rubber/plastic exterior trim faded

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Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
miami, FL
I recently bought an 04 st and the rubber exterior trim around the windows is kind of faded and looks bad. So far I've only tried soap and water on it while washing the truck. Does anyone have any suggestions ? Some of the plastic trim looks the same(the cowl piece). I've seen a product called "Back to Black". Is it any good ? or should I wash with some kind of solvent ? maybe alcohol?
The rubber around the windows comes out great if you mask it off and paint it with vinyl dye. Otherwise, it'll always be purple.

I use Turtle Wax Ice Polish on the rest.
I've used Mother's Back to Black and was disappointed as the results were temporary.

I've gotten the best results from Showroom New Restorer. It actually dyes the trim black permanently (been perfect so far - almost 2 years without having to reapply).
I allways used Leather protectant on that stuff, Works great..

Todd Z

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