SICKO: Movie

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Chris Kulbaba

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
Wow. I watched this movie last night... And honestly even if 1/4 of the things that are said and done in this movie in regards to the American health system is true I feel greatly sorry for your people. It really made me realize how lucky we are up here in Canada to get any medical help we need, no matter what.

I know im going to get razzed about this but if you guys dont do something once this movie hits theatres on Friday you deserve what you got. Its the people that decide the fate of thier country and thier health care system. Its called democracy and the power is the people's.

Anyways, fight for your lives!

Mr. Moore's movies, generally referred to as documentaries, are really political fiction. I have no doubt that such horror stories can be found in the Canadian system. In fact, we here in the States regularly hear and read that the Canadian system is the perfect example of what NOT TO DO. Personally, I do not know where the real truth lies and I tend to discount much of what I read since it is almost always written by someone who has an agenda.

I challenge you to find a case of something like whats shown in this documentary thats happened in Canada.

Of course the American government has to show that everyone else is doing it wrong to defend thier position and profits made by thier private health care system.

If being turned away from the Hospital with your dying newborn because you have no health care coverage and later that week the child dies is the right way, then i'm glad we are doing it the wrong way. That would NOT happen in a Universal Health Care System.

An attitude like the one you portrayed in that comment is the exact reason why your country lets its people die for not having insurance. Even the people WITH insurance are dying, or being put so far under financially they might as well be dead.


I find Moore's movies informative, thought-provoking, entertaining, exploitative, opinionated and sensationalist.

Note I lead with informative and thought-provoking.

I have no illusions that the healthcare system in this country isn't seriously flawed and on the verge of collapse. I think when my generation (the 40-somethings on the back end of the baby-boom) reaches our golden years we won't be able to afford our own healthcare and managed care, and the demand for such care will be at an all-time high.

Case-in-point: $400 for a 30 minute office visit to get your vitals checked and have an Rx or two written, even though you and I only pay $25 or so out of pocket is criminal, and that's just your average, run of the mill, every day healthcare visit in America.

Costs are out of control, true patient care is non-existant unless you can afford your own private physician (a new trend these days for the rich), and the only ones really making any money at medicine (yes, if we are going to do it the Capitalist way then someone has to make money) is the insurance companies in the middle.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I don't have to in order to know that the current system is SICKO.

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Our US Health system is severely flawed. Mr. Moore's views are very informative, although the extremes, but opens our eyes to what can and will happen with our current system. Our Health system has turned into a business and not to assist the US people. I put the blame on the government, the people, and the insurances. We definitely need to step it up on this subject. Politicians dont want money taken out of their pockets and will turn the other way on health issues.

I grew up in England - I imagine the healthcare system of Canada and England are similar. Anyway, in England, in addition to the National Healthcare Service, there are private hospitals with privately funded/paid doctors and nurses. You betcha a$$ you'd get turned away. I suspect the same is true for Canada.

Now, on the flip side, here in San Antonio, most places of course want insurance. But there are hospitals that CANNOT turn you away.

So, the bottom line is you just need to know where to go to get the help.
Michael Moore of course wants to get people thinking, but one thing that I've noticed in his critics is the use of the word "fiction" to describe his examples. I think "selective" and "spun" would be more accurate. If you compile a video showing worst-case scenarios, you can paint an awful picture of just about anything--BUT, that does not mean those worst cases are fictional, faked or otherwise fraudulent. There is a big difference between being selective and sensational and outright making stuff up.
Personally, I think Michael Moore should be charged with terrorism. That is exactly what his movies are intended to do. He's an idiot that has tried to gain fame by pointing out a few cases where something has gone wrong due to particular people and their inability to do their jobs correctly.

On a side note, it's not fiction. It's selective reporting. Even when you watch the 6 o' clock news, you never hear the good. You only hear the bad. If you believed only what you see in movies and on the news, we're all going to die VERY shortly.
Living her in Cleveland and having arguably one of the best hospitals in the world in our town ( the Cleveland Clinic) and hearing about what famous sheik or leader from a 3rd world nation is in town for special health care, they come to this country for the best health care, they don't go to Cuba. But yes there are problems with the system, just like every other system in every other country, nothings perfect.
My health insurance and health care are great. I can access any doctor I want, and insurance provides excellent coverage and service.

Of course, I went to college, worked hard, and do a good job. Good health insurance is part of my compensation for my earnings.

I don't feel sorry for folks who don't work hard or try to better themselves to have excellent healthcare and insurance like I do.

Now, I do think we need to take care of the disabled and those who can't take care of themselves. However, we don't need to take care of folks too stupid or too lazy to take care of themselves. Health insurance is not an entitlement, and neither is excellent health care.

Moore's movies are just fictional entertainment at best. He goes around trying to pick something out of the cracks to find an outlier that maybe fell through the system, and then he pumps the story full of sensationalism. He's just another whiny liberal trying to tell us that the country has gone to hell and that everything is all bad due to the big bad republicans. Last time I checked, unemployment was at an all-time low for the past several years, interest rates are very low, there is little inflation, and the country has not had a terror attack since 9/11. Seems like we are really doing very well right now, not in a "CRISIS" like these idiots try to get us to believe.
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In fact, we here in the States regularly hear and read that the Canadian system is the perfect example of what NOT TO DO.

That is the Kool-Aid we are given to drink.

The most frustrating thing to me is the whole "ERs can't turn people away" thing.

The few times I've needed to go to an ER, I've genuinely NEEDED emergency care. I end up sitting for 2 hours while every illegal immigrant with a kid with a cold is there for their free care.
hahahaha... wow, some of you are actually defending the american healthcare system? that makes no sense.

I am a proud Canadian. I recently went for a physical and next week I go for a biopsi for some moles on my back. 5 years ago I broke my back, was paralyzed from the waste down for 2 week (all spent in hospital), then through a year and a half of rehab. My daughter was born in 2001, Not to mention regular check-ups and visits for colds etc. over the past couple years... guess how much this all cost me.... NOTHING!

ya, whatever you do DO NOT COPY OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM... it sucks sooo bad to be up here... hahahaha (in case you didnt figure it out, that was sarcasm)
The most frustrating thing to me is the whole "ERs can't turn people away" thing. The few times I've needed to go to an ER, I've genuinely NEEDED emergency care. I end up sitting for 2 hours while every illegal immigrant with a kid with a cold is there for their free care.

There aren't a lot of times where I actually feel sickened by something I read on a message board, but this comment is one of those times. You have to be pretty high on your horse to openly state that your life is more important than someone else's (or their kids') simply because you have a good job that pays your health insurance premium. You generally only hear this kind of thing from far-right, white supremacist guys who have this extreme entitlement from feeling they are the only hard workers who are doing everything right (college degree, good job, nice car and watch, etc.. all well deserved) and poor people are just refuse. The fact is, that one's starting point (geographically and financially) makes a huge difference--more significant that one's work ethic for about 99.99% of people. If you were born a poor woman in Cuba, I think you'd have a very different attitude towards ERs turning people away.

I definitely do not agree with this idea that one's monetary wealth is a measure of their life's worth.

Also, if you come into an E.R. in an ambulance with an actual life or limb threatening injury, they are not going to put you in queue behind some kids with colds. That's B.S. and you know it.
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{spoiler--sarcasm ahead}

Ah yes--another one of those topics on this board that is destined for a huge pissing match. Well, since I'm sure the thread won't be going away on its own anytime soon, I might as well throw some more fuel on the fire, sit back, and and enjoy watching the sparks fly. So let's see, what's the most combustible comment I can make? I think this one's worth an attempt...

It doesn't matter what health care system you have--as long as it doesn't have any homosexual Christian union members in it!!!!!

:lol::p:lol::p:wacko::lol::p:lol: :rolleyes:
Personally, I do not know where the real truth lies and I tend to discount much of what I read since it is almost always written by someone who has an agenda.

Guess some of you didn't read this line in my first post. All government systems have problems. You can find veterans who will swear that the VA hospitals are the best as well as those who will swear they are death traps. Some say too many people do not have health insurance, yet, others point out that just about anyone can access free health care. So read the above quote again.

I have mixed emotions about the notion that we are "entitled" to comprehensive health care at the expense of the tax payers. I do suspect it will come to that someday.....just a matter of time.
Adam S. clearly didn't read the text he quoted.... :huh:

The quoted passage wasn't about monetary worth being life's worth. It was about a system meant to deal with serious injuries being clogged by treatments of head colds.
I have mixed emotions about the notion that we are "entitled" to comprehensive health care at the expense of the tax payers. I do suspect it will come to that someday.....just a matter of time.

I has to come to that. For every other emergency service we're already at that point. Can you imagine what would happen if we had fire departments that would only rescue people who had paid for "fire insurance" ahead of time? This is no different... no decent, moral person could in good conscience right off someone's life because they can't afford to pay to be saved. I don't care what God you pray to, there isn't one that would be OK with letting immigrants or poor people burn, bleed to death or otherwise expire from neglect simply because they couldn't pay for rescuers.

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