Are or were there WMD's?

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Ok guys. I usually stay out of political talks like this but I am guessing I need to step in. Instead of just reading the news and believing everything reporters say, why don't you just ask a person in the military.

I am active duty military. I have served two 15 month rotations over there. I know a lot of what went on and is still going on. Yes we knew the WMDs got moved into Syria. We watched them do it. Now why didn't we go get them? Hhhhmmmm because they are considered an allie.

There has been several times that we got hit over in Iraq with chemical weapons. Believe it or not. Trust me you don't want to know what it feels like driving a truck in a chemical suit during the month of August over there. We have grabbed all their reports on their chemical weapons testing. We do know how far they have gotten on their research.

No we didn't know where Saddam was till we found him. Satellites and UAVs are great for watching people but you can still lose someone.

I know most of the American public doesn't want us over there. Hell I agree. I hate leaving my family to spend 15 months over there. But to all of you people that keep telling everyone to "Wake Up", just do what we do when I am told I am going back over there, Shut the F*** Up and deal with it. If you think you know how to run a country or a war, then put your money were your mouth is and do something about. I could give a crap less if the WMDs are still there or not. Because one of the things reporters are not telling you, is how happy and thankful the true Iraqi people are that we removed Saddam out of power.
There is far more evidence that Saddam had WMD's than to imply that George Bush made up a lie and invaded Iraq because they tried to kill his daddy.

If Saddam did not have WMD's then why was he hanged for killing the Kurds with poison gas?? Saddam wanted the world to know he had WMD's and was not affraid to used them. He assumed that would keep the US out of Iraq and make his arab neighbors think twice about helping the US in another war against Iraq. If he had godden rid or the WMD's and the shell game he was playing with the UN inspectors was just a bluf, then his bluf was called and he lost.

With the threat that Saddam might supply other terrorist groups with WMD's was too big of a risk to take, and had we acted faster, we might have found the WMD's before they were buried or moved to another country.. Remember that Saddam had been playing this shell game with the UN inspectors for over 10 years...The fact that we cannot find where he hid them, does not mean they never existed. But leave it to the Democrats to say George Bush and Dick Chaney made it all up and fooled everyone in Congress and the Senate who looked at the exact same evidence and were briefed by the same intelligents advisors. I think it's pretty sad when we call our own President and a liar, and prefer to believe the lies of Saddam and other radical Muslims

I don't believe that the US in in the middle east to steal their oil. We are buying like everyone else. The US believes that the the worlds supply of oil must be protested from radical regeims that would use the oil to threaten other nations. After all, that is the definition of Terroisim...To force the will of a few onto the majority who do disagree. That does not even require bombs or weapons if you can control the worlds major source of something like Oil.

We are still in Iraq to insure that the country is stabilized and can defend themselves agains any terroist groups and that will help stabilize the entire region. I agree that that needs to be done, but I don't believe in all the political pandering that is going on with the new Irawi government and the various gelgious and military factions that seem to have too much influence on the way the government does things.

It may be 20 years or more before we really know the real story about the WMD's, or we may never know for sure? I think we are saferin the US because of the troops being in Afghanistan and Iraq. It has kept the terrorist occupied there and out of the US.


We did find WMD'S!!! Every few months you could find (very small, buried) news reports that XXX tons of mustard gas, or this or that was found.

R. Shek - Great cartoon that sums it up. During the Clinton administration and during Bush's administration up to the invasion of Iraq, every leading Democrat - Bill, Hillary, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Albright, Boxer, etc. all belived that Saddam had WMD's and all are on record of saying so.

The reports of WMD's being moved to Syria are not new and were first reproted on during the first year of the war when we didn't find the WMD's in Iraq. The major media did not report on this and Bush probably did not push it since he didn't want to be forced into invading another Arab country, especially if we didn't find the WMD's in Iraq.

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