Sport Trac World Loss

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Johnny O

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I saw on today that John Johnstone, aka John Rock, was killed in a traffic accident. John had what was probably the most built and famous Sport Trac in the country and was a wealth of information on Gen 1's and off-roading. I never met him in person since he lived halfway across the country but we corresponded a bit and I considered him a friend and will miss him.

R.I.P. buddy.

Someone who will wheel a Sport Trac at Moab....

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Wow, this comes as quite a shock. Condolences to the family at this tough time.

I followed all of John's work and considered buying another Trac to build up similar to his. I wish i would've been able to meet him and see his Trac up close.

RIP John...You will be missed by many.
Wow. John was a heck of a guy, and a wealth of knowledge. This is indeed sad news.

May he rest in peace. Definitely gone too soon.
That's horrible, he was a great guy, I've talked to alot over the years and started to model my '03 ST after his when I first bought it. Is there anything in the local news about the accident? You will be missed John !!!! :cry::sad:

Here's a picture to describe how most of us who knew him will remember him.

[Broken External Image]:

And another.

[Broken External Image]:

My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.
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I've met up with John many times over the years. He was an awesome person. My prayers to his family. R.I.P. my friend.....
Even before John recommended me as a co-mod in the EF/ST forum we bantered back and forth a lot. I never had the opportunity to meet John face-to-face but we did become good friends. Johns passing will leave a void in the Explorer community that will never be filled. He enjoyed his friends and his trucks and will be remembered far and wide for that and his friendliness and willingness to jump in when needed.

We'll miss you John, R.I.P. ! :sad:
Very sad news. John will be missed. He was my main inspiration in buying a Sport Trac and one of the great guys that made me want to help people out online with my ST experiences. He had a wealth of knowledge and was always willing to share. You can't go online and look for Sport Trac information without seeing his footprint. I wish my experiences with John had been more than online. I'm sure his great attitude and willingness to help went far beyond the internet and impacted many beyond the Sport Trac world.

My prayers go out to John's family and friends.
Hugh said:
You can't go online and look for Sport Trac information without seeing his footprint.

That was an incredibly good way to put it. Props to you, sir.

Roger (& Georgia) said:
That is quite a shock, and very sad news. Thanks for posting, JonnyO.

No prob. I only check in at EF once or twice a week, but I happened to do it right after they posted the sad news.

Here is the build thread in case anybody wants to know about his Trac. ---V
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Wow, I have met him once, but I think we will all miss him around here even if you never met him in person.
Although I did not know him, looks like he was a great insperation to all of our ST's. My prayers go out to his family and loved ones....Keep on Trackin' John....
HERE is his member profile...

Rodger If we can figure how to update we will

I personally never met him or crossed paths, but is a sad blow to the Explorer/ST/offroad world !!


Todd Z

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