NATIONAL LOUISVILLE MEET REGISTRATION... and those that r going please read.

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Todd Z

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V8 Engine
Sep 21, 2003
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Long Island, NY
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2n Gen Owner
I have to post this.... I am sorry..... I also DO NOT WANT ANY ONE saying why they are not going or posting they cant ....

thank you

As of right now we have 18 trucks and close to 40 people.........

IF we don't make the min we will have to cancel the meet and I will refund the fees...

This sucks that we cant get a turn out to the LAST national meet for the ST and this site !!!

The day I have to cancel the meet will be a sad day in my eyes.....

Todd Z
ok i have a few probs. i want to go really bad my parents cant go and im 19 called the hotal and they tell me i have to be 21 to get a room what do i do if i cant go to the last meet i may go crazy....... please tell me what i can do thanks im not postin herre to say that i cant go i just need info so i can thank u tod..

2 things

There may be some one younger that is able to get a room and can share it with you and is willing to split it to save $$ with you....


I could allways get the room 4 u...... You could just give me the money.....

Sound fair ???

Todd Z

Check out the meet link for more info..

thank you

Todd Z
Rusty, Check out my last post in the sticky post there..... Hope that helps...

Todd Z

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