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  1. J


    I used to work with a guy that thought he should get paid more money than anyone without a college education. He actually begrudged anyone that wasn't 'educated' making more money than he did. Forger experience. Forget knowledge and skill. Forget the number of years worked. They didn't have a...
  2. J


    Ashaman, And you think that's fair? Sounds like someone is getting the free ride most anti-union people claim union members are getting. Yep, that's the American way - take advantage of the work and sacrifice of others for your own benefit without having to give up a thing. You should be...
  3. J


    Hefhay, They did lower their raise to less than 6%. The MTA raised their offer 0.5%. If the Union employees are taking advantage of loopholes, then management should close the loopholes, rather than let them continue. And you are right - the union should make sure the slackers are...
  4. J


    Q, So you are advocating that a company should be able to commit to and set up a pension fund, then not fund it properly? So much for commitments or treating your employees fairly. And it's not the 'taxpayer's' money. It belongs to the MTA and is meant to be used to fund the MTA...
  5. J


    You are all acting as if this is something NEW they are asking for. It's not. Health insurance and retirement are at those levels RIGHT NOW. These are existing benefits the MTA wants to reduce and the Union is fighting to keep at the same level. You wouldn't do the same? If you were...
  6. J


    Scott Simon said: The MTA is The MTA is not a private or even publicly traded company. It is literally a government owned supposedly self-funded corporation. The taxpayers literally own it. And while it was designed to eventually operate without tax money, it hasn't quite reached...
  7. J


    Union asked for 8%. MTA offered 3%. Union came down to 'under' 5%. MTA offered 3.5%. Union wants to continue the health insurance as it is now - free. It's not a raise if you already have it. MTA wants them to pay 1% of their salary. That would be a 1% pay cut, not a raise. No movement on...
  8. J

    Pros and cons about EXT Harddrives

    They are fine for backup - and even daily use. But you can do better than ebay on price if you look around - especially when you factor in that $24 shipping fee. Here's a 250GB from NewEgg - $3 three-day shipping and a $30 rebate.
  9. J

    HDTV Antenna

    Check your area. In OKC the digital channels are mostly on UHF, but one is a VHF signal. You will need an antenna that can receive all the signals broadcast in your area for the new digitally encoded channels. The difference is in the encoding, NOT the signal itself. And there is NO...
  10. J

    Toyota quickens its quest to unseat GM

    If it's not too far off it would still be cheaper to remodel than to build from scratch... I guess OKC will find out.
  11. J

    So who's getting/got an Xbox360?

    Hope everyone buying one has the HDTV to make it worthwhile, although IMO nothing makes it worthwhile. Big waste of time and money.
  12. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    Tom, The teamsters have been accused of doing that in the past - Jimmy Hoffa was notorious for it. I'm not aware of any union accused of raiding the pension fund in the last two decades at least, but it was a problem when the first big unions came into power. (It also may have a lot to do with...
  13. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    TJ, Apparently your company defines floating holiday as one that does not fall on a specific fixed day/date, but can vary from year to year. "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Saturday, Friday..." (Appolonia Corleone) Q, That example had nothing to do with the number of days...
  14. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    Tom, You and I are of the same mind when it comes to that. All contributions should be limited to no more than $100 per person. And corporations/unions shouldn't be allowed to donate ANYTHING. And all lobbyists should also be outlawed. If an individual wants to lobby his congressman and...
  15. J

    Can anyone recommend a spare tire lock?

    I bought a plastic covered steel cable - like they use for bicycles - and a high quality outdoor keyed padlock for mine. Wrapped it around the tire and frame. Worked fine and cost less than $30. It doesn't matter what you use, if someone really wants it they will get it. But just about anything...
  16. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    TJ, When a company is going under, there is not much you can do other than take pay and benefit cuts and hope upper management is playing fair with the worker, or find another job. But when the workers have to do this, shouldn't management have to do the same? And if workers lose all company...
  17. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    TJ, Federal law compels unions to represent non-members in the same class (jobs) as the union members. And no company will set up a separate salary/benefit structure for non-union members in the same jobs as union members. So non-union members get the same benefits and same representation as...
  18. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    Federal Law requires a union to represent all members of a class of worker represented by the Union whether that person is a union member or not. If the union must represent the person, why shouldn't that person be required to be a union member? If they don't want to be a union member, shouldn't...
  19. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    That's the difference between you and me, TJ. The way I see it, if Michael Jordan and I were to play basketball there would only be one player on the court. And that's by anyone's perspective! :lol:
  20. J

    The Law of Supply and Demand At Work

    Like you said, OPEC takes into account many things when deciding production levels. These include their target PPB, the current demand, estimated future demand, and, minimally, world reaction. One of the fallacies of this discussion is they are ONLY trying to maximize the PPB. In reality, they...