own words about "inappropriate, classless" comments.

it's about good taste

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TrainTrac, you're right--I apologize. While the sentiment I was expressing was and still is dead-on correct, the language was not. I'll edit my post.
That is how he was a good Senator -- he represented his state in the way that they wanted.

There is some serious oversight in that comment.

His re-election in no way means that he represented his state in the way that his constituents desired. Perhaps he was the "lesser of two evils"? Many people voted for Kerry simply because they hated Bush vehemently. Perhaps the campaign press swayed voters who were ignorant and caught up in the hype? Growing dissent from "reforming" kool-aid drinkers regarding Obama shows that much.

All this assumes that the election was honest. Election fraud is very real, and is historically proven to work. It is easily a possibility.


hat the legislation was bad and he was elected because of his family name are only "established" in this thread because you say they are.

That is a rather lame attempt to be a sophist. The thread quoted facts, such as No Child Left Behind. The former is egregious all around, and reviled by both sides. Think back to how the Left attacked Bush over it if you doubt it. This thread established such because it cited fact, an example of the copious amount of legislation that he sponsored, which is a prime reason you stated for why he was elected. No Child Left Behind is terrible legislation, and it is the crowning achievement of Kennedy's stint in the senate. From that alone, we can extrapolate that the vast majority of his other legislation was poor. But wait, we don't have to extrapolate, we can look back and see.

Now, I ask you a question. Do you consider Obama to have been a good senator? Based on your first reason, he clearly was not. Your second reason can't come to bear.
The Kenney's, despite being very misguided ultra-left wing whackos most of the time did do some great things for reforming the treatment and lot of disabled persons. Eunice Kennedy, especially deserves a special place in history for her recognition and support of the disabled.
Meh...I don't miss MJ and & I won't miss TK either!!!

Feel for their families though...

Odd that both TK & Mary Jo both died partially due to the #77...

A burial at sea in a 1967 Olds with (2) 7's on the license plate would be appropriate IMO!!!!
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It's not like he murdered mary Jo. They were out for a little sex, had two much booze on board, Ran the car off a bridge, she died.

Who murderd M Monroe, or had her offed?
Ah, KL. I don't agree with much of his legistlation either. I think No Child Left Behind is a Joke. That's not the point. The point is that obviosly the people of Massachusettes felt that he was the best person for the job for, what, 40 years. And to assert that people were duped and "caught up in the hype" for that long seems just flat silly to me.

I don't think simply being re-elected is enough on its own to call someone a "good" public official, because as you say, corruption, voter fraud, etc. does occur at times. But it is a good indicator. Representing your consituents in the best way you know how and how they want you to is the way to be being a "good" public official. I don't see enough in Senator's Kennedy's record to dispute that (though I'm sure you will point something out that you say does), and apparently, neither have enough of the residents of Massachusettes.

And for the record, no, I don't think Obama was a good Senator, for those reasons (doesn't have enough of a record as Senator to be a good Senator) as well as others. I also don't think he is a good President, and for that reason, I don't think he will be re-elected either. But I'm not hopeful for him being tortured in hell either.

What's surprising to me is that the Kennedy's didn't wait 9 hours to make the an

nouncement! :lol:

And Roger, I wouldn't criticize anyone's spelling if I were you. No offense.
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We are in desperate need of ...

Term limits

Tort Reform

Fair Tax

border controls

downsize the Federal Governement by 10% per year.

for about 4-5 years.

quit adding stuff (Pork) to bills that do not pertain to the original bill.

(forgot what that is called.)

Freeze congrssional pay until they can balance the budget.

to include their staff.

and a bunch of other stuff...

I dunno. I think people are a little too partisan to give credit where credit is due. The Kennedy's, though a family that made their fortune in bootlegging, did a lot of good (actually great) things for this country.

JFK was a war hero and a president that took our country through a very trying time (see the movie "Thirteen Days" if you don't want to read). RFK was fighting the good fight against corruption in unions and the mob as attorney general. Ted Kennedy was a champion for the common man, for the poor. Yes, these men had their own frailties and demons. They were still men.

Their family motto was: "To those who much is given, much is expected", and their service to their country and its people displayed that.

So, yes, Teddy made some mistakes...a tragic mistake in one case. Yes, he leaned pretty far left. But if there isn't something that you can admire in his life of 77 years than I feel sorry for you...truly sorry.

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I hear ya bud, but you must have forgotten a small detail about the current political administration. In one word; Dems...

They thrive on those given "details" IMO!!!!!!!!
And no, bill, I don't give TJR any props as you did.

Although, there were probably many good things TK accomplished while on this Earth, I believe the "bad" he did far outweighs the good. If only (1) "bad".

For that one bad, even IF God forgave him for it because he asked to be forgiven, I do NOT wish him a restful Peace!!!! At least NOT for the first 9 hours!!!!!!!!!

Kinda like Timothy McVeigh. Sure, he could have repented just as the OK Police were pulling himn over for the missing plate, but I have no different fellings for him either!!!

Dis-regard for human life is NOT a forgiveable trait IMO...