ExxonMobil earns Record $10 Billion Profit in Quarter

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Well, now that you mention it...there have been a lot more hurricanes since Bush took office, and those hurricanes have been mostly hitting Florida, where his brother is governor. Therefore, the increase in hurricanes has got to be either George W. or Jeb Bush's fault! :lol:
Price raping! I noticed on my receipt the other day is used to say "Thank you for your business" it now says "Thank you for bending over at the pump!"

In the same city, and I'm not talking about AM/PM Arco gas. 2.75-3.15 for regular. Northwest gets it's gas from Alaska not the Gulf of Katrina. So, the BS excuses are getting really old!
Rather than complain about how much you have to pay at the pump, think how much money you would have made the last quarter, if you owned Exxon/Mobil stock!:p

It's Bush's fault.


There, got that out of the way.

Oh yeah, NelsonOKC's right too, the hurricanes are Bush's fault too. And I just recently got a wart on my big toe, that dang Bush! He's screwing up everything!
That is why there is such an outrage over gas prices. It isn't so much the cost of gas, but the record profits the oil companies are making.

Maybe the record profits are from percentages. For example.

If the oil companies make 30% per dollar spent and the gas is 1.00 a gallon, they make 30 cents. If it is $10.00/gallon they would make $3.00

Sell 1 million gallons of gas at a buck a gallon, they make $30,000. Sell 1 million gallons at $10.00/gallon and they make $3,000,000.00. Record profits.

The government really needs to probe the oil industry to find out the real answer.

Maybe Bush really doesn't want to probe the oil industry?

Since we are getting "probed" at the pump, I think it only fair that the oil companies

get "probed" back!!!:D

Oh, and by the way, my gas station owner didn't give me any K-Y, but he

pointed to the shelf where the vaseline was at 3.99 for a 3 oz. jar (also

petroleum-based). Just goes to show you, even if they lube you up first,

they're gonna make a buck off of it!!!
The hurricanes aren't Bush's fault, but allowing Big Oil to profit from price gouging could be. Where's the leadership? Every time Bush gets a chance to diminish the impression that he's bought and paid for by Big Business, he refuses to take it. This only re-enforces that impression.
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It's not just Bush that's bought and paid for, it's our entire government - both sides of the aisle. And over the last 20 years they (politicians and business) have managed to convince a lot of the US citizens that's the way it should be by calling it capitalism (excuse me CAPITALISM) and "Free Trade."

Want proof they ARE bought and paid for?

ExxonMobil makes a $10 billion profit in one quarter, following record profits for 4-5 quarters which has been echoed on a somewhat smaller scale for all the biggest oil companies, and Congress passes, and Bush signs, a bill that gives a nearly $4 billion in tax cuts directly to the oil and gas industries. (The total tax cuts were closer to $12 billion, but the other $8 billion went to other energy industries, including nuclear, and for research into alternatives, though that only amounted to around $1.5 billion) Want to bet the $4 billion gets pretty much split between the biggest companies and the little guys that need it more see zippo?

These big oil outfits may have once been US companies, but they are now huge, multinational corporations that have absolutely no regard for anything but the constant quest for ever increasing profit, regardless how it affects the people of any country.

Now the prediction is that Natural Gas prices will rise 71% this winter (used for heating in the midwest) and heating oil will go up over 30%.

Get ready for 'bend over round two.'

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I realize we were all stoned out of our mind that day in Econ-101 class, so let's go over this one last time:

The President of the United States has nothing to do with setting the price of a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas (or anything else for that matter). We have a free market economy that is driven by supply and demand and that is what dictates the price. BTW, there is really no such thing as price gouging in a competitive market! But that is another argument for another thread!

Liberals.... gotta love em!
buck_henry wrote:

BTW, there is really no such thing as price gouging in a competitive market!

Is the market REALLY competitive or has the oil industry, much the same as OPEC has, decided together to inflate the gas prices to keep the profits high?

I don't mind paying $3.00/gallon for gas. Seriously, it doesn't bother me. People in Europe have been paying that for years and they don't complain. The problem I have is the record profits.

Are they being inflated by the oil industry unfairly? If so, who could find out the truth? There is only one organization that could find the truth.

The real question is do they want us to know the truth, or are the "paid for" so they don't even ask questions?

buck: might want to cut down on the crack. It's clouding your judgement. What options do we have to put fuel in our cars?
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Nice Darin, so much for a fact based dicussion!

PS: you might want to quit listening to Michael Moore and George Soros, it is clouding yours!

Liberals.....gotta love em!
This has nothing to do with the price of oil. If the price of gas goes up 25 cents/gal (or more) in one day - on current inventory - that sure looks like gouging to me. The fact that oil companies are seeing record profits, shows they aren't merely passing the cost of oil down to us.

The president can use his influence to bring political and public pressure on any industry that choses to take financial advantage during a crisis. He chooses not to.

Conservatives . . . "What - me worry?", or "I got mine.", or "We're at war. Let's PARTY!"