should have been the driver.....

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gary s

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
long island, NY
early this eve, i was sitting in my truck with my son talking to a friend at the local station near work. 20 feet away,next thing we hear is this huge boom and this dodge pick up hit a parked tractor trailer in the rear. the guy was wasted and flew out of the station and caught the rear of the tt.

the sad part was that his girlfriend had to be cut out as he walked around cursing everyone.

i have ZERO tolerence for driving under the influence, but he is ok and she had to go to the hospital with serious injury :angry:

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As I too have ZERO tolerance, she got in the truck with him drunk..... There is partial blame there....

UNLESS she was wasted too...

Todd Z
I've been a victim of drunk drivers twice! The pain in my hip is a constant reminder. I have no tolerance for drunk driving. People who choose to drive under the influence have, or just don't care, no idea the amount of damage they do to other people's lives.

I agree with Todd. The passanger can blame nobody but herself. She choose to get in the vehicle with a drunk.

I lost an uncle to a drunk driver just a couple of weeks after I graduated from high school back in '89. First time I'd ever been a pallbearer. Drunk driver walked away with just a few scratches. My uncle's Renault looked like it had been in a monster truck rally after the other guy's jacked up Blazer got through with it. Because of that, I have zero tolerance as well. Livingston/Beaumont area judge let him go with a slap on the wrist. Intoxication manslaughter with prior DUI's. They gave him the lightest sentence possible. :smack:
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imo, to light of punishment for this behavior :angry:

found out today, he was high on pain killers and she is an "abused" girl friend who sticks around.:sad:
Sad stories guys..

Hard to believe the let celebrities away with 14 days in jail out of 90 sentenced (lindsay lohan). These are people today's kids grow up idolizing, so when they see that DUIs aren't punished severely they are inclined to partake in the trend and sensationalize alcohol abuse and then get in their car that daddy bought them and head off into the sunset blaring P. Diddy or some other club crap.

Here in SW Ontario we are having a terrible summer with tons and tons of young drivers being killed due to inexperience and DUIs.

Dont get me wrong, I love wobbly-pops as much as the next guy, and whiskey - even more- but i will NOT put myself, people i care about, or complete strangers at risk because of selfish activity. I'll just stay home and roll-up another "left-handed cigarette" and walk my ass to the store.
"I love wobbly-pops as much as the next guy, and whiskey - even more- but i will NOT put myself, people i care about, or complete strangers at risk because of selfish activity. I'll just stay home and roll-up another "left-handed cigarette" and walk my ass to the store."

shaun, i agree. not against drinking, just DON'T drive. :angry:

hey redfish,

didn't know you lived in citrus cnty.

i am in hernando.

next time i am down, beer is on me at cody's :banana:
I agree, penalties are far too lenient.

And to think that the current GOP candidate for MN governor (who has two DUIs on his record) introduced legislation to reduce DUI penalties... :angry::angry::angry:
Speaking of the GOP candidate for MN gov, seems that Target has indirectly supported his run, and said candidate is not pro-gay, so Target is in hot water with gay rights protestors...


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