Help ILL Gun Owners........Make a call

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Per a post on a gun site I frequent, here is some info about a poll in Cook Co, Illinois:

Help ILL Gun Owners........Make a call


ISRA Alert:

County County Phone Poll For Gun Control Ordinance Is Still Active

Larry Suffredin and his cohorts on the Cook County Board are up to their old tricks again.

In order to justify passage of gun control ordinances designed to close all gun shops and ban and confiscate most guns owned by citizens of the county, the Cook County Board is conducting a telephone poll where callers can vote for or against the gun control ordinances.

Like everything else in Cook County, this poll is probably rigged. So, it’s very important that you do the following:

1. Call 1-312 -603-6400 and select Option #1 when prompted. At the next prompt, select Option #1 again. Then, when prompted to vote on the gun control ordinance, press #2.

2. You should also forward this alert on to all your gun owning friends and have them vote too.

3. You should also post this alert to any and all Internet bulletin boards or blogs to which you belong.


Let’s beat Suffredin at his own game! And, save your guns.

I particpated and it only took a couple minutes. It may not help but since a lot of CHANGE is coming from Chicago area, this may be a good start in nipping a lot of things in the bud! Closing gun shops and confiscating guns is not good IMO and a bad direction to be heading for law abiding citizens.:blink:
Republican Smear!!!

Gary you shouldnt say that every election is rigged in Cook Co. when you know JACKSH#T about Cook Co.

Go smear somewhere else. Maybe Texas.
Some people dont know how to post an opinion, without being crappy. I will never tell someone they dont know what they are talking about. Reason, they may have put more research into it than I have.
I'll say this.....the only way they will Ever take my guns is if they take the bullets first ;)
Ok Frank....I can see where all these other guys are coming from when it comes to your don't even read very well IMO!! You just go off into the ozone!

I DID NOT SAY THAT ANY ELECTION WAS RIGGED and if you took the time, instead of flying off, you would have read that! You state that I said the "Chicago election was rigged"....when any place where the word "rigged" was used was in the QUOTE and was in reference to the poll! QUOTE, as in, someone else said that or wrote that and I was just QUOTING them.

Come on me where I said any election was rigged.

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Ok Gary you said "everything is rigged" in Cook Co. That would encompass your stupid poll. Living in the reality based community would be a change for you.

Did I show you yet??

I grew up in a different country, served 22 years in the US military and I myself understood what Gary was saying and that the quote mentioned the probability of the poll being rigged. Some people have to read and understand vice reading into what was printed. If the ability to understand is somewhat deficient, problem arises in interpreting what was read.;)
To quote a famous man "There you go again".

I guess Frank made my point for me and even after I pointed out that he should read the quote....he still thinks it's my "stupid poll". Regal One '05 STA is on the money here! Some folks "ability to understand is somewhat deficient". Most 3rd graders would have no problem understanding that QUOTE!!

I guess that explains a lot of things that have happened in these off topic/political type posts recently and with whom the problen lies. When you're looking to argue you'll generally get an argument. This Grandpa has been around long enough to know that. would you know whether

Living in the reality based community would be a change for you.
?? You don't even know me. Sounds like someone else needs some reality!

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Looks like Frank is your typical liberal nut-job ... fly off the handle with incorrect facts or no facts and believe if you say it enough, people will think it's true and call it gospel.

Frank or frank, what part of the second amendment that was upheld by the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled as an "individual" right do you disagree with? Any banning will be faced with a constitutional challenge.
Hell, I lived in Cook and DuPage counties for 21 years, and if it's coming out of Chicago and it AIN'T rigged, there's something wrong. And there's something wrong with frank too. (Probably the fact that he lives in Valparaiso... :lol: )

Must be how you act when you live in a "reality based community"!! Did you run all this by Snopes?? LOL

Frank you're a real trip! IMO! By the way....why smear Texas of all places?

Go smear somewhere else. Maybe Texas.

Don't mess with Texas :wacko:

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Gary, Frank or frank is absolutely right. You should not have said that every election is rigged in Cook Co. At most 90% are which does not qualify as "every" Gary please get your facts straight before posting.

Frank or frank should not is contracted act "shouldn't" not "shouldnt". The " ' " is just left of the enter key. Try it some time. Being "left" of something should be familiar to you.
Gary, Frank or frank is absolutely right. You should not have said that every election is rigged in Cook Co

Gary posted a quote which came from a gun site.....this wasn't his quote. Dugh!! :rolleyes: