Sending well wishes to everyone affected by the "Sandy"

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This was worse than Irene for those north of D.C., much worse. Here in tri-state Philly area there are 100s of thousands without power. Lot's of businesses closed today. Many people scrambling to clean up trees, fix roofs, etc.

NYC, especially lower Manhattan is in very bad shape, especially mass transit. The Jersey shore looks like a war zone.

This is a bad one. Estimates are that damages could be as high as $20B.
The news hyped up the storm to be half what Katrina was to NO and half the Apocalypse.

It turned out to be pretty lackluster here, and it looks overhyped everywhere. I'm glad that the damage is only shocking because of its unusual location and not its magnitude, but now that it is over I wish that the news would turn down its hype.

It's only big news because of how many people have had their daily routines disrupted. To even talk about it in any comparison to Katrina is disrespectful to those whose lives truly changed or ended. They didn't just have their lives inconveniently interrupted and experience unexpected financial loss. Seven years from now, none of this storms effects will be noticeable or even worth discussing. Anybody been to N.O. lately?
To even talk about it in any comparison to Katrina is disrespectful to those whose lives truly changed or ended.

Normally I'd be agreeing that newscasters have no scruples about being disrespectful to garner ratings but I can't say that I agree at all with your opinion that anyone comparing one hurricane to another is disrespectful.

Hugh and KL,

Do you really think that a comparison of Sandy to Katrina is important at this time. Both storms were devastating to the areas they hit...I'm sure those in the areas impacted by Sandy or Katrina spending much time making comparisons.

When I see the images coming out of NY and Jersey, I actually think it looks more like the Japanese tsunami aftermath than it does Katrina.

That said, the Katrina comparisons are indeed going to be made--and the only thing about it which is disrespectful is the people who are complaining about the comparisons.
Bill V,

That said, the Katrina comparisons are indeed going to be made--and the only thing about it which is disrespectful is the people who are complaining about the comparisons.

So your comparisons to the Japanese Tsunami are any better?

Peoples lives were turned upside down in all these tragic events...What's the point in comparing them? And what are you comparing....The property damage, the loss of lives, the cost to rebuild, The time to rebuild, or that somethings are lost forever and cannot be replaced?

NO disrepect, but. It is hard to compare sandy to katrina and ike. They all did billions $$'s. Some folks on the gulf coast are still dislocated and have nonthing. All had high body counts..

There will bean emptyness for years to come from all. East coast, gulf coast. There will be structures, parks, houses and other places. That will never come back.
Rich, I don't understand your post. I said that the comparisons between Sandy and Katrina are OK, and that it's also OK to compare the devastation to the tsunami. There will be similarities, there will be differences, and it's perfectly fine to discuss those.

The only ones being disrespectful are those who are complaining about those comparisons being made.

And regarding what I'm comparing--I'm just stating an opinion on the visuals to have come out of the three disasters. In the tsunami, many of the visuals coming out looked like they had resulted from the sea not just flooding onto land, but surging onto land, and pushing everything form the shore inland. And I've seen a lot of visuals from Jersey which also look that way. With Katrina, most of what I saw looked like the result of wind, rain, and flooding--but not necessarily as much surging. I'm not at all saying the amount of devastation from any one was worse than another, or that the visuals I saw of each were an accurate representation of what happened. I'm only commenting on my personal interpretation of they mode of destruction in what I've seen. And there's nothing at all disrespectful about doing so. Lighten up.
Bill V,

What do you not understand in my post? Eddie understood exactly.

My statement is asking "What is the point in comparing these disasters....does it matter if one had more wind damage and the other had more water damage? The only similarities is that a lot of people died, a lot of damage was done, and the effected areas will never be the same.

The media will provide more than enough comparisons based on the $ Billions of damage done, or lives lost, or 5 years from now, how much was rebuild or not rebuilt...and then the blame game begins to find out who did what wrong and when they did it?

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Over 1,800 people died as a result of Katrina; the rest of the stats can't even add useful data to that.

50+ deaths, power outages and no mass transit as a result of Sandy.

I'm sorry but these are not comparable. The images haven't even been similar, IMO. Sandy is more comparable to the floods that affected Atlanta in 2009 and statistics will back that up when completed. Anybody remember that flood? Hardly? Thought so. Maybe even more similar to the tornado outbreak in Alabama. People were celebrating Halloween tonight in hit areas; just saying...

I am truly sorry to anyone affected by Sandy and our prayers are with you. Hope everyone stays safe and gets back to normal soon.

The preparation, warning and response has all been incredible and it is obvious that our emergency management has gotten a lot better since 2001/2005. Lots of admiration for those involved in emergency response.
Rich, step back and re-read this entire thread.

The first mention of Katrina on here were by people complaining about others making comparisons. Note that there had been no comparisons made here--it went straight to complaining about the comparisons.

I said the comparisons are OK--and then said that the only thing truly inappropriate is ripping others for making the comparisons.

You ripped me for making comparisons. Then Eddie, despite opening with "It is hard to compare Sandy with Katrina and Ike," proceeds to make several more comparisons, after which you said that Eddie understood your post. On the other hand, if you find the fact that I made a comparison objectionable, then the fact that Eddie made a comparison should also be objectionable.

Which is it? If Eddie's post is OK with you, then that means that making comparisons is OK with you--in which case, you should have no beef with what I said.

Hugh--I'll grant that the death tolls were not comparable. To me, that points more to the fact that evacuation orders were more properly followed/enforced this time around. But you, too, violate your own statements. You say "these are not comparable", immediately after making comparisons. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Bill V,

Rich, step back and re-read this entire thread.

Eddie did not do a comparison, he only made general comments that apply to all these events.... there were $ Billions in damages, lots of deaths, and a long time to rebuild. He did not say which event had more damage, more deaths, or which will recover and rebuild first??? Does it matter if one had more wind damage while another had more water damage? Does it matter if your house was blown away by high winds, or washed away by water?

These events cannot and should not be compared....They happened at different times, to different locations, to different people, but the results were tragically similar. In the end, humans will be blamed for their poor decisions or lack of preparation.

It's not worth my time or effort to continue to debate this with you....You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine. Let's just agree to disagree.

PS: Bill, This does not mean that I have any less respect for you, your postings or your opinions...we just disagree on this one point.

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If my post is read corectly.

No comparison's. I used the words of east coast and gulf coast and all.

my punch line was all are in deep doodoo.

no hidden message.

So I also agree to disagree about it.
They all did billions $$'s....All had high body counts.

These are what are known in the English language as "comparisons".

Beyond that--Sounds good. We'll just agree to disagree. Cheers! :haveabeer:
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Bill V,

You were comparing wind damage to water damage in specific storms, and that's what I consider comparisons. One can easily say that all disasters cause damage and often deaths and that is not a comparison just a general statement of fact without implying any disaster was any worse than another.




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