Oil heading over $200/barrel?

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Pretty soon, we're all going to be on horse and buggies! This sucks for future years of trying to get out of town cheaply. I might have to take out a second mortgage just to take my kids up north!! (at least thats the way its going to feel if gas prices double.) Maybe our next president will be kinder.:lol::lol:
Anything is possible. If you had suggested 2 years ago that oil would be at $122 a barrel today you would have been laughed at.
Keep outsourcing to China and make sure you spend your stimulis check at Walmart.

The federal government is sending each and every one of us a $600 rebate.

If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China..

If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.

If we purchase a computer it will go to India.

If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.

If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan.

If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan...

And none of it will help the American economy.

The only way to keep that money here at home is to buy prostitutes, weed, beer, cigarettes, whiskey, and tattoos, since these are the only products still produced in the USA.

Thank you for your help & please support the U.S.
$7.50/gal for diesel here. Regular unleaded a little over $8.00/gal. It'll be in the US soon enough. Back in 2000, Europe had the prices that the US is paying today. :(
brings back those macbeth memories...though when birnam wood marches on castle inverness, the oil companies, I hope it isn't a literal metaphor...as I don't want to let the fuel control be passed onto the green freaks lol.
i did the math today we are paying

$ 122 a barrel of oil

$ 1.23 / litre of fuel and


$200 a barrel of oil will be paying

$2.01 litre

i think all of us beter be thinking about buying a horse and buggy lololo we will be like europe very soon

buy the way i got the weed and tatoo i will suport the economy

Keith Wallace

It's not so much a question of how high it will go in price.

It's when you can't get any gas that the real problems begin.

If I were president, I would put into place an incentive program for companies to make all non essential personel telecommute (where possible).

We have the internet, why not put it to good use?

Even if the program only reduced 10% of the traffic it would be well worth it.
I saw a small Chinese boat with shipping containers piled high yesterday. My best estimate counting the rows and layers of shipping containers was about 1020. Told my wife "there goes a few thousand US manufacturing jobs on one boat".

We are going to have to get used to the fact that we are not #1 anymore. England has been feeling this for years- guess it is now our turn.
I am old enough to remember when gas was only about 35 cents per gallon for premium gas. If you would have suggested that we would be paying 10 time that for gas now, most people could not even imagine such a thing. But it has happened and we are serviving.

In reality, the prices go up to compensate for the higher fuel costs, and we all adjust. There is a certain amount of shock to the system like we are experiencing now, but as soon as things stabilize we adjust.

The only real problem is that pay and salaries often lag well behind the price increases we pay for the things we need to survive, but it will evenually catch up. The problem is hardest on those people who have fixed and limited incomes. Most government pensions and Social Security have some Cost of Living increases, it's just that the government tries to keep the true inflation rate hidden since that is what increases the money they pay for Social Security, Welfare, etc. The inflation rate is usually about twice what the governement actually states it is.

If the right decisions are made, we will get through this unscathed and eventually aour economy will stabilize and life will return to normal,,,, until the next big oil crisis.

This isn't China's fault. This isn't the American consumer's fault.

Oil production is projected to hit its peak in the next two years. Conservative estimates have crude oil depleted within about 35 years after that, more aggressive estimates only 20 years.

We are entering into the phase where the top of the crude oil hour glass is literally less than half full. As more and more countries enter into the industrial age, and as our country continues to grow (we are still building, expanding, sprawling) the rate that we, globally use this crude will only increase...even with conservation.

Expect $6/gallon gas within 2 years; $10/gallon within 5 to 10; and $20/gallon in our lifetime.

We can't ever "run out" of oil. Even if you believe the green freak drivel that we're burning dead dinosaurs, we'll still never run out as there is plenty of oil that we won't ever drill.

Speaking of that, didn't they just find a large oil well off the coast of brazil?

Oil production can't be expected to "peak" in two years when NO new refineries have been built in ages, and the current refineries are "limiting production out of duty to the shareholders". Thanks ExxonMobile...just another way wall street thanks the populace.

This is all of America's fault. We could have had china and japan under our thumbs, france could have held indochina, and britain could have kept india.

But no...we industrialized them, saved their butts or beat them, and now they own us....well, indochina doesn't own us, except in the modern history books :(
GM, locking gas caps won't do a bit of good. Around here people are taking a short piece of rebar and a sledge hammer and punching holes in the bottom of the tanks, then catching the fuel as it pours out of your tank.

Kevin, a huge deposit of oil up in the Dakotas was just recently discovered. They predict that it's even bigger than the reserves in Texas and Louisiana. It spreads up into Canada, too, so if we do get to drill for it, we will more than likely have to share it with our northern neighbor.
Kevin, a huge deposit of oil up in the Dakotas was just recently discovered. They predict that it's even bigger than the reserves in Texas and Louisiana. It spreads up into Canada, too, so if we do get to drill for it, we will more than likely have to share it with our northern neighbor.

Naaa. We have more nuclear weapons than Canada. We don't have to share nothin. :D