OT: Side Arm Purchase

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I'm glad you agree gun ownership should be by choice. I didn't mean to pick on you, I just wanted to know the reason why you didn't like assault rifles. It is not hard to understand that you don't like them but support freedom of choice.

R Shek:

Just remember, if politicians can say that "you can't own that rifle", then using the same lunacy with Global Warming (such a farce) they can say "you can't own a Sport Trac or any other SUV". They can and they will if we let them, hence the 2nd amendment, keeping the rest of our freedoms ours.


Anti-gun people will give you 100 reasons you should not own an assult rifle. For the most part, I agree with them.

This maybe true, but I bet that myself and a few others here can poke a hole in all 100 of those points and reasons why those point are a) incomprehensable, b) incorrect or c) and exaggeration of the truth.

Also, you need to make sure that the definition of "assault rifle" is adhered to. An assault rifle is a fully-automatic or at least selectfire weapon capable of accepting magazines of 10 rounds or more that generally have a barrel longer than 16" and an overall length of atleast 26".

M14, M16 (A1, A2, A3, A4), M4, AK-47, AK-74, AK-104, FAL, G3, CETME, etc in their origional military form = assault rifle.

AR-15, AK-47 SAR (WASR, SARII, VEPR, etc), M4C, et al are not by definition Assault Rifles. Personally, I know (1) person that I've actually met that owns a true assault rifle. I know about 20-30 more on-line that own them as well. I know hundreds that have Semi-Auto rifles in military calibers.

As I said I have 10 firearms:

-M1 Garand (US/Greek)

-AK-47 SAR (Romanian 'G')

-M59/66 SKS (Yugoslavian)

-K31 Schmidt-Rubin (Swiss)

-M91/30 Mosin-Nagant (Russian)

-M44 Mosin-Nagant (Hungarian)

-M38 Mauser (Turkey)

-7.62 Nagant Revolver (Russia)

-Hi-Point .40S&W (Commercial)

-Ted Williams 20GA Shotgun (Commercial)

While 7 of these are former military, none requires special training to operate. The AK is a favorite of every two-bit nation of this planet. Why? It's simple, rugged, reliable and cheap. Accurate? Not the best. But when you can put 30-100 rounds down range in just a few seconds, who cares?

Does anyone actually think that the military would EVER accept an order from the president or congress to attack it's own citizens? Most of the military people I know would rather desert or worse before turning thier gun on John Q. Public. I'd be willing to bet that if push came to show, there would be civilians driving Humvee's and Bradley's that were "borrowed" from National Guard units if those type of orders came down from the powers that be.

Does anyone actually think that the military would EVER accept an order from the president or congress to attack it's own citizens?

Anyone heard of the KSU shooting in Kent, Ohio?

I own several firearms and all of them are legal for hunting use. The only handgun is a Thompson/Center Contender which is a break action single shot. I personally have no use for "assault" style weapons or most handguns. But that does not mean I believe anyone who wants one or feels they need one should not be allowed to own them. I was a member of the NRA for one year but came to believe they were too rigid in their doctrine just the same as many politicians and anti-gun groups are. I believe in compromise for the good of all and that is apparently not a part of any of these people's vocabulary. :(
Contender's are sweet. I've always wanted one. I'm with you blksn8k, I hate the NRA with a passion. If it was up to them we would be giving 5 year old kids assault rifles for their birthday. They are all a bunch of anal retentive SOB's.
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Anyone heard of the KSU shooting in Kent, Ohio?

That was the National Guard. The president had nothing to do with that. They were under orders from the Governor. Federal troops are forbidden by law to enforce laws on US citizens except in the case of a National emergency, such as Hurricane Katrina.
Does anyone actually think that the military would EVER accept an order from the president or congress to attack it's own citizens?

It's happened before. The Civil War, the Bonus Army riots, and other events of civil unrest.

You never know what's going to happen until the SHTF.

National guard...US Army. Is there HONESTLY much of a difference? Those in the National Guard are serving overseas.

Point is, just because it wasn't the Army at Kent State does not mean it was not the Military attacking it's citizans.

National guard...US Army. Is there HONESTLY much of a difference? Those in the National Guard are serving overseas.

Point is, just because it wasn't the Army at Kent State does not mean it was not the Military attacking it's citizans.

Good point. Tyranny by an agent of the government is government tyranny, regardless of who in government gave the order, or what branch or level of government the agent works for.