Supercharged Trac (installed today)

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True, but it won't HURT your gas mileage much if you can keep your foot off the floor...which I am finding to be VERY difficult. It's just so much FUN to drive now!
Chad. I should be up that way next week. I actually live 60 miles south of St. Louis (that's also where the shop is that I got it installed). I'm sure we can figure out a time that I can drop by and let you see it. The guy who installed it, Chris Dicus is the PR guy for BigFoot. He's got a 10-second F150 sitting there in the shop with a Whipple supercharger on it. He also knows the guy who designed the Sport Trac Adrenaline and he's assured me he can get me the parts to make mine lowered and more adrenaline-like...I'm probably going to have to take him up on that offer, it's just too good to pass up.

Michelle...I will DEFINITELY keep that in mind. ;)

There really aren't many women out there who can appreciate a supercharged vehicle. I bought a Thunderbird SC about 10 years ago and she took the liberty of running a stoplight and hitting an escort at 60mph. I barely even got to drive it. She's not getting behind the wheel of this though. hehe.

not to step on your toes, but how muh are we talking about money wise? all the way from ordring it from EE, the install, to taking a test drive... Any figures on how much i need to start saving!!


Depending on how much it costs you to get it installed, I'd say anywhere from $4000-$6000. Shipping was the only CHEAP part of the whole thing @ $56. haha

You could PROBABLY install it yourself if you're comfortable working with engines. The kit is set up very well. It comes with everything you need to install and a book with detailed pictures and instructions. We had a question today when it was getting installed, I came home, called Dave at EE and he called my mechanic back within 10 minutes.

You're going to spend a LOT of cash, but the way it feels when you drive it down the road is worth every penny (to me anyway). I haven't had a car under 300 horsepower since I turned 16 though, so I was very accustomed to having a lot of power. Needless to say, the sport trac left me wanting. Now that I've got the supercharger on there, it's PERFECT.

If you're not ready to shell out that kind of cash, you might try one of the SCTx-Calibrators. It will firm up your shift points and give you a few extra horses. If that still isn't enough, then go for the supercharger.
Baron, I'll be in St. Charles in October.

Can we schedule a mini-meet in the STL area for STs? Just a lunch get-together, say maybe at a restaurant somewhere, or maybe even Dave and Buster's at Riverport?

:D :D :cool: I REALLY want to see it now!
Larry, we'll have to put the word out about a St. Louis meet. I think that would be a pretty good idea.

Q. The weird thing is that my 91 Thunderbird SC made almost no whine...but this thing...WOW, it literally sounds like a siren when I'm running wide open at 80mph. I think it's more of a SCREAM than a whine. haha
I'm sure we can work something out. Chad also wants to meet up to see the supercharger. I'd be willing to bet that there are others too. I'm certainly happy to show it off. hehe

I'm off on another test drive (these are quite a bit of fun!). It provides a nice break from my usual, monotonous, working day.
Just keep me updated I will meet anytime except for 10/2 and 10/9. I wonder how many memebers we have from STL area? I know I have never seen another ST modded out, I get asked all the time about mine, and see the people doing the tap on the shoulder to the paasenger and pointing at mine. Supercharger sounds like a worthy investment if the 390HP 07 adrenaline is not available.
If they do make the 390HP 2007 Adrenaline, my current Trac is getting sold/traded. Those are one of the coolest-looking vehicles Ford has ever come up with. With AWD standard, I bet you can get one helluva launch off the line too.

I am becoming the midwest's #1 user of fuel though, I've gone through $20 worth of premium already this morning. I must admit, this thing is a BLAST to drive. I really didn't want to come back home, but I've gotta work sometime or I won't be doing much driving because of lack of gas money. The stock Trac was fun to drive, but I never had a time when I wanted to just keep driving because it provided entertainment.

I wish this forum bumped the more popular threads back up to the top, we're almost pushed off the first page. Threads kinda die after they're off the front page.

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I wonder if the 390HP Trac is going to have the French transmission? It's probably been told here before, I just can't recall, and don't care enough to search. :lol:
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Is the auto transmission in the 05 mustang 4.0 the same one as in the trac. I was at a mustang forum and they were saying that the auto trany for the gt and v6 stangs were the same but the sticks were diffrent. If the anwsers are yes and yes then theroeticly the trany should be ok with higher HP motors,,,, right???
I'm going to start looking for a new transmission just in case. It would be nice to get a 6-speed in the trac. Currently, it's an automatic, so it would probably be a HUGE pain to switch, however, the "fun to drive" factor would increase dramatically (if that's even POSSIBLE).

So far, my transmission has been rock-solid...but then it's only been 3 days. haha
