First oil change in the Adrenalin.... Wanna Punch Some one.... any one.....

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Todd Z

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Sep 21, 2003
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Long Island, NY
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So Looking at the adren and locating the what and where I get to changing the oil in the Adren.... She has 800+ miles on her and It is time in my eyes....

So Get to drain plug..... Get wrench..... Tug, Yank... OK this thing was installed by a dam gorilla !!! Take 2 wrenches put them together and Snap, It cracks loose..... Now mind you it is sandwiched between the dam frame with a deflector plate on it and the ft sway bar... Yeah Thanks ford !!! Could have moved it to the dam side of the pan where NOTHING was in the way......

NOW the plug INSTANTLY starts dripping...... Getting my gorilla hands in there, the bolt does not spin out easily..... Bastards !!! So after fighting and working on that it is out and draining..... Get the plug clean and put it back in.... dam thing threads right in..... Tighten it up and go to the filter......

Frigging filter !!! Again Same Gorilla installed it and you know dam well with NO oil on the gasket face....... UMMMM... where is my filter spring cup ??? Cant find it...... GREAT !!! So i go the the CUP..... The filter on the truck is like a six point socket and the new one is like a 12 point socket... Put it on the filter IT SLIPS !!! Tears the filter and is now leaking.... DAMIT>... OK so now out comes the sledge hammer and I beat the cup on the filter..... Get a grip with a BREAKER BAR !!!! and get it off.... HOLY hell........

Get the new filter on, Clean up the filter deflection plate, add 6 QTS 5W20 part Syn.... Start Truck, Check level and GO.....

So a 20 Min oil change takes dam near 2 hours !!!!

Moral of the story ???/ ISN'T one !! LOL

Just felt like venting......

I know the Next change will be better, Bought a new filter tool i like on line and Move on !!!

Todd Z
Good Job

wait tell you change the plugs:bwahaha:

My Edit, don;t forget Todd, Righty tighty, lefty loosy:grin:
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LOL Bill...... Just 1 of those Days........

Todd Z
I feel your pain. The oil filter housing (made out of plastic) in my wife's Audi cracked when I went to take it off. The guy at the dealer said it happens a lot but they were out of stock. It took a week to get a new one. An oil change took me a week and cost me $100 just on parts! :cry:
I guess you didn't get free lifetime oil changes from the dealership when you bought yours, huh? Oh well, live and learn my granma used to say.... BC
Oh man... my sympathies man... been there and done that.

Ugh... and ya probably didn't have much covering the ground below ya since you couldn't have anticipated all these shenanigans.... so then you have the extra lovely aggravator of knowing that you're now gonna have to deal with soaking-up that buttload of oil and cleaning the concrete on top of it all!

Ugh.. the finger-nail on my right index finger permanently has a line that runs down the middle of it. Long story shorter... using spring-grip kinda filter wrench inside a Corolla.. damn thing crushed the metal a lil bit so it slipped and BAM!!! ... IMPALED that finger right at the base of the nail-bed of that finger with whatever it was in that area that was one tool-width away from that damn filter.

Yeah... it's like... you're mind just doesn't associate pain, injury and aggravation with an oil change... but sometimes..... GRRR!!! :angry:

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First filter on ex's escape. Had to be removed with a strap wrench, made with square bar for a 1/2' drive ratchet. Totaly crushed the filter before it came loose.:banghead:
It reminds me of my first oil change, Todd. And, it was just after the truck came out. Couldn't break the filter loose, and it was a Saturday, so tried Jiffy Lube. They refused to change it because the truck was so new, it wasn't in their database. 2 hours later, no problem.
I use the same wrench as Johnny O (above). Works great for me!

I used that the first time I changed the oil on the emergency generator at my church. God knows (ha! :grin: ) how long since it was changed and I crushed the filter until I poked holes in it and it still didn't turn. Fortunately a strap wrench got it off.
IF I had the tool that was lost it would have been done quicker..... LOL

just bought a replacement........

Thanks !!

Todd Z
They really tighetn the filters from the factory. I had the same issue with our Trac, and my Dad had it on his F150. It is still easier than changing the filter in my 96 Thunderbird (4.6)!! I start cussing out the genius that designed that a week before I have to change oil. Have to get mentally prepared for that one!!!

"The computer model showed you can get a hand in that area"

Maybe a doll hand.

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