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Boycott China-Mart. I'd like to blast that stupid yellow smiley face too. They should put a pointy straw hat on it.

That explains why oil has increased, but not why gasoline has incresed as much as it has. I can understand prices in the $2/gallon range, but $2.70 is outrageous.

And since there is not a gasoline shortage, the supply and demand argument doesn't stand the stink test all that well. In short, they are able to meet and even exceed the demand with the current refining capacity. Neither does it explain the type of hike that took place yesterday IN THE COMMODITIES (futures) MARKET.

This is purely the result of FUD, speculation and greed. Not supply and demand. Not the increase in the cost of oil (which went up only slightly.) And most definitely not because of the local guy, who is only trying to make sure they have enough cash to pay the bills he is expecting later in the year.

Besides, I don't see anyone blaming the little guy. It all seems aimed at the big guys.

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2.85 for Regular in Seattle! 2.99 for Premium (have two other cars that burn this)

The only thing that hasn't gone up? I was at the race track and racing fuel prices at this track haven't changed in four months!



It has nothing to do with who is in the Whitehouse. This has been a problem for over 3 years now and none of the other presidents were in the oil business.

But I agree that there is no benefit to the oil companies to build more refineries when they can operate the existing refineries at max capacity and make more money without making any further investments or fighting the environmentalist about where they can build a new refinery.

Sombody could make some big money if they started building refineries and started cutting the big oil companies prices. :D



I'm not going to claim to know why the prices are going up--I don't know enough about the situation to say--but I do have to agree that the whole argument about the price increases being related to China industrializing and having higher demands doesn't hold up logically. Prices have nearly doubled in the past year. You're saying that China has increased their industrialization and demand so much within just the past 12 months that it could cause this? If so, then you must be also saying that China had no increase in industrialization during the roughly 20 years prior to that when the prices were stable--they simply shot up from living in caves to full automation since last summer. Hogwash!
Unfortunately Rich its my personal believe that the White House does have a vested interest in oil. Of the last three Presidents two have a direct connection to big oil. The third basically had little or no idea what to do about oil (though there is prevailing suspicion that the Clinton Administration may have been dabbling in the manipulation of oil prices).
Uhh, Rich...

"Over 3 years now"?

(Ahem) To which of those "other Presidents" are you referring?

(I'll assume you meant to type "30 years" :) )

But the last time we had a problem of this magnitude, (doubling prices) two Republican Presidents (Nixon and Ford) and a Democrat (Carter) all at least TRIED to get some relief. The guy (and the Congress) in office now have one solution - gve huge tax breaks and free oil land to the oil companies. That will help, won't it?

And you say they aren't part of the problem?

Sounds like the cue for an Aerosmith song!

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I thought the Haliburton War in Iraq was supposed to guarantee us lower fuel prices. If it isn't working, then we need to pull our troops out and come home (and put them to work on the hurricane damage).

Why are we spending trillions of dollars rebuilding Iraq (and they don't appreciate it)? We should be spending these dollars here at home rebuilding our own infrastructure and drilling in ANWAR.
No, not "Love in an Elevator".

It's "Dude Looks Like a Lady."

(Now, if I could just find that photoshopped picture of Bush dressed as a woman that was floating around at the time of the campaign, to post here. And for those of you who didn't see it then--no, it wasn't just an anti-Bush thing--there were similar pictures of Kerry, Cheney, and Edwards.)
Good thing you added that last paragraph in parenthesis, Bill.... otherwise the crazed Bushies would be out in force!

You know like the ones in South Park that were upset when the future humans came back and took their menial labor jobs....

Everyone chant "they took our JAWBS!" :)
Should be obvious what it is.

Is it the first track of the Aerosmith Greates Hits Album?

What did I win?

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Here in Sumter SC, the prices have already started rising. By noon it had been raised THREE times. Price at the station near my work was $2.31 about 8:00am and $2.73 by noon. This is going to put us all in the poor house. I feel for the people that are making very low wages, have families and are barely making ends meet. Not to mention the increase on goods due to the increase on fuel to transport, it all gets passed on to the consumer. :(:angry:
Fer asked:

Is it the first track of the Aerosmith Greates Hits Album?

What did I win?

Yes it is!

Tell him what he's won, Johnny!

Fer! You've won a 1 hour all-expenses paid trip to your back yard where you can listen to Aerosmith the entire time!

Back to you Rocco!


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Prices here have risen 30 cents since yesterday. I'm told by a friend at a gas station that they will rise again this evening 30 more cents, to $3.00/gallon :eek:
If I heard the news correctly, gasoline rose 40 cents on the futures market again today - that's 60 cents in two days.

What makes this all the more ridiculous is they still don't have any idea how much Katrina will affect gasoline refining capacity - if at all!




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