Survey: What states have vehicle inspections?

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OK: None. It was repealed about 5 years ago as many stations complained and wanted to charge more for inspections, but state wouldn't allow them to charge more than $5.

I don't miss that annual hassle of finding a inspection station, or the big sticker that goes in the windshield.
Forgot to mention CT has inspection and emission, RI has inspections going to have emissions if not already, SC no inspection, MA I believe has inspection may be wrong
VA - They do require emissions in certain locations (such as where I live :(), in addition to safety.
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OH, Emissions only and not all counties. The police CAN pull over a vehicle for a safety inspection if they see the need. And, every now and then State Police set up moving Safety Inspections and do a pretty full inspection.
Texas vehicle safety inspections Have sidelined at least one truck of mine. My GMC has the rear disk brakes, with a separate little drum inside just like our Tracs do. GM didn't design them very well, though, and the parking brakes don't work on a large percentage of them. If you don't use them, they will actually wear themselves totally away! And who needs to use a parking brake here in souutheast Texas where there aren't any hills? I had to replace the rear disks, pads, and parking shoes before I could get it inspected.

When I asked the technician why he wouldn't pass it because the "parking brake" wouldn't work, he said the "emergency brake" had to work. When I told him GM didn't equip these trucks with "emergency brakes", he told me he couldn't pass it without one. It didn't even have to stop the truck to pass, only hold it (ok, that is a parking brake). Per GM, they are only designed as parking brakes, not emergency brakes.

Oh, and Harris County, Texas also has an emissions test, as well.

The counties surrounding Knoxville, Tennessee do not have vehicle inspections, but cops can write you up for safety violations if they feel like it.
Texas has safety inspections for all vehicles each year except for new cars which are not inspected again until their second year.

Most inspection stations only conduct a visual inspection to insure that emission equipment is connected and the gas caps are checked for pressure leaks. Only a few counties around Dallas, Houston, and perhaps Austin and San Antonio require measurements of exhaust gasses for excessive emissions. If you fail the emissions test, you can have it fixed or pay a $75 fee for a waiver ??? I live in the Waco area and we don't have emissions testing so I'm not sure how stringent they are where they are conducted.

Here, Tennessee, it is a county thing....the county I live in, Hamilton, requires inspections but all the surrounding counties do not
Missouri (Misery) has state safety inspections. The legislature and governor are talking about getting rid of them. St. Louis metro area has emmissions testing.
The only benefit I see with inspections is keeping the unsafe, POS, death-traps off the road. Oklahoma doesn't have inspections, and some of the vehicles here look like something from a third-world country.
None in either Minnesota or Wisconsin. (Although in Wisconsin, I've heard that many local municipalities in areas with heavy Mennonite populations require inspections on the taillights on horse-drawn buggies. No, I'm not kidding--there have been a few too many accidents where the buggy's lights weren't working and a car ran into them from behind.)