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Ben Schepper

Active Member
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Well being the genius that I am I drove my trac across a river crossing that was just to much for it and got it stuck up to the door handles in water. After standing on my roof for 5 minutes I was able to flag down a good ol boy in an F250 and he pulled me out.

So after about three hours of drying in the sun and letting the interior dry out (good call on the rubber floor!) I was able to start the beast and let it run and made sure there was no real issues. So my question, I already changed the oil and put in a new air filter. Is there anything you guys would check? The truck seems to run as normal now but you can never be to cautious.
Change the differential fluids, Transmission FLUSH, and t case fluids.... IF the truck sat up to the doors, the vent hoses were covered and I am sure water leaked into them...

Let it dry out good, and keep things dry as to not promote rust or corrosion on things..

Todd Z
Yeah, IT is never a good thing to burry it in water..... Good luck....

Todd Z
A method of old to prevent rust on the underchasis was to put it up on a lift or ramps and spray the under carriage with a solution of kerosene and oil. Farmers used it also on their equipment especially when left outside.
as far as the interior, there is a very good chance there is water under the rubber floor. i would peel it back and look.

No offense, but you might want to study for those finals. Seems studying is in order because clearly you seem to lack some God-given intelligence given your river crossing stunt. ;)

It's my differential equation final too. What a doozey that will be. The truck smells a bit like mildew. Looks like ill have to rip up the floor. What a disaster this was!!!
If you were in deep enough to get the seating wet in addition to the previous advice you need to remove the seats and flush them with fresh water. Do remove the mat and and clean everything with with anti-bacterial soap. Then treat with an anti-bacterial spray.Do not reinstall until everything is bone dry. If you don't do this the interior will mildew and it will smell. If you can set up a fan to blow over the stuff it will dry alot faster.

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