Please Pray for my wife - Thank You! --UPDATE 6--

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA friends:

My wife is on her going to have a amgiogram this after noon, about 2 pm PDT. Prayers needed for a positive outcome to what ever proceedure follows; i.e. bi-pass (2nd), stents, etc.

Thank You!

Update 1: The results of the angiogram was that they found one of that arteries that was bi-passed 11 yrs. ago is obliterated (surgens words), another artery that is almost completely blocked, and a leaky heart valve. They are going to use a cows valve to repair her leaky one. They would prefer to operate on Wed. to let her heart recover from the "punch" it took Sunday morning, but it she will not wait they will operate on Tues. 9/6/11. There is a very good chance that she will have to be intubated (tube down her throat) tonight in order to keep her blood oxygen levels up. I will know more in the morning. PDT.

Update 2: Today she had a echo cardiogram where we were told that she may not have a leaky heart valve. If that is the case she will only have to have a stent put in on one (1) artery, and there is blood flowing in the artery that was bi-passed where the bi-pass is no longer good. So, tomorrow (not sure what time) they are going to go down her throat while she is out to take a closer look; that proceedure is (I believe) a TTE. Will post update 3 tomorrow. THANK YOU, Everyone!!!


Update 3: Status on how my wife, Georgia, is doing. Last night the gave her a platelet transfusion, and her coundt is now up to 98k (optimal is 150k). I talked to the surgen this afternoon; he said that they could go in and fix the artery, but that would only be a bandaid. The major issue is to fix the heart valve, and in order to do that the fluid on the lungs needs to be removed. So, it will be a couple of more days, at least, before anything is done.

Update 4: My wife had one (1) stent & a angioplast done last night. Today she is got the breathing tube out after almost 2 wks, and they will get her sitting up. Will know more later.

Update 5: Georgia is doing amazingly well for what she has been through. Her breathing & feeding tubes were removed yesterday morning. She now is on the road to recovery. Thank You all for your support.

See below . . .
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She's in my prayers. Speaking from experience, this is not too big a deal. Procedure is short and Valium makes it all the more forgettable. Whatever the outcome, I'm sure she is in good hands. God bless and keep us up to date, Bob :supercool:
The Lords blessing and healing hand be upon the doctors.

May Gods peace be upon you and Georgia, during this procedure.
R, She and you also are in our prayers. Heart medicine is awesome these days.

God loves you both Ed
good news that bypass is not needed. stents are very common and a leaky valve in women over 50 are more common then you think and nothing is done but close monitoring.

best of luck.

hello plavix
Please keep us posted and she is in our prayers every day !!!!

Rachel and Todd