Just what we need,Libya:(

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I agree with you. I only have one question, what should have Obama done?

After you answer it, ask yourself...

What would McCain or Bush have done? What would Reagon have done?

Has Obama done anything that any other president would not have done?

We should have done it decades ago and done it right! I hope we knew where the Lockerbie bomb plotter was hiding and sent a well placed cruise missle in all the excirtement. He should never have been released...IMO!
We should have done nothing,not our country.

The american mentality of having to police the entire planet has got to stop.
(Team America:World Police picture removed)

"America, F Yeah! Comin' again to save the []in' day, yeah!"


Why are we there again? I have to agree that this altruistic "world police" outlook needs to stop--if we're going to get involved with this, and once again put trust in France and England as allies in this venture (do we never learn?), we as a country need to get something out of it.

That warm fuzzy feeling that we're supposed to get from "protecting innocent civilians of foreign nations" doesn't count. If we're doing this under the guise of maintaining stability in the region, then why don't we just take over their country? Playing God and destroying their ability to make war on themselves as part of a high-handed gesture to enforce a cease-fire in another country's war seems tantamount to outright conquest.

Allied military action to enforce the ceasefire commenced the same day when a French plane opened fire and destroyed an enemy vehicle on ground. French jets also destroyed 5 enemy tanks belonging to the Gaddafi regime.


Disagree as we may on the above, I'm certain we all have doubts about any military action under President Obama, who ran on a campaign that was designed to curtail American military involvement & deployment, and is famous for vacillating when presented with any military decision.

EDIT: Quotes from <A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libya#2011_uprising">Wikipedia</A>, since the OP didn't provide any articles.
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Obama's commitment to send no ground forces to Libya, and his authorization of bombing only targets occupied by the Libyan Government fly in the face of his claims that the attacks are not about change, but about protecting citizens from tyranny.

Destroying one regime's ability to fight another will create a regime change.

Here's a thought--if the rebels take the initiative and go offensive against the Libyan government now that the Allied assault has drastically weakened them, will we bomb them equally?

I don't see how the US can honestly play God and rain down destruction on high upon another country "peaceably". This is war, and should be called as such.
We should have done nothing,not our country.

The american mentality of having to police the entire planet has got to stop.

+ 1 for Bill's side.

Although at times I am thinking a large neutron bomb over the entire Middle East might not be a bad idea as well...
CNN is calling it the war in Libya for whatever that is worth,is another undeclared war that america is involved in.

We have had what,6/7 of these debacles since 1945,and lost every one of them with maybe 100K american soldiers killed,america has no clue how to win a war anymore.

Were going to do this sort of crap,declare war,move on the enemy,and end it in a matter of hrs,not years,with whatever it takes.

I was asking, not because I was trying to be critical of you, but I wanted your reason of your comment.

Bush would have done the same thing, except maybe 2 weeks sooner. I agree with you, lets leave Lybia's trouble for Lybia to deal with. If they bring it to my soil, then I will do what I have to do, but if they keep in on their soil, than it is their problem.

Looks like this website is split on the debate.

You, and other feel the same as I. I would not put this as a "Obama problem" but moreso an "America problem".

Others here see this as an "Obama problem" because he did not do this soon enough. I wonder if the tables were turned and McCain waited this long, this would be a "Wise move on McCain's part".

We just should not participate in this crap at this time,is like going to a street fight with a pellet rifle.

We launced 140 cruise missels on Libya,at 600K each thats some real money,my tax money.

I am pissed,we have no right to be there,is just all wrong.
We have had what,6/7 of these debacles since 1945,and lost every one of them with maybe 100K american soldiers killed,america has no clue how to win a war anymore.

Why is that, because of the "P.C." A'holes of the world and because the only people actually involved in a "war" are the countries we go against because they don't follow any Rules of Engagement of any kind. Our hands have been tied ever since WWII, we can't actually wage a war agianst anybody, we can only have a "police state" = hands tied people. I have all the respect and admiration for the U.S. Armed Forces, the world and gov't want them to go give up their lives for "war" (B.S.) Did we forget how a war goes, yes there can be rules but damn people, Bomb the F'ers and be done with it, it's called "WAR" people "WAR", not hide and seek and let our soldiers die trying to track them done in ambush's on there turf.

I know I'm gonna get serious flack about this but think about this before you say anything. Since we joined the war (WWII) Bombed Japan and fought against Germany and won have we had to deal with them agin since, NO, why hmmm, think about it.

america has no clue how to win a war anymore

I also was going to say that we cannot fight a war to win because of political correctness but Jerry beat me to the punch.

I also belive Obama had to go along because of his allegiance to the U.N. IMO...the U.N. sucks and we should tell them to take a hike. I only hope that we got pre-approved credit from the Red Chinese so we can afford to replace the cruise missle we just lobbed at Libya.

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If the Libyans want to kill each other, why should anyone want to stop them?

Shoot, let's let them off each other, and come in and pick up the rest.

Lobbing cruise missiles, problematic EW jets that are just now getting their first "combat" trials, and bombs from gas-guzzling airplanes is not cheap, and that concerns me a bit, though this is the first time the Navy has gotten to take the offensive since, well, Libya in the 80s, right?

Get the UN out of NY, damn Rockefeller's "altruism". Why isn't this kangaroo court over with the Hague, or in Switzerland?

Countless times in American history there were wars that we SHOULD have gotten involved in, but didn't. It makes it that much worse that we've been roped into an unjust one.


1) We let the French and the Mexicans fight it out.

2)We let Argentina and the British fight it out.

Shoot, when we had our civil war, everyone else let us fight it out.

Jerry Gerner, while I agree with what you say, I hate to break it to you that we HAVE beaten the living crap out of Libya before (twice) and now we're back...again.
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...at 600K each thats some real money

I thought when Clinton used those cruise missiles in Africa in retaliation of the embasy bombings they were 1 Million dollars each, that was back in 1995? Has the price gone down? We must have been outsourceing them to China to build to lower the costs!:bwahaha:

Having a brain fart but didn't Lybia have the same leader then? Not argueing just having a memory lapse (from being tired) but if we have beat them twice and they still have the same leader then we really didn't accomplish anything, jmho. Same when Bush Sr. went against Sadam and then Jr. did the same thing years later again, true this time they actually got him out of leadership but it should've been done the first time around.

Alot of wasted American Soldiers and lives in my opinion, acouple family members of mine included.

The problem is theirs BIG money in "WAR"to be made (weapons manufacturers, lobbyist, politicians, etc...) but the U.S. suffers because our resources are wasted, lives are wasted and our country continues it's downward spiral because nobody's really focused on America's needs and really building this country back towhere it should be.

KL, again I'm not arguing with you just so you know. Just tired of seeing our country being :toilet: while everyone else get all the help and attention.

Case in point, our "Unemployment Rate", it's total B.S. those numbers are only the people that are on unemployment compensation (which most of them don't even deserve it and continue to live off of it). They (experts) even said the rate is really unofficailly probably closer to 35-45% and I think it might even be higher then that from everyone I talk to around the country. WTF.

Ok, I'm starting to ramble off subject so I'm gonna end it here for the night.
This, like the re-opening of Gitmo shows President Obama's level of naivety when it comes to world events. It sure is easy to tell American just what it needs to do, and to stand on a soapbox and give a whole bunch of "we won't be the policemen of the world" type rhetoric when campaigning. But, when no longer in the cheap seats, things get infinitely more complex.

I like the apologists who were Bush's harshest critics; those that called him the worst president ever, etc. They now tend to give Obama a pass saying that Bush would invaded Libya too. I find such rationale pretty funny. Typically, when trying to prop someone up and make them look better, or at least not so bad, one doesn't compare them and their actions to someone who they claim to have been "worst ever". LOL

Get out of Iraq, Afghan, and keep the heck out of Lib. We do not have xtra finances to keep on lobbing 1.5 mil a piece missles at folks. Nobody but nobody likes people that stick their nose into other peoples business, just like the rich aunt or uncle who tries to tell you all about everything because thy got a couple of bucks. We do not understand these people and their culture and we try to Americanize them and they end up resenting us more. Get our boys and girls home. I agree with all that say quit policing the world.