It's an epidemic

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
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Sugar Land, TX
Just venting.

Several times a day I find myself getting behind someone on a cell phone driving with their head up their ass. It's getting to be an epidemic. Some states have passed laws preventing cell phone use while driving but unfortunately not here in Texas. Man, I wish they would.

The laws don't help, they still do it, just holding the phone under their Hair, under a hat, OR if they see a cop, they just put the phone down for 1 sec....

Todd Z

Drive in Philly on the Schuykill or any of the City's two lane/one direction streets, and you'll realize how hazardous an inattentive or semi-attentive driver is. I can't count how many times I've seen a driver in front of me weaving over the yellow line and back as s/he talks. It truly is dangerous, especially on streets here that lack any center divider.

Giving up the liberty would be prohibiting any cell phone use in a vehicle. Molding the liberty to reflect the general health, safety and welfare is requiring reasonable regulations on use, such as headsets and pulling over to dial in that conference call.
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It's just freeking common sence! (or great lack of)

Your suppose to PAY ATTENTION when you drive.

Having a license to drive is a privilege, not a right.

If you want to talk on the phone and be in a car, let someone else drive.:blink:

King County, Seattle Metro passed that law last July. No one abides by it including city, county and state police. I see them on the phone all the time. I make it a habit not to drive using the phone unless it's an emergency which has never happened.

As far as "We" giving up our liberties that law was passed on the last city ballot by the "People".
Sad, sad, sad. We want to give up our liberties.

I guess when DWI laws were enacted it infringed on our "liberties". I know there are no statistics to support it but I'm willing to bet people on cell phones cause as many accidents now as drunk drivers.
How were they driving with their head up their @$$??? :lol::lol::lol:

I know, I've seen it too.

Do you really think people are going to drive any better without cell phones? In 30 years of driving in Houston, people drove almost as badly before cell phones were invented. People find all sorts of distractions. I've even seen people READING while driving! :blink: The only thing I can think of that is worse is "texting" while driving!:eek:
I agree with Tom. I don't think cell phone use should be banned. The cell phone is not the problem here. The problem is the driver loafing along in the left (passing) lane about 10 MPH slower that the speed limit, totally oblivious to the long line of cars behind her.

I don't care if they want to talk on the phone, paint their nails, or have sex, but I do care when they are impeding traffic and driving over the line and generally making a nusciance of themselves on the road. This behavior is what should be enforced.

After being behind one of the ass-hats for a few miles, I totally understand road rage.

Don't punish the cell phone user. Punish the bad driver. If they can't drive properly while talking on the phone or chewing gum, then get 'em off the road and fine 'em hard.

Maybe we should start a new post about stupid things we've seen people do while driving. Ok, I'll start it.
I don't think cell phone use should be banned. The cell phone is not the problem here.

The cell phone is the problem. Or rather, the split the phone causes in the driver's attention. I've noticed it myself; when I'm on the phone, I'm not nearly as attentive to what's going on around me. We all do it. Some of us are better at others at dealing with multiple things at a time, but that doesn't mean someone who's good at it is capable of driving as well on the phone as they do off of it.

It's almost as bad when you have passengers in the car and are talking. How many times have you passed a turn or offramp while talking to someone? How often do you do it when you're alone?

There's a good reason why underage drivers aren't allowed to have passengers in some states. I think the same can be said about driving while on the phone.
But that underage (cough) law wastes gas and puts more cars on the roads, as the high schoolers can't carpool, so they all have drive their civics like idiots to the mall and the like.

One car with four people is far less dangerous than 4 cars....with one car there can be no "racing" each other on circular entryways around malls, or drag racing on the street, or doing synchronized burnouts with their debadged imports in parking lots.

**Why is it that everyone with an import seems to list debadging as the first mod? Are they that ashamed of their ride or something? If you take the mitsubishi symbol off, the outline of where the 3 triangles was gives it away...some men you just cain't reach.

PA has banned cell phones for drivers, with cops being the only exception. As others have stated, taking away the cell won't stop the other in-car stupidity. As Ben Franklin said "he who would surrender liberty for security deserves neither"...and his _state_ is now scrapping these liberties, in a futile attempt to remedy the problem.

If you take the cell phones away, then people have another free hand to do even more stupid crap we really want that?
One car with four people is far less dangerous than 4 cars....with one car there can be no "racing" each other on circular entryways around malls, or drag racing on the street, or doing synchronized burnouts with their debadged imports in parking lots.

I think your missing the point. The idea is to keep young drivers focused. You can't always keep them from doing stupid things though.

If you take the cell phones away, then people have another free hand to do even more stupid crap we really want that?

Again your missing the point. It's not a matter of driving with one hand busy but driving while distracted. It's like having a dvd player on the dash and watching movies while driving, which is illegal although I have seen people do it.
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I usually debadge my vehicle within a few hours of having them home. I like the clean, smooth appearance, and its easier to wash and wax. If the paint doesn't match, they go back on though... As for being the first mod, its also free!
PA has banned cell phones for drivers, with cops being the only exception. As others have stated, taking away the cell won't stop the other in-car stupidity. As Ben Franklin said "he who would surrender liberty for security deserves neither"...and his _state_ is now scrapping these liberties, in a futile attempt to remedy the problem.

Since when?

HARRISBURG, Pa. - An e-mail currently making the rounds is creating a lot of confusion about just what the law of the land is in Pennsylvania when it comes to cell phones and cars. The e-mail erroneously claims that the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed a law banning the use of cell phones by drivers and that it will take effect Nov. 10. Lawmakers have considered such a law, but it has not been passed.

What does Ben Franklin say about believing everything you read in e-mails and on the internet? :)

The Bill currently is in the Transportation Committee, where it has been since September, 2007 (

And, there's a pretty good chance it will suffer "death by committee," as there's a reason it's moving so slowly.

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Driving is not a liberty, it is a PRIVILEDGE. I'm all for freedom but not when someone elses interferes with mine.
Anyone who thinks that it's okay to drive and use a cell phone has their head up their a$$. Most people can't drive worth a damm anyway and then to have them use cell phones. Well you see the results everyday, it's a shame we couldn't find out how many of the wrecked vehicles we see became that way as a result of the driver using a cell phone.

In NY operators of emergency vehicles are exempt from the cell phone law. That includes FD, PD, and EMS.

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