Thanks Obama

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I am surprised Andrews Air Force Base couldn't accommodate them. They have plenty of DV Suites, which are perfectly good for our 4-star Generals and other visiting Executives. Rent there is less than $100/day and the security is better than any hotel will provide. Regarding that $7500 per day bill, I think it far exceeds the per diem rate for a junior Senator, or is President-elect Obama technically between jobs now? His replacement is supposed to begin work on Monday, right? How does this work? Is he already being paid as the President?
It may be a drop in the bucket, but when you want to save money you cut the things you don't need.

When your pocketbook gets tight do you stop going out to dinner or stop making your mortgage payment?

I think he's just exploiting his government job, just like the rest of them. Obama is no different than any other politician. Which also means that there is no change, and it's not a coming either. He is just a politician with a good PR team.
Brandon...time out. We're glad your mom brought you to the voting booth with her, and that your 2nd grade class had mock elections. But, discussing politics for real is best left to adults. Little kids get too excited, and lose their ability to express ideas and opinions civilly.
From the article:

It's unusual for an incoming president to move his team to the seat of government so early, but Mr Obama and his wife Michelle are keen for ten-year-old Malia and seven-year-old Sasha not to miss their first day at the city's exclusive Sidwell Friends School.

So, by all rights and judging from the past, the fact that PRESIDENT BUSH has friends staying at Blair House is within his rights as PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.

So why should an unemployed guy from Illinois stay there when it's the not the USUAL thing to do. I'm sure there were other, less expensive options?

"Seriously, we pride ourselves the most powerful country in the world and we make a stink about this? Really making a story about nothing IMO."

Yeah, well there were plenty of stories about Bush from even before he took office, too. Many of them were about nothing as well. Turnabout is fair play, so people might as well get ready for it. If you think this administration spent a lot of money, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Obama et al has already designated 2 trillion dollars and he's not even in office yet!

And as far as the "sensless and unecessary" war in Iraq, Obama has stated more than once that he plans to pull the troops from Iraq and put them in the Afghan war, plus ramp up more foreign aid to try to buy some friends. :rolleyes:

My mom didnt bring me to the voting booth and im in the marines and have been to iraq twice and I have my own business, and people do the work for me so all of you guys are too funny haha too bad were behind computer screens I can tlk politics if I want if you dont like it then get off weeetarddsss........
My mom didnt bring me to the voting booth and im in the marines and have been to iraq twice and I have my own business, and people do the work for me so all of you guys are too funny haha too bad were behind computer screens I can tlk politics if I want if you dont like it then get off weeetarddsss........

What unit of the Marines are you in?

What is you MOS?

Did you serve in the same unit with Frank?
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IMO, a real marine would have more respect for other peoples opinions, in a free society.

Being a war vet doesnt give you the right to belittle and disrespect others. Thanks for your service but we have alot of vets on this site. Including 2 years in 'NAM myself.

On another note he is not the president yet. I dont care if it was mc cain. My taxes should not pay his housing yet.
According to the news broadcast this morning, rooms at the Hay-Adams hotel range from $800 to $6000 per night. Not 13K British pound or $18,000 US Dollars. Perhaps they article meant to quote the entire bill for several days stay? Or perhaps Obama needs additional rooms, but even still, the maximum room cost is $6000 per night. The article also stated that Obama was picking up the full cost of the hotel stay.

Even if the government pays half the room costs, it's only proper since the reason he musts stay at the Hay-Adams is because the Government owned Blair House is not currently available which is the government's problem (poor planning). if it was available, Obama would be staying there instead and the Government would be paying the full tab.

I would not be suprised if the Secret Service did not recommend the Hay-Adams hotel since it is just across the streer from the Whitehouse, and has been used by countless dignitaries and heads of state visiting Washington. The Secret Service is very familiar with the security aspects of that hotel and probably have already installed a lot of security equipment in the building.


Not to beat a dead horse, but as I said above:

From the article:

It's unusual for an incoming president to move his team to the seat of government so early, but Mr Obama and his wife Michelle are keen for ten-year-old Malia and seven-year-old Sasha not to miss their first day at the city's exclusive Sidwell Friends School.

So, by all rights and judging from the past, the fact that PRESIDENT BUSH has friends staying at Blair House is within his rights as PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.

So why should an unemployed guy from Illinois stay there when it's the not the USUAL thing to do. I'm sure there were other, less expensive options?

Therefore, the fact that Blair house is not available has nothing to do with it.
As Jerry and the article state, it was a personal choice that the family moved so early. I also work for the government and if I made a similar decision, the additional costs would come from my pocket, not Uncle Sam's.