Makes one wonder about LEOs

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Bill Barber

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
And what there prioritys are.

So i take the roush out as I do every saturday for a couple hrs.

Am driving 65 in a 65 and being passed by people doing 90, people not using turn indicators, every 3 car has full limo tint.

I get pulled over by the CHP, take the offramp, pull over and park the car, windows down, both hands on the wheel.

Officer walks up to the window, good afternoon, the smoked headlgts you have are not legal.

(car has never been driven at night), also you have no front plate, your side window tint is not legal (35%),Pls put the car in neutral and start it.

(yes sir) start the car, told to shut it down,(yessir)

You know if I had the time to get my DB meter, would gaurantee your exhaust is not legal.

Sorry sir, get these infractions taken care of ASAP, you have been warned, yes sir.

gave him no crap, never asked for my license, gave him no crap because i left my wallet at home:rolleyes:
I'm not sure I understand the title of this topic. It sounds to me that he was doing his job. He noted your infractions and let you off with a warning. If you are refering to why he pulled you over and not the people passing you going 90 with illegal tint, then I must say that your vehicle as you described it would draw a ton of attention to itself by anyone. Also, he may not have seen the other cars when he came upon you. I would say with that list of infractions, you were very lucky to get off with a warning. Nice car by the way.
Fully agree ND

I have infractions, but why not go after the speeders, people that make illegle lane changes,

people not wearing belts Etc.

When he said if I had the time to get my DB meter, just rolled my eyes, all I could think was, hey guy, spend your time time busting people that are really endangering others.

Been on the road for 45 years, never gotten a ticket.

Granted he was doing his job, granted I am in the wrong, but why pull me over for nothing other than a few things that will not kill other drivers.
For whatever the reason the cop had an HO for you.

Consider this when you ask "why me and not someone doing something more serious?"

If everyone cried that tune, and the cops somehow started ONLY going after those that they felt were the worst offenders, what kind of a world would it turn out to be? For every jaywalk there is a rolling stop; for every rolling stop an illegally parked car, for every illegally parked car a speeder, for every speeder an even faster speeder, for every fast speeder some DUI, for every DUI someone homicidal road rage person with a gun....were do the cops draw the line?

He saw you. He had an HO for you.


He probably thought you were some hotrodder with a loud exhaust and several illegal vehicle modifications. Sorry, I've never been pulled over like that. Of course, my Trac is pretty much all stock, so maybe there is no reason to suspect that I am out of compliance.
As an LEO I can tell you that many many people "cry that same tune". A lot of people always are asking "why me" and not the person that was doing X (insert any offense here). The worst is the drunk driver that wants to know why I'm harassing him and not the real criminals, normally they say the drug dealers. While Bill's offenses are very minor it is still the same idea. We can only stop so many people and have to pick and chose for whatever reason. A lot of people have no use for a police officer until they are in need of one and then complain when one is not there in 2 minutes.

I rarely have the time to mess with window tint, headlight covers and the like but the CHP patrol guys focus mostly on traffic and enforcing motor vehicle laws, it is what they do. I seems the officer was just doing his job and rightly so by just giving you a warning. I know some officers that would make you remove your headling covers right then and there (if in a safe spot).

An LEO's job encompasses a wide variety of things and as much as I do not care for enforcing some of the traffic laws it is part of the job.

Am in no way crying unfair, infractions are infractions, I am not within the law, am breaking the laws of my state, but I am not endangering people.

Is a little old 87 year old lady down the street that grows dope, two plants, she makes tea with it. lasts her a year, should I turn her in? would you bust her? some laws are just plain stupid.

I agree 100%. The GT500 has stripes also. I am convinced they're a magnet for immature cops. I've been out the past two Saturdays, and have been flashed more times than I can count.

Two weeks ago, I drive off a light, never exceed the speed limit (50). Stop at the next light (this was on a two lane divided, semi rural highway), look in the rearview, there's a cop in an unmarked Trans-Am, full tint, etc., behind me, looked like he was calling me in. He eventually left me alone and turned off.

Last week, two lanes each way, leaving the next town to the west, the Radar Detector goes nuts, I'm in a 45, doing 45. As I look in the rearview, there's the idiot, doing a 180 so he can "tail me". The wife starts telling me to be careful, the idot stays back 75 yds. or so in the adjacent (left) lane, "hiding" behind another vehicle. Really pissed me off. My vehicle is new, tint is legal, so is exhaust. Anyway, I make a right turn, from the right lane, to head towards the interstate and home. So the idiot darts into the right lane, and follows my turn. Light ahead goes red, so I d/s to 2nd, foot off the gas, down to 20 mph. Must of ticked him off, cause after several hundred feet of being behind me, he once again darts into the other lane, steps on it, and passes me on the right. Unmarked Malibu, full tint,definately a cop, probably a young and immature once again. He was not on a call!

I was gonna post this last week, but thought there would be few on here that would understand.

Now, when I'm driving in the dark, I RARELY get a hit on the radar detector. I am convinced it's the visual, jump to conclusion, easy target mentality. IMO, they ought to stop playing Steve McQueen Cops and stay focused on the criminals.


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Oh, you'll get a kick out of this one. The wife has to go to the Sheriff's Office (legimate, legal issue unrelated to vehicle, non-complaint). She drives the GT500. Accomplishes her business, and on the way out, the deputy notices the vehicle. He's very interested, as a Mustang owener himself. He gets more deputies, office people out in the parking lot to take a look. They beg the wife to do a burnout in the lot. She's tells them "no, especially not in the Sheriff's lot".

Go figure.

Maybe they all just want a look-see.

Good thing it's not a Ford GT.

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