Immigration Issue

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If our damn government would quit providing so much for these people, there would be on immigration problem. Free health care, education, and in many cases food stamps and help with housing is enough to attract anyone. I for one am tired of footing the bill for these freeloaders.

Idiot liberals here in Texas are worried about who they will get to mow their lawn if this bill pases. I say get off your ass and mow it yourself. That's half the problem with our country. We have become lazy and dependant on others to do everything for us.

PS. I have heard if you come into our country and join up with our armed forces then you automatically get a citizenship. Is that true? If so then the Iraqis better start learning Spanish.
There is some interesting dialogue here. Let me just add to it.

In respect to Social Security, if you hold a Green Card, work, contribute to social security, earn your 40 quarters, and then decide to leave the USA you will be entitled to receive social security benefits when eligible. The amount of your benefit will be determined by the number of quarters covered and income made during the covered period. For those interested this link will provide your information about tax and social security treaties the U.S. has with other countries: Steph, Canada is one of the treaty countries.

Illegal aliens working in the U.S. must present a social security number at time of employment. Social Security deductions are made and paid to those accounts. If they are totally bogus accounts then it is a windfall (so to speak) for the government. If they use a valid SSN then the real owner of that number receives the relative social security credits.

Regarding the types of jobs illegal aliens take, I don’t totally buy the argument they take jobs Americans won’t work. This is only partially true. When I was a kid in high school farm labor was a big source, if not the primary source, of summer labor for my classmates. And dudes, I’m talking about thinning beets, hoeing cukes, pricking beans, etc, etc,. We worked in the same fields as entire families of workers from Mexico…I don’t know and won’t assume they were illegal aliens. If you were real lucky you landed a job in some kind of store or a bus boy. This was back before they had a grocery store every other block and several years before fast food joints populated the landscape. Today I am guessing that farm labor is performed almost exclusively by illegals. Why? American kids are working in the malls and Mickey D’s. You know, cool places. I don’t know how much longer that trend will continue, especially when many employers dick around with the number of hours they schedule people to work---just under the minimum to avoid paying them any benefits.

Two industries that attract more and more illegals are construction and meat packing. Seems to me it is more difficult to argue those types of jobs are not sought after by flag flying Americans.

I’m of the opinion that if living wages and benefits were paid there would be no shortage of legal workers. Don’t believe me? Take a look at sanitation workers, you know garbage men and sewer workers. My Gawd who would want to do that?!? A lot of those employees are laughing all the way to the bank.

Another important dimension to this issue, is what you, me, us are willing to pay for that bunch of grapes, flat of strawberries, pair of shoes, shirt, TV, T-Bone steak, etc. We want yesterday’s prices and are unwilling to pay workers today’s wages. No wonder so much production is moving off shore and some domestic industries are actively recruiting illegal aliens.

And just a note of caution regarding categorically categorizing all Hispanic illegals as Mexican. There is respectable flow of illegal immigrates from Central and South America. I also think the crime button is pushed way too often. Folks these people don’t want to attract attention to themselves. They want to remain invisible. Many of them just want to make their nut and go back HOME.

TomT, aliens have always been permitted to enlist in our armed forces. They have been restricted from being awarded any high level security clearances and only in recent years have been offered accelerated citizenship benefits in exchange for their service.


no, not true. However, it IS easier. When I got my citizenship, the armed forces benefit was that I only had to be a resident, or green card holder, for three years vice five. It has changed a little since then, ALMOST automatic, but not quite. Still have to do the paperwork (big whoop I know) and take the tests then get sworn in. The main difference is the waiting period to apply.

Here is the way I look at it...

- An estimated $17 Billion/year is sent from Mexican workers working in the US back to friends and relatives in Mexico; and it is anticipated much if not most of that money was never taxed by the US govt.

- There are on average approx 120 *new* Mexicans crossing the border illegally, each hour, of each day, of each year.

- There are illegal Mexican workers (illegal from the standpoint that they work under the table and don't pay taxes) in every state of the union; anyone thinking this is MOSTLY a border-state issue isn't aware of the fact that there is quite a bit of seasonal work and mobility (very nomadic if you will) in a large subset of the illegals.

- It is without question that the illegal workers DO jobs at a PAY RATE that most Americans would not accept. So, the argument that they are taking jobs WE DON'T WANT is partially correct. Few American's want a construction job that pays $8/hour, working under the hot sun for 10 hours a day, and with no benefits.

- Many American small businesses, especially those in landscaping, construction, and other labor trades probably could not exist if not for these illegal workers. They are their cheap labor force that comes with no strings attached. If they had to exclusively hire higher paid employees, and pay SSI and unemployment insurance they would probably have to raise their service costs and lower their profit to the point that they would probably go out of business (sadly, its the ONE advantage the little guy seems to still have over bigger corps that can't risk using illegals). I'm not saying it's right, it just is!

So, that's the way I see it.

Be careful what you all wish for folks, because you MIGHT just trade higher costs for healthcare and schools, for much higher costs in goods and services, and an increased joblessness in your "small business owner" neighbors in your local economy.


stonemiser and NelsonOKC, it could not have been Elian Gonzalez. stonemiser says that in the case he's thinking of, the parents got sent back and the family here wanted to keep the kid.

That wasn't the case with Elian Gonzalez--in that case, Elian and his mother were on one of the rickety boats trying to get from Cuba to the US. The boat sank, and Elian was the only survivor. His father, divorced from Elian's mother and still in Cuba, wanted Elian back--who had effectively been illegally abducted by his mother. His mother's family in Florida, though, wanted to keep him here for political reasons. The US eventually went into the family's home with the military, took the kid, and returned him to his father. The story had nothing to do with immigration rights or status--it was entirely based on a conflict between the Cuban/American political situation and the father's rights to keep his family together.
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stonemiser and others, your contention that everyone except "Native Americans" is from someplace else isn't quite right. Because most (if not all) "Native" Americans are not originally from this continent. Most are believed to have migrated here from Asia through Alaska at some point. We're ALL aliens, in that regard.

The term "Native American" fails in so many ways. First of all, as I already said, they're not native of this continent or country. Secondly, they've been "here" since before the area was called "America"--how can you be native to someplace that didn't exist at that time? Third, on an individual basis, anyone who was born and raised in this country, regardless of race, is "native" to America. (Based on this, I always check that I am "Native American" when given that option on any form.)
The whole argument of "who was here first" is pointless, as its only human that once here to want to protect yourself and your interests, as is proven by many first and second generation illegals that would like to see the borders tightened because those coming over REALLY ARE stealing THEIR jobs ;)
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Got no problem with people coming here legally. In fact, I say make it faster and easier to become a naturalized citizen so they're paying taxes like the rest of us. Increase enforcement and penalties for hiring illegals as well.

Immigrants are not stupid though, they go were the work is. That isn't in western PA, so we don't see them. There are less people here every year, not more. Ain't no housing bubble either.

If you want to see what some of the nutjobs are really thinking, go here:
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First Hispanic is a PC coined word. Please define it. Most would assume that it describes people from Spanish speaking countries. If Hispanic does not define a race or type of peoples, then what is it. -- MikeC

In Spanish America, when speaking of any given nation's Hispanic population, those who are implied include criollos, mestizos, and mulattos, but excludes indigenous Amerindians, the unmixed descendants of black African slaves, and other more recent non-Spanish immigrants which may now reside in Latin America. -- Wikipedia

My fiancee's family still lives in Puerto Rico. Her dad is of pure Spanish descent (Caucasian). Her mom is mostly Taíno Indian, with about 1/4th African mixed in. She, her five brothers and five sisters (eleven children, all from the same two parents) are considered Hispanic, even though they come in all colors from black to white. Their family photo is quite interesting. :)
- Many American small businesses, especially those in landscaping, construction, and other labor trades probably could not exist if not for these illegal workers. They are their cheap labor force that comes with no strings attached. If they had to exclusively hire higher paid employees, and pay SSI and unemployment insurance they would probably have to raise their service costs and lower their profit to the point that they would probably go out of business (sadly, its the ONE advantage the little guy seems to still have over bigger corps that can't risk using illegals). I'm not saying it's right, it just is!

Better worry about those guys having a beer in the local bar. They are a burden to society. The Illegals arent. They are doing us a favor.


If there are jobs that "Americans won't do", the obvious solution is to pay more. Illegals will work for less for a couple reasons, #1 they're just happy to be here and #2 if they complain they'll get turned in to the migre (probably).

If a lawn service, housecleaners, whatever, is forced to pay a fair, tax-paying wage then their prices will go up but it won't hurt their business much IF everyone has to do it and play by the same rules. But that won't happen because people who work in government are some of the worst offenders when it comes to hiring illegals.

I heard on the radio this morning that Bill Clinton's chauffer got arrested, they found he was an illegal immigrant from Pakistan. :lol:

The governments of Mexico and Cuba, to name just two, ought to be rightly embarrassed at how many of their citizens want to leave and come here.

I say build a wall on the Mexican border that has a gate every mile stationed with an INS agent and a laptop, let in everyone who comes, and make them a citizen complete with a Social Security number immediately. Then increase the penalty for employing an illegal immigrant to 5 years in prison minimum.
JohnnyO says:
If a lawn service, housecleaners, whatever, is forced to pay a fair, tax-paying wage then their prices will go up but it won't hurt their business much IF everyone has to do it and play by the same rules.

I think that's a simplistic viewpoint.

There are "convenience" goods and services that many people purchase that they simply wouldn't purchase if the price went up too much; and those small companies that provide such services would go out of business. One good example is housecleaning. Many simply wouldn't pay for someone to clean their house every few weeks if the price suddenly doubled...another is landscaping and lawn care.

For the more essential goods and services, "sure", rising prices and having the customer pay more will work, but that means you and I and everyone else's buying power just went down when that happens. That means less money spent elsewhere, on other goods and services for most families.

So, as I said, as we close the borders, hire only legal workers, and raise the prices of everything, don't be surprised IF the cost of many goods and services goes up, some small companies go under, and we STILL don't see healthcare costs, and education costs (etc) get reduced in an compensatory fashion.

We like to be told that illegals are stealing or jobs, and that they are placing a huge burden on education and healthcare systems. I have heard a lot of rhetoric around those viewpoints, just not a lot of actual valid data; e.g. How much WOULD healthcare/education costs go down IF we didn't have to support illegals? How much WOULD the national average wage go up if illegals weren't employed?

There are "convenience" goods and services that many people purchase that they simply wouldn't purchase if the price went up too much; and those small companies that provide such services would go out of business. One good example is housecleaning. Many simply wouldn't pay for someone to clean their house every few weeks if the price suddenly doubled...another is landscaping and lawn care.

Am I supposed to care? People go out of thier way to buy imported goods and don't care about the thousands of men and women loosing thier jobs. Good paying jobs that fund school system, military operations, local and regional security, and many other things. All paid with a little thing called Tax's.

I am supposed to care about a guy getting rich hiring illegals to mow a lawn or clean a house. They don't pay tax's. They work for less then minimum wage, which is the minimum an employer is allowed to pay an employee, have no health benefits, and do not benefit society. Thier kids get to go to school, but they don't pay into the school system.

Get real. Lets worry about real problems. Quit sending work to China. Do not allow ANYONE to hire illegal's and if they do, a minimum of 5 years in the federal pen.


I can't give you monetary figures but I do have an example.

Back when I was stationed in a border town, just 10 years ago, my kiddo was in elementary school. About 500 students. School was closed on Cinco de Mayo. The reason stated by officials - too difficult to get the kids over the bridge during the celebrations.

Not saying kids, regardless of where they are from should not get an education. Just saying they should pay for it the same as me. All that was required was a US address. Not residency or proof the child lived there - just supply the address of a relative or friend.

And by the way, NOT closed for Memorial Day. Being military, I was a little miffed.


Grump, I can understand the desire for fairness example ("if I have to pay, so should they!")

But, in our quest for fairness, just let's make sure we don't end up paying more in the long run.
Yep, I pay you pay.

Being military and owning a home there, the school district actually got paid double entitlement for my one child - by my school taxes and again by the Man. The gov' pays the local districts based on how many folks are assigned to an installation.

Nothing to do with the subject - just a thought.

re: Immigration Issue by TJR,3/29/2006 10:44 ET

Actually, traffic accidents caused by illegals with no insurance, who are often drunk and flee the scene, is a major problem too!

Actually here in San Antonio there's a large population of uninsured motorist who are not illegal that do the same thing.
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re: Immigration Issue by TJR,3/29/2006 10:44 ET

Actually, traffic accidents caused by illegals with no insurance, who are often drunk and flee the scene, is a major problem too!

This happened to my parents 4 months ago. The nice guy ran away. Not sure if he was illegal, but he was hispanic, or whatever the PC term de jour is. The truck he was driving was stolen. Totalled Mom and Dad's car. I wish it had been me, I would have chased his sorry ^%$ down! :angry::angry::angry:
If we decide to allow the illegals that are here to pay a fine and wait for citizenship for 6 years while stayoing here on a work Visa, Other than voting ( and I believe some do), what is the benefit for being a Citizen if they are entitled to all the benefits I am. They get medical, schooling, etc. What would we do if they ignored these laws also?

I'm sorry, but jumping to the head of the line is not right. If you want them to learn English, don't cater to them by allowing everything to be in both English and Spanish. BTW a requirement for citizenship is a command of the English language. We don't enforce that law either.

If they are filling jobs no one else wants lets post the openings and see. The employers would then have to give at least minimum wage, pay FICA , pay unemployment insurance, and provide a safe and decent work environment. If they would be required to do all that you'd see less illegals hired since it would not be that much cheaper than US labor.