Dome lights stoped working ? why ?

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Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
I was cleaning out the trac the other night and although this sounds stupid ... i was vacuuming the ceiling (full of dust and dog hair) and when i was done the interior dome lights don't work anymore ... none of them. I opened them up, even took them down entirly... all wires seem to be in tact.

So my thoughts are

1 - while cleaning, the doors were left open too long and something burnt out (maybe the fuse), or

2 - while vaccuuming, the suction pulled the headliner down and distrupted some wires

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts (other than don't vacum the ceiling again, lol). and I have a few questions .... are the interior lights on their own fuse ??? how do i replace this??

any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Switch in off position on dash or light..

Todd Z
dash switch is on ... trust me, I must have second guessed myself 10 times. Dash lights work, it's the 2 dome ones, plus the independent "map" lights on each that don't.

are these on their own fuse??
Open the passenger door and see if they work.

If so, then the switch in the drivers door either went bad or is stuck in the closed position.

Nope, doesn't matter which door I open, it doesn't light up. And, running or nut running the engine .... the 4 "map" lights doen't work either.

are tehse on their own fuse??? could that be burnt out?

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