gay marriage

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Sheep lovers...time for another joke.

So there was this farmer one day working on a fence by the country road in front of his farmhouse when a car pulled up alongside him.

As the flashy stranger got out of the car, the farmer said:

"If you are selling, I'm not buying!"

The stranger indicated that he wasn't a salesman, but had a talent that the farmer might be interested in. The stranger said:

"Dear sir, I can converse with animals, and I can prove it. After a demonstration if you are convinced, just give $10 for my exhibition and you can share the story with your amazed friends. If you are not convinced, you owe me nothing!"

The farmer was interested, so he agreed.

First the stranger went over to the cow, whispered in its ear, the cow moo'ed a few times, and then the stranger said to the farmer:

"She said that she enjoys the hay you give her, but when you milk her could you please warm your hands first and not pull her teats so hard?"

The farmer was intriqued, but not totally convinced. So, the stranger then whispered to the farmer's trusty dog. The dog barked a couple of times, and then the stranger relayed to the farmer:

"The dog says he doesn't like being left outside all night long and he really hates it when you kick his arse for peeing on the floor. Oh, and he wishses you didn't do that thing to his nuts!"

At that the farmer was pretty much convinced the stranger had a talent.

The stranger wanted to seal the deal, and talk to one more animal. He said:

"Should I talk with the sheep next!"

To which the farmer answers excitedly:

"NO! Don't talk to her. That sheep LIES!"
my two cents::::

we cannot equate the bible into other peoples lives or choices. Things that make one person commit a sinful act may not necessarily cause someone else to commit that same act. Sin it in someways individualized based upon ones environmental factors in maturing. ie some think you can justify stealing or drinking at a young age or even drugs etc b/c they where raised in an environment where it was "ok".

Some christian prechers have asserted that a person predispotition to become gay is from the lack of relationship with the same sex parent or the negative relationship with that parent. They seek the love and attention from the same sex b/c they did not receive it from their parent.

Some scientist have asserted that some kids are predisposed and the friends I now that are gay seem to say they new they liked the same sex from early early childhood given substance to that assertion, however, the majority of them also have severe issues with the same sex parent.

Historically, our county tries to make moral laws to keep people within the boundaries of what society says is normal, ie, oral sex is still punishable by 20 years in prison in my state. this is an issue of morality not an issue of a crime. Having more than one wife, I could not do that but how does it affect me. In reality very little. If that family is on welfare, more than likely those as individuals would be on it anyway. Second point it, its ok to have 20 kids out of wedlock but illegal to have two wifes and have children being raised in that environment. Again not advocating life style just making an observation.

My point it this, no matter if I agree or disagree with homosexual marriage, or any other issue, It is not ok in my book to demorilize or abuse those that do. I dont agree with stright or gay couples engaging in EXTREME, public displays of affection. I don't harras those that do but I don't agree with it.

Spending tax payers money on government hearings on steriod use in baseball. How, does that affect me other than using my tax money. It does not, look at wresling, NFL, even the triatholon now, all sports have some use of steriods, why single out baseball?

It is time for our government to stop legislating morality and look for true answers to some of our contries problems. Homeless vets, good medical care for our military guys coming home from war, homeless in general, affordable healthcare etc...

If our govenment would stop spending our tax dollars on crazy stupid laws and pork barrell bullsxxt, and we as a society would stop getting sidetracked on issues that truly should be left to individuals, then maybe we would move forward.

Ok, thats my opinion and I am sure some of you will jump all over it. I will not defend it b/c its just that "my opinion".


TJR, you are right, thank you for the correction.

OK, now this is a first for me, I'm going to disagree with NelsonOKC. And not just because I'm a Texan and he's from that other State either. :D

I don't agree that only marriages performed by a religous ceremony of some sort are valid marriages. I was married in the back yard of a friend and the ceremony was performed by a Justice of the Peace. That was almost 22 years ago. I guess it all comes down to how you define marriage. My definition does not include any sort of religion, but then again I'm not really a religious person. I am a spiritual person, but I have problems with orgainized religions and the hipocracy that exists in so many so I don't consider myself religious. That would probably also explain why I don't care if marriage is between a man and a woman, a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I just don't think that the government should dictate anything based on any relgious beliefs. And in today's world who can really say what is and isn't normal?
I think of gay marriage pretty much like I think about abortion.

Don't believe in either, then don't get one.

Also, regarding having OPINIONS on gay marriage or abortion, I think the same is true. If you are gay, feel free to have an opinion on gay marriage. If you have a womb and can get pregnant, then have away at the abortion debate.

All the rest of us, effectively are in the "cheap seats" of the debate. We can have an opinion, but I really don't see us as having much "skin in the game".

If Genesis is to be taken literally, then the Earth is about 6000 years old, man lived with dinosaurs, carbon dating is crap science, Noah's flood created the Grand Canyon, and the gene pool is very, very shallow.

Of course Genesis is true. As for the carbon-dating, fossils, monkey skulls, etc.- who do you think created that stuff? Our God has a good sense of humor!
Yes, I am saying that without a god there can be a moral code.

Just checking.

Good to be athiest... I have a friend who is a minister's daughter, and she says that I'm one of the best people she knows, including all the members of her church. I haven't been to church since I started thinking on my own at age 12, except of course with the family at Xmas time.

As for the whole gay thing, I don't care, it's just funny that the pieces only fit together one way...kinda makes you think...:lol: Now you all have the nice visual.
So, if a man has urges only for another man and never for a woman, that man should live a sexless life? What if that man were you?


Hell, I like women, and I am basically living a sexless life.


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