Good Interior Hiding Spot ??

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Gary Kong

Active Member
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
West Coast, CA
When I owned regular cars, I always had a decent place to hide my off-duty gun and/or badge & ID wallet, usually deep in the trunk under something. With my Trac, I am always concerned about the smash and grab thief finding my toys while I'm parked at the gym, etc.

I was thinking about a fake subwoofer behind the driver's side back seat on my '05. Not foolproof, but for those guys looking for things to take quickly without tools, a dummy subwoofer may be the trick. Does anyone have a pic of what the subwoofer looks like? Does it replace the little access door?

Any other ideas for easy hiding places?
Check out the project on installing the C wells speaker box.....

I personally would bolt in a small safe to back of the truck or under the seat and use that...

Todd Z
i always thought that the storage compartment behind the rear pass seat of the gen1 trac was great for storing things that you wanted to keep secure. i don't think the common thieve would know that there is a compartment back there and that the seat back moves foward. in that compartment you can hide things deep that they would have no clue.

just my 2 cents
I bolted a "finger" safe under the passengers rear seat.

Worked fantastic until the day I sold the Trac and removed the safe.

Now I have it mounted in my Lexus...


Here is an example, the one I installed was only 4 inches tall...
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i think that a fake subwoofer box probably wouldnt be the wisest way to go.... considering that most smash and grab thefts in cars are usually Audio equipment. The thief might think he just grabbed a sub box, but really he got something much more valuable.
At the Grocery store the other day, New ZO six vette is parked in the shade with the windows half down, I pull in, gotta go look at the car.

Am checkin the beast out, walked around it a couple times.

Look in the window, on the pass side floor is the biggest baddest pit bull I have ever seen, his head was the size of a watermelon, he just looked at me, made not a sound, never moved. needless to say, i left pronto, thats great protection for your valuables.
A change of shorts, almost was in order:( have had a pit in the past, great gentle dawgs.

This guy was maybe 120 lbs, and he was not fat.:eek:
Years ago the guy that serviced our burglar alarm at work that had a big black dog that rode with him in his service van. I don't know if it was a pit bull or not, but about the same size. He would park the van and leave the back and side doors open. He had a mean bark and could scare the ------- out of you. when he got to know you, you were alright and could pet him. Once a guy walking down the street, as soon as he heard the dog, crossed the street, walked way past and the crossed back over and walked on, but while keeping a close eye on where the dog was. This was the only type of alarm he had on his van, so much for advertising how good their alarm system was. :lol: His van was the only one that did not have an mechanical alarm system on it.:D
Coastie Joe - If you wish you would have seen Bill's initial reaction, you would really have loved to see my stunt the other day. Pulled up to the pumps at a convenience store/gas station, & got gas. Moved the truck over in front of the store, went in a got a Coke. I'm checking email on my blackberry as I leave the store, walk over to the pumps, and reach to open "my" truck's driver door, still staring at the Blackberry. The dog inside reminded me it was "his" truck, not mine. I literally did the Curly shuffle, complete with "Ugh, ugh, ugh!". The owner laughed his ass off as I pointed out my truck over there, in front of the store.
As a law enforcement officer you should be familiar with 5.11. 5.11 makes a Velcro holster that is made to attach to the inside pockets of the 5 in 1 jacket, or class B pants etc... I took this and some industrial sticky Velcro and hid this under my dash. So basically I always have access to my Glock 26 when I'm in my truck.. I positioned it in a way that it is easy to get to, and because its Velcro in a high stress scenario you can always just grab it and rip it off to un holster. I know plenty of officers that have taken this idea and mounted firearms else where in other cars. As far as hiding it behind the seats, i don't see this idea being the best place as it is not readily accessible in the event you need it. :rolleyes:
Yes. 5.11 and others make velcro and Molle mounted holsters, but my intent is to store the gun securely when I leave the gun behind i.e., at the beach, gym, etc. When I am driving the gun is almost always on me. Also, the hideaway might also be for a wallet, watch and cell phone.

For my old sedan, I designed around a metal box to look like part of the car in the trunk. A grommet and some wires coming out of it and some heat dissipating fins from Radio Shack and it looked like are of the car's computer system. With the Trac, I am leaning more and more towards a locking box behind the door where the optional OEM sub goes. I may have to get the local metal shop to fab one up to size. I'll post when I move ahead with this project.

Back in the day before airbags, this company made steering wheels and the centers had a hidden storage compartment that was big enough for a small gun.

Next time I bag a drug smuggler I'll ask for some tips. :lol:

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