My Poor Trac

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Boxer Boys

Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
, MA
Thought I'd share my recent unfortunate event. Friday evening I was involved in an accident; I was travelling on a highway in MA when the driver in front of me abruptly began breaking; being in the passing lane I had little time to react. I attempted to vear off to the left, but my right front caught his back left; sending him across the highway where he rolled over nto the shoulder. Luckily I walked away only with some bruises from the seat belt.

Surprisingly, I seemed to have more damage than the minivan (aside from it rolling). The insurance company will check it tomorrow, so at this point, I don't know if I'll be driving a Trac in the near future ;-(

There were no major injuries in either car thanks to seatbelts; and my Trac.

I have some pictures in my library, but here is one.

[Broken External Image]:

Sorry to hear & see that. Glad you are ok. How does insurance work in MA? If that happens in Texas, even if it isn't your fault, if you hit someone from behind you get the blaim and the increased insurance $. That sucks big time. My husband had the exact same thing happen to him, someone in front braking for no reason at all....then the car in front of him had to brake, and he had no choice but to swerve like you did and the exact same hit like you had. He was driving a big old (and I mean old, chrome bumpers --- heavy) Cadillac though, so not as much damage to his car. And of course, our insurance premiums went up...yet the one who caused the accident (the one who was slamming on his brakes) took off. of course.

Shar, it works that way in Ohio. If you hit them in their rear it is your fault. The law words it in such a way that you were too close to do anything in the event something happens...

Glad your ok as well as the passengers in the mini-van. That is the important thing. Everything else can be replaced.
Im sorry to hear that. I lost my civic that way last year. But like everyone else is saying the important thing is everyone is ok. Cars are replacable, people are not. Hope everything works out well for you.
Good to hear everyone is ok.

Here it is another silver Trac. Seems like most of the St's wrecked, in the news and on this board, latley have been silver. Or maybe I just think so because mine is silver.:(
In Ohio it is worded and you would be cited for....

Failure to maintain assured clear distance ahead.

Happened to me when I was about 17. I was late getting off work and wanted to pick up my date. I turned my head as I passed a friend's house and BAMMM! I took out a little Corsica with my ol' 78 LTD. It wasn't pretty. Anyway, most importantly, glad to hear that you and everyone evolved came out OK. Sucks for the Trac though.

Yep, use the 2 second following rule. If the car ahead of me passes an object and it takes less than 2 secs for me to pass the same object, I slow down.

Scott, same thing noted here.... I can be driving 5-10 mph over the posted speed limit in the RIGHT lane, and still have some dingus riding my ass. I used to brake check a-holes like that, but you never know when some freakazoid is gonna pull out a gun, so I just maintain my speed and eventually they pass.
Shar says:
...even if it isn't your fault, if you hit someone from behind you get the blaim and the increased insurance

If you hit someone from behind it is ALWAYS YOUR FAULT. Surely it can't be their fault. If they stopped short for no reason and you hit them, then clearly you were driving TOO close and TOO fast to be able to stop. You always have to be prepared and be able to stop, even for morons that do stupid things in front of you.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? This whole mentality in our society today that there are excuses for my behavior that absolve me of responsibility make me want to become a hermit.

I was rear-ended THREE times in my 2000 Impala. Once when traffic on an interstate came to a dead stop all of a sudden. I stomped on my breaks, stopped with plenty of room in front of me and the next guy. The guy behind me just wasn't stopping, though I had my hazards on...then he stomped on them...slid to a stop a few inches from my bumber. Then, the guy behind him hit him and bumped him into me.

Another time I was waiting to merge onto a merge lane from a parking lot. Someone else behind me talking on a cellphone and looking at a map. He assumed I was about to pull out, but I really didn't have the room, and he just ran into me.

We can all come up with excuses why the other guy is an idiot, but if you hit him, well, it's your fault.

I used to work with a guy if you were not driving fast enough he would push you down the road. I have seen him do it. 75 MPH pushing a car down the highway because they slowed down to prove a point.

If someone is behind you and wants to pass, don't agrivate the person to endanger your life. Sure you are driving the speed limit, just get over in the lane you should have been in the first place and let them pass.

You never know, that guy could be on his way to the hospital to see his baby born, on the way to the hospital to say good bye to a loved one. Mayby a son, daughter, brother, sister, parent, etc. Maybe it is a doctor going to do an emergency surgery to save someones life? You never know what the reason is. It could be you someday. Some smirk A-Hole slowing you down to "show you". You loose 3 minutes dealing with that person. When you finally get to the hospital, you are told 1 minute ago your son died from injuries sustained in a car accident from someone pulling out in front of him.

If only that jerk-wad would have let you pass, you might have been able to say good-bye.

That is really something to think about...isn't it?

In Houston traffic during rush hour, if you maintain a 2 second space someone will pull in between you and the car in front of you. If you slow down to regain the 2 second space, another car (or two, or three) will pull in between again. Keep this up and you're going backwards! That's a question that came up years ago in a defensive driving class I was taking. The teacher did not have an answer.
Darin says:
I used to brake check a-holes like that, but you never know when some freakazoid is gonna pull out a gun, so I just maintain my speed and eventually they pass.

So you stopped the practice because you were worried about your safety.

What about the safety of the guy or gal behind you following too closely? Did you ever think that maybe they are half-asleep, or have some other issue, and that you hitting the brakes might cause them to hit you, or to swerve and lose control, hurting you and/or them in the process?

But i guess you would have taught them a lesson, hugh?

If they are on your butt, just move over.

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Here in San Antone a couple weeks back, a guy did brake check the vehicle behind. The vehicle behind subsequently rolled and killed the occupants. The brake checker is being charged with two counts of vehicular manslaughter.

TJR: Guess you missed reading the part of my post stating "RIGHT" lane.... I'm already in the slow lane, the tailgater should pass me!
What difference does it make which lane they are in, Darin? As I said, the person may be half-asleep. Honking would be a better move then slamming on the brakes. I am glad you no longer do this practice, but you have to admit, you are putting yourself and others in jeopardy to somehow get the attention of the other and to prove some point, and that is dangerous and childish.

If you think they are riding you in the right lane because they want to get around you, and you don't want to speed up or pull over, then simply put your hazards on. They will go out and around then.

BTW, I am a "reformed aggressive driver". I came to realize that the anxiety I felt behind the wheel because of other people being MORONS was actually of my creation. I could choose NOT to let these people and their behaviour bother me and not to return bad driving with aggression.

It is a maturity I grew older, had kids, had my children in the car, I recognized my bad behavior and stopped it.

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