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Todd Z

Well-Known Member
4 wheel drive
2nd Gen owner
V8 Engine
Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
What engine do you have?
V8 engine
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2n Gen Owner
Just a thread asking those in the way of the 2 hurricanes ( maybe 3) to please check in.

Todd Z
I was affected by "Andrew" I live between Beaumont and Port Arthur, Texas. I got about an inch to 2 inches in my den which is lower than the rest of the house. It ruined my carpet and drowned my computer. I'm using a borrowed one and walking on bare concrete. But I'm better off than a lot of others.
I was affected mostly by missing work, and being very busy getting ready for the storm. We have always had problems with the back yard flooding and trying to get to the front yard through the house. I am opposed to this, and want the water to go around. I dug a trench to the street during hurricane Ike years ago, and I spent time expanding that around the patio in back of the house. It really seemed to help, but we still got a few cupfuls of water through the back door. I cleaned it all up and found the source of the leak, which I sealed after it all dried up.

Otherwise, no issues for us. We didn't even lose power for very long. We spent most of the time after the storm helping everyone else get to safety and clean up.
Most of those badly affected by the storm were those near the flood zones. Anyone in a flood zone expected to get flooded, but we had a lot of people just outside the flood zones get flooded this time. I talked with several people that had been living in their houses for 30 years and never been flooded before now. Thankfully our house is well outside the flood zones.

On another note, I think I'm turning redneck. Now I want to lift my trucks and get a boat!
Eddie posted last Saturday 9/16. He sounds OK to me, hope so.
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I made a mistake when I responded to the question. I id'd the hurrican as Andrew when it was really Harvey. Coincidendally, I live about 2 miles north of the airport where over 64" were recorded and about 5miles from the Groves water treatment plant which reported over 63". (according to the TV weatherman)


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