Louisville 2008 !!! - Thank you to ALL !!!!!

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Todd Z

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Sep 21, 2003
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Long Island, NY
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Hello Fellow Site members and sponsors,

Thank you to all those that attended the 2008 National meet. I appreciate you all taking the time out and making the trip.

Thank you to all the Sponsors that donated OVER 25 ITEMS to raffle off !!!!!!!!

That was completely unexpected and greatly appreciated.

A special thank you to Rachel, Sal A, Victor V, and Todd C for helping me this year at the meet doing all the necessary things to make the meet a success.

Behind the scenes George C, Paul H, Rich Stern, Kristin (Ford), Ryan (Ford), all helped plan the events Before we even stepped foot in Louisville.

It was nice to meet everyone, Dave turner, Doug from Bama chips, For bringing the 07 off road truck and Doug for doing the Dyno runs for us !!!!!

I Feel the meet was a 100% success with only minor snags along the way. The couple of issues we had were worked around and I know for next time who to rely on for planning such things.

The questioners were filled out and we have been reading them. I thank you all that attended for the kind words.

I would like to say sorry to those that felt I did not do something correctly or did not spend time talking to them. All I ask is please understand what it is like to organize an event such as this, and The time i needed to spend making sure everything went as planned.

I see in a previous post that the award winners were posted so I will not re post that information.

Thank you again, IT was great to meet those who I did not know and see and those I had met previously.

Thank you again to everyone who helped make this a great meet.

Please don't forget to contact Sal A if you have pics or videos of the meet. He is going to be making a CD of the event that we will make available to those that were there and may have missed something.

A side note, the LAP plant had the meet poster from 2004 still hanging in their lunch room. IT was GREAT to see such a thing.

I had a great time and a good trip. I was averaging 24 MPG at 80 for about 450 of it and 75 for the other 500 of it..... I am happy with that......

Todd Z

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I'll start saving for the next one Todd.. I really wanted to be there. But sounds like a great time. Even though I couldn't make thanks for putting on the meet.

The amount of effort that goes into these is enormous. I appreciate everything you and your group of volunteers did, and absolutely enjoyed the event.
Todd, we both had a very good time.This was our first meet,and it was great to see the people behind the names. Thanks to all who made it possible.:):)

[Broken External Image]:

Here is the poster for anyone that has not seen it.
did not make the trip, but i am sure todd & crew did a great job with this huge event!

it sounds like everyone had a great time.

btw, andy, how come we can never get an answer on your 1/4 mile e.t.'s ?
Todd and company . . . . I just have too much going on this year and could not make the meet. I know it takes a special effort to make this happen. From all I have read GREAT JOB! and congrads on a successful meet had by all.
Oh c'mon, it was a good burn. Besides, the more I bug you, the more you get off your butt to figure it out.

One way would be an AWD conversion then put the ST on an AWD dyno! :huh:
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Thank you Todd for putting together such a successful meet. My thanks also goes out to the ones that helped in one way or another. I'm sure there were a few headaches in organizing and getting things situated, but I know that everyone appreciates your effort and those that did attend had a great time. It was great meeting everyone and look forward to the next one.
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Thanks to all. Sam and I had a great time. I enjoyed talking to everyone. Ya'll did a great job. I averaged 25 and 26 on the last two tanks to home. _Ron
Todd Z, I want to say Thank you again to You & Everyone that orginized and helped to make this event special for Everyone. I agree with Rich Stern, it's not an easy task to plan/orginize and try to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. Plus trying to enjoy the meet in spite of working the meet. THANK YOU! I know it's not easy and a labor of love! I hope we have many more National Meets for years to come!

And for those that have gone and missed it this year, We missed you too! For those that have never been to a National Meet, it's the Mega Meet of all ST owner meets and I hope you attend the next one! START SAVING NOW....!!! :)

It is the coolest thing ever to put the faces to the names! And to see folks you have met in the past! and of course there is nothing..and I mean nothing like a convoy of ST's (with police escort) the line up and convoy is sooooo much fun!!!!

And it' not that far away :) we had two guys from Victoria Canada that drove 4 days to be with us (and even had to take detours due to flooded states.) Several from NY were at the meet, TX, AL, GA, FL, PA, OH (Caymen sorry I missed you and Theresa when you dropped by) so many folks from all over!

I guess it breaks down to this...

How Bad does one Want to Be there. If you want to go to the next one, Start saving now and be religious about saving for the trip.

***by the way, on the way back to AZ there was a blue ST that got up along side my trac on

I 40, I don't know if the person was a member here, (no sticker in the back window) He was next to me for at least 5 mins, then took off. I didn't realize it was an ST until he blew by me. Tried to catch him but thanks to drivers that pull out in the fast lane and then slow down *ugh euro cars!* I could not catch up to him.

We Truely enjoyed all of the events! GREAT JOB Planning Committee! YOU ALL ROCK! :D

I SECOND and THIRD what everyone else is saying....A BIG thanks to you Todd and everyone else who made it such a fun meet....It was my first meet and for sure not my last....Thanks again to everyone

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