YORK Peppermint patty factory closing

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Just out of curiosity, was the plant a union shop? Not looking to start a union-bashing thing or get flamed. I'd just like to know how many companies that move plants overseas employed union workers in the U.S.

If this particular plant wasn't union, then I guess it really doesn't matter in this case
I love them things, guess I should not eat them anymore. I am now more than ever asking where my stuff is made and trying where possible to but American made first, non union second, then union and lastly foreign. I know this will piss off the union folks but this is my choice and I am not going to isolate myself. Oh yeah and if I see reports of Executives with outrageous salaries and bonuses, bye-bye, they are off my list.
and if I see reports of Executives with outrageous salaries and bonuses, bye-bye, they are off my list.

Do you attend pro sports events, or watch them on TV, or go to movies or watch TV shows? Aren't sports figures and entertainers paid "outrageous salaries and bonuses"? So shouldn't they be "off your list"?

This continues to puzzle me why "executives" are singled out, for no other reason than class warfare.
I don't understand the outrage.

Putting "tops on bottoms", even if the top is dark chocolate and the bottom is peppermint cream, is best done where it can be done the the cheapest yet stiill deliver the required quality. If that is in Mexico and not in central PA, then that's just the way it is.

300 jobs isn't going to kill Hershey PA.

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Just my preferences. I appreciate the guidance though and do not attend or follow many sports at all due to what I consider outrageous salaries as well. They too are greedy but the executives put the target on their back by passing down the goals to cut worker bees expenses, supplies, salaries, etc then hand themselves a huge bonus even while deceiving and running companies moving on. Of course this is not all of them but more of the case of a few bad apples tarnishing the bushell.

And no it is not outrage, just disgust. I too lost a job to Mexico as well as about 2000 employees due to an executives decision to operate down there even though our huge client base told them they do not want their product in Mexico. He gambled anyway, got caught they moved on and we all lost job while he maintained his salary. Guess it is a walk in the shoes experience.
You guys don't get it. Moving jobs elsewhere is a good thing.

By moving jobs away from the USA, we create jobs. It was only 300 jobs. 1,000 companies getting rid of 300 jobs each helps this economy. If they do this each month, jobs will be running out of our ears.

It gives us a chance to bring our standard of living to a better one. If we act now, we can get two cardboard box's instead of one to live in.

I get it. I have already been looking into housing in Mexico for a few years now. Just cant get the wife to commit. However not a citizen so 50 years is the max I can own land for the family so unless I go to one of the developer special arrangements or marry a native Latina. Too bad Mexico still can not figure out how to support the sudden growth of population they are having caused by the slow down of immigration, legal or illegal, into the US. Even the hardworking poor know we are in bad shape.

How much longer can we hold on??????

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Oops, my apologies. I will hush, did not mean to get political. I was raised to undestand the quickest way to make an enemy is talk politics and/or religion. Out.
When you say buy American and bash NAFTA have you considered what you would have to pay for oil if you depended on American domestic oil and did not import any from Canada or Mexico
I owned a business that I had to close in 2007 mainly because all of the 60 t0 70 manufacturers we bought from doubled or tripled their minimum we had to buy. We sold to other business's and such. Hershey was the worst, they went from $6,000.00 minimum to $20,000.00 minimum and we had done business with them since 1920. For this and other reasons I have no use for Hershey and will not buy it if I can avoid it.

Be thankful they didn't move to China. Then we would have to worry about how much lead was in York Mint!:lol:


No need to hush, IMHO. Politics and religion should be able to be discussed by intelligent, rational people without getting emotional. It's the emotionally crippled and little thinkers that can't talk about such topics, intelligently, without getting their panties in a twist.

The main issue with this site isn't the political, religious or off-topic threads.


The reason this site goes into the gutter at times is because there are few here that can't discuss the aforementioned topics without getting all bent out of shape and without turning things negative and sarcastic. Rather than talk about a point constructively some people get emotional and speak in absurdities and with bile.

It's not the topics...it's the people.

My point is that it is he loss of 300 more jobs, and closing the plant just adds more to the problem that this country is already facing. I do agree with Cayman that this country is in a shift in the way business is done in this country, and that new types of jobs will be created. When you have the Mexican govt. encouraging, or looking the other way, when their citizens are comming over the border illegally. We are in a shooting war with the drug lords on the U.S. / Mexican border and the Mexican govt. doesn't seem to be able or willing to stop it. Vent over.
Bill Barber,

You're entitled to that opinion, of course.

I fail to see anything riotous about my remarks, however, in this thread or others.


Both our countries are "looking the other way" with regards to Mexicans crossing the border. I wonder why that is?

You mentioned the war on drugs. Our country is good at claiming wars; like the "war on drugs", or the "war on terror" or the "war on crime." If we have something we want to rally against in this country but not really do much about we seem to claim a "war" against it.

There are countless ways to stop illegal drugs sales and illegal Mexicans in this country. The easiest of which for dealing with both, and potentially the best for all, is to simply legalize drugs and many of the illegal immigrants (those not breaking any other laws). We seem unwilling to do these things and many will scoff at the idea of legalization of drugs, or illegals.

But before you scoff, consider this. I submit that the #1 reason we don't legalize drugs and illegals is because the government and corporations make huge monies and profits from the FIGHT against the illegal activity and the exploitation of the illegal activity. If these things we were fighting against were not fought, if they were legitimized then the profits and monies would dwindle (I submit).

Think about it.

If the current illegal drugs were legal and taxed, assuming that was even possible, would our country make more money in that new model than it does today using your tax dollars for the "war on drugs"???

Or, regarding illegals, if corporations today were not able to exploit illegals, and if our government could no longer "look the other way" because of the corporate lobbyists; but instead, if there was amnesty and all workers worked "above board", do you think that the new tax dollars from previously undeclared income would be worth it to our government? Do you think that corporations would be better off?

I doubt it.

The profit isn't in peace. The money isn't in things being done legally. The real money is in the war, and in the side-deals, and the lobbying and in the general disarray that the "fight" creates, and the necessity for "bigger government" that it creates.

Is such talk the thing of riots?

Is such talk absurd?

Just out of curiosity, was the plant a union shop? Not looking to start a union-bashing thing or get flamed. I'd just like to know how many companies that move plants overseas employed union workers in the U.S.

Oh really!!!


But you seem to always be one of the first to incite a riot.

Bill, Riot is the wrong word. It is the constant intelectual Q & A from another angle. After the original question has been answered. JMO

Just thought of something. If the patties come from mexico. They might have more protien in them. Ants, termites, weavels....:lol:

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