this is foolish

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steve moore

Jun 4, 2004
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fredericton, NB
I was just wondering,,,,,are you fine people in the U.S. going thrue the same silly issue? Here in Canada there is a big debate about getting ride of the saying"Merry Christmas"! instead using simply "Happy Holidays",,,the reason is of course that non christians are offended by "Merry Christmas"!! As there is an federal election comming up,this has been a hot topic. and believe it or not,,,,,,merry Xmas may be a thing of the past! I believe in multy-cultural society,,,,but this is pathetic. what do you all think?:blink:
There debating this "JUNK" everywhere... Separating everything, making every one afraid to say the "wrong" thing...

I told everyone Merry Christmas this year, Even if i was unsure what they celebrated...

Todd Z
Yeah, it's kind of an issue here, and about time, too!

I don't celebrate ANYTHING this time of year. Haven't for a long time, and the rest of the world is just catching up. Why should I HAVE to celebrate something I don't believe in, or have any interest in? It's an overcommercialized religious holiday, and I'm not overcommercialized nor religious! I'm anti religion, and when people ask what I'm doing for 'christmas' and my reply is 'nothing', I get the "Oh, mr. grinch!" What's up with that?

I don't mind seeing relatives that I don't see again until next year at this time, even though I don't know most of their names, but the rest of it is foolish. I gotta go out and buy stuff for people that won't use it anyways?

So when people say 'Merry christmas' to me, I just go 'Yeah, you too...' and be done with it.

Y'all want to celebrate your religious holidays, fine... But not all the rest of us feel the same.

Festivus for the rest of us!!! :)
I'm with you Krash. I'm anti religion as well. I do celebrate a secular xmas however because I have young kids. but it's all santa and presents no mangers and angels and crap. If people want more meaning to it than that, well, they can go to church but don't go dragging me into any dogmatic mythology lesson! By the way...merry xmas!
Krash and Bart, over 80% of the U.S. celebrates Christmas. Some in the traditional religious way and some in the more general gift giving way with little children believing in a Santa Claus who brings them gifts if they've been good. IT IS THE CULTURE OF THIS COUNTRY. No one is asking you to celebrate it, but on the other hand don't go out of your way to throw cold water on it for the rest of the people.

I don't see why you would get insulted by someone wishing you to have a merry time during a holiday season.

Bart, your statement of: mangers and angels and crap
could be taken as VERY offensive to those of a religious belief in which Jesus' birth is part of. That to me seem very hipercritical to me. No one is asking you to participate or forcing their religious view on you.
Being someone that does not celebrate Christmas, I could care less either way. I respect the religous views of other people and would appreciate others to do the same for me. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or anything else. Who cares?

Since I don't celebrate any holidays in December, Happy Holidays could be offensive.

Honestly, what is the big deal with someone wishing someone else Merry Christmas?

I say Merry Christmas, but I am not offended by Happy Holidays. Happy Holidays covers Thansgiving to New Years Day and includes Muslims, Christians, Jews, Kwanzaa celebraters and atheists.

It does offend me when some mealy-mouthed PC type calls it a Holiday Tree. That is just plain ignorant. It is s Christmas Tree, not a Kwanzaa Bush or Hannukah shrub. Christmas is a CHRISTIAN holiday celebrating the birth of a human being.

BTW, approximately 92% of the uSA celebrates Christmas, even thought that obviously includes some non-Christians.

If someone live in a country and is offended by an old and deep part of it's culutre, assuming it isn't morally reprehensible, they need to man up or move.
For those who prefer a secular Holy Day, excuse me, "Holiday", there is always Festivus!

History of Festivus

Many Christmas's ago, Frank Costanza went to buy a doll for his son. He went to reach for it because it was the last one, but so did another man and as Frank rained blows upon him, he thought there could be another way. The doll was destroyed, but out of that, a new holiday was born. He named it Festivus.

Festivus takes place during the last few weeks in December, families and friends gather at the dinner table and have "The Airing of Grievances". Durning this time, family and friends share all the ways they have disappointed each other during the past year.

After the Airing of Grievances, the "Feats of Strength" takes place. This is where the head of the household tests his/her strength with another friend or family member. The great honour is given out to a different person each year. Kramer was given the honor but passed it to George Costanza as he had an appointment. You can turn down a challenge if you have an appointment. Festivus is not over until the head of the household is pinned.

The Festivus Pole, is not a tree. It is a metal pole with no decorations. Frank Costanza believes that tinsel is very distracting. The pole is tall and silver.

So, Happy Festivus and let the feats of strength begin!
The Pilgrims came to the new World to escape religious persecution. Now the New World seems to be getting more and more intolerant of religious freedom. It is foolish, but it also is very sad.
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Nelson and others ----

The intolerance of others religions is not the issue that has come about. It is the freedom to express it. While most all express "Merry Chrisrtmas", a few express that they do not want to hear this expression. Freedom of speech is our heritage. "Merry Christmas" is an expression given (or was) by everyone to everyone else to celibrate the joy of the season; not to influence what they believe or disbelieve.

Political people shy away for fear of lost votes, Corporations fear away because of loss of sales or law suits ((most any lawyer will sue for anything if asked by a cilient (whether it makes sense or not)) to make headlines and or money -- bottom line for them)). A few people shy away from this expression. The loudest of the individuals, that express disdain for hearing the words, express so just to try to sway all to their view of the issue.

I say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to all as a wish that you enjoy the season; not to drive anyone to anything that they do not feel is right. I respect everyone and their believes. taught to me by my dead mother of many years. The other way of thinking should give us all the same respect -- our freedom of speech to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS".

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FMarano has it right but if it is not a weekend ust wish everyone a Merry, Happy Christkwanzaka.

How many of the 80-92% that celebrate Christmas actually know the 12 days of christmas actually START on Christmas, not end? I would venture to guess about 6-8%.


aka The fallen altar boy.
I didnt know that Santa Claus and Rudolph were religious figures. Lighten up people and get a grip on reality. There is so much intolerance lately and political correctness that this country is going to hell in a handbasket! I'm not making this point because I am religious, because I'm not. I'm making this statement because of all the BS that's going on in the name of political correctness.

It's not surprising that haters of religion act just like the devil. Maybe one day you will see the light, or maybe even grow up at least. I'll pray for you.

So because some people do not believe in religion that makes them the devil or immature?????? Get a clue. People who believe in a religion can be just as crazy as non-believers so come down off of that high place you've put yourself on......
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So true Travis,

I was saddened to find that XM had pulled the Christmas channels off this morning. You are right...the majority of people don't understand that Christmas began on Christmas Eve, and the celebration continues for twelve days. Our church only turned on the Christmas decorations the day before yesterday, and won't have the annual Christmas party until the twelveth day after Christmas Eve. My neighbors probably think I am crazy to not turn off the Christmas lights until then.

By the way, how many people know that Kwanzaa began today and continues for the next seven days?

Frank, I agree with you that haters of religion are not necessarily devilish or immature. However, there are some folks I've met that are generally anti-social, and hate anything that fits into societal norms, just because their friends think it is cool to do so. They began rebelling when teenagers and never grew out of the phase. You'll see many like them performing on MTV, creating a role model for many more anti-social "grown-ups".
I hate when people say they will "pray for me" please don't cause it means nothing and does nothing. I also hate people that try to "Push" there religion on other people and say "if you don't believe in my god your going to hell" I think thats the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard! I think this world would be alot better without religion, There are way too many people dying cause of "they're god" and there are some real nuts out there that kill in the name of "they're god" its all nonsence! More people have been killed in the name of "god" than anything. I was just reading something today online that says jesus wasnt even born on christmas so why do people say that we celebrate the lords birth? It said "Jesus was born on the 25 Kislev into the beginning of Tevet Under the old Julian calendar, the popular choice of 5 BC for the year of Jesus' birth would place 25 Kislev at November 25" a month BEFORE christmas. It doesnt offened me when people tell me "marry christmas" I just say "yea whatever" cause I dislike any orginized religion and thats just how I feel and if you or anyone else doesnt like it my "god" (which is a butterfly) says your going to hell :angry: and if there is a "god" I will settle it with him and only him when I see him in my judgement trial.
For all you non believers and Chistmas haters and intolerant of others belief in this holiday...Please give your holiday pay back to your employer, dont take the day off and get your ass to work while the rest of us enjoy our religous freedom, you are trying to sqaush...

Like it or not Jesus is the reason for the are not reqiured to participate...
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First I don't condone or condemn organized religions. It is an individual thing with both good and bad associated with it. Just like any other organization, there are abuses in organized religion. There is a tendency for some to try and tout their religion as being the only truth. Having said that, there is a very good side that teaches charity, compassion, and other positive attributes of human nature. It provides organization and support for many.

It seem foolish to me to get ticked off at someone who wants to pray for your safety or health. It may mean nothing to you, and that's OK, but the person is saying that they care enough about you to want you safe and healthy. Put in those words it is hard to see why one should feel so negative about it.

I think its funny how we switched roles. People that don't celebrate christmas get berated and told down on more than we people that choice not to celebrate a certain religions holiday and told that "something is wrong with us". Sad very sad. This thread should be locked and deleted.

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