In response to my comrades.

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Randy Daniels

Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Mt. Washington, KY
!! Before reading this, you should read my previous posting!!

WOW! I see now that I should have just put up the original 'Long Story" instead of the shorter, "reader's digest" version. So, for all of you that would rather glout in their own ignorance...maybe after the story you'll see, and understand my circumstance.

I bought an '05 4x4 (because I do know the diff.) 2 wks before my son was born. I rushed my wife to the hospital (iin snowy conditions) with this trac. The day after my son was born, I get a call from the dealership stating that they had some MINOR stuff they needed to talk with me about.Remember, I've "owned" the trac for two weeks now! So, on the way home from the Hospital, my wife convinces me that she is feeling great and wants to swing by the dealership on our way home, with new baby in tow!

When we stop by the dealership they proceed to tell me that they are taking back the trac that I've been driving for two weeks due to that fact that they can't get me financed. Now I've already signed paperwork, Agreed to a payment, and traded in my previous vehicle. Imagine the SHOCK!!! And Anger!!!:eek::angry: They wouldn't allow me to leave the lot with this trac and threw me into another one....the one I have. So, with brand new baby boy, and post-hospital, new mommy, I had to transfer all the stuff that we had in the nicer trac into the trac that I was forced to settle with.

Why didn't you just take your old truck you ask? Couldn't, it was gone! I called my laywer about the whole situation and was told that "some fights aren't worth fighting"! So, like I've said...I got hosed. I really didn't need to be told that again! So, thanks to those of you who felt it nessecary to beat a dead horse! BUt, in the same breath, let me thank those if you see the trouble with dis-honest dealerships and actually want to help out your fellow "tracer's"! So now you know the rest of the story!

I did not read your other post, but, this is what I would have done and still would do.

The local TV station.

Lets see, A new baby, wife that just had the baby, showing up at the station to give their story..

Maybe it is me, but I am betting the dealer would have found an answer.

Now, all of that said. I am betting that the contract does say something to the fact that they can/will take the vehicle if there is a financing issue. I am sure your not the first to not be able to come through with the proper financine...
Yeah, I talked to another dealer at another dealership about the situation and they've heard many stories about the same dealsership! But, telling ppl that they are approved when they aren't....come on!!!

By the way...Town and Country Ford in Louisville, KY!!!! Don't buy from these guys!
I only told this story in response to some of the smart-allic's that decided to give their two cents in my last post! I had an honest question and got a bunch of crap for it!:wacko:

check out "Limited Slip Differential"
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Hey Memphis, was it Town & Country Ford who did this to you? My brother just bought a 07 Tarus from them that was a lease. After 1 day he found too much wrong with the car and took it back to buy an 08. The 07 just didn't feel right to him. They told him the 07 was a used car and would only give him $2000.00 less than he agreed on the day before.
I don't know about KY, but in GA, you have 72 hours to return a car without losing a penny.
What kind of response did you actually expect to get? You knowingly took delivery of a 2 wheel drive vehicle that is a truck. There should have been no possible reason to believe the front wheels would do anything, other than braking and turning.

I did not mean to offend you with my comment but simply elaborated to your "Did I gent bentover" comment.

Sorry if I offended you.

Sorry if I hosed you but if you read the way you wrote your first post. It has none of the explanation that this one has. Iam sorry but I re-read your earlier and it reads as if you didnot know anything about a 4x4 or 4x2. This board is no different than family, when you dont explain what you know. Especialy when you dont put it all in writting to a bunch of strangers. We can only play off of was is written. My appoligies..;)

With all due respect, if you know the difference between a 4x4 and a 4x2, why were you asking questions if the Limited Slip was not working properly and why the front wheels did not kick in?

You claim you know the difference between a 4x4 and a 4x2.

Please explain...

This is right up there with when the dealer was trying to replace my transfer case earlier this summer. Since they couldn't get a replacement, they were going to pull another transfer case off another Trac on the lot, only to find out it the "donor" Trac was a 4x2! OMG . . .
Memphis, I just read your other post, and I don't see where you feel others were giving you "a bunch of crap". They answered your questions about the fact that Limited Slip has nothing to do with 4x4 vs. 4x2, and recommended (both to you and to other readers) that they be more familiar with the features of a vehicle before dealing with dealerships.

Question for you--If you had signed all the papers two weeks earlier, and therefore had a clean ownership, why did you ever give them the keys when they said they were taking the vehicle back? As soon as they said that, I would have expected you to turn around, gotten in YOUR truck, and driven home.

For that matter, if there were any issues with the financing, how did you get the vehicle off their lot in the first place?
I had a past co-worker that had a similar thing happen. She had the car for about two weeks, then found out the financing was going to be much higher than expected and had to return the car. I just can't imaging walking out of the dealership not knowing who I was financed with, at what rate and exactly how much my payments were going to be. Its no wonder some people wind up in such financial trouble...
Dan, I learned my lesson back in '88. I got hosed on the financing after driving the car for 3days. They wanted to take it back and give me a cheaper model, at almost the same price. I refused and the intrest rate jumped 2points. I look back at it and I should have walked away from the whole deal. I wanted what I wanted.

From then on I never drive a car off the lot until all the i's are dotted. Live and learn and can only be mad at yourself.
If a dealer ever did that to me, I'd make sure they probably wouldn't want their car back. Maybe a nice long lunch eating bean and onion burritos, a little ride in the car afterward, and then back to the dealer-- they wouldn't want the car back then! :lol::lol:
If you haven't done so yet, I would give them a bad rating on here and write a letter to Ford. There is a Town & Country Ford across the river in Evansville, Indiana. I wonder if they are related. I have heard enough about them to not do business there. I buy mine from Dempewolf Ford in Henderson. I have bought my last 10 vehicles from there. If they really could not do the loan, they should have let you get a loan from the bank or some where else by yourself. The best advertising a business can get, is by word of mouth and they hurt themselves by what they did to your family. We have a business here that does no advertisement except for word of mouth. They have been in business for aver 80 years and people come from all over the United States to buy there furniture. If I was the owner of that dealership I would have fired the sales manager or who ever approved the loan and sale and sales person. I hope you tell all your friends and co-workers about your problem, so they don't buy from them. You should also report them to the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce. The best of luck to you and your family in the future.
I've heard of this happening before. Dealers are so anxious to move one off the lot that they worry about financing later. They should not let anybody take a vehicle home until financing is secured.

I'd take them to court anyway and represent myself. You might win, you might lose, but at least you hassle them and make THEM pay for a few hours of lawyer.
In my vehicle purchase prior to the Sport Trac (a Mitsubishi), the sales manager called me a couple of days after the deal and said he had made a mistake, that he wasn't supposed to combine two offers (rebate and financing), and that I had to return the car, or pay cash for it. I told him, sorry, too late, it's your job to know the details of such things when we sign papers. He said he could loose his job. I said send me your resume, I know lots of folks who are hiring, and that if there was anything else we needed to discuss, he could have the general manager call me. About thirty minutes later, the GM calls, apologizes for having bothered me with their problem.

Memphis, I haven't read your other post yet, but sounds like you should have called the police right from the dealer lot. Basically, what you experienced is theft by coercion. If they try to physically keep you from leaving, it's unlawful imprisonment. You would have a good civil and criminal case, particularly when a jury hears you were held hostage with a newborn baby and recovering maternity patient.

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Man, you got hosed good. Not that you needed me telling you that. I don't understand how you wouldn't have a lawful complaint on this one. There is no way in hell that it would take them that long to find out they can't finance you. Unfortunately now, I don't think there is much you can do. ;)

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