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KentheREALone Z

Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2007
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A man is judged by his actions, not his words & "promises".

Even thought the message title is an NRA site, you should investigate if you own any gun, have a CC Permit, and are even slightly considering B.O. & J.B. as a platform:

Dig elsewhere, and discover this "teams" history and beliefs on the 2nd Ammendment and what it means to them. It is flat, damn scary, in my opinion.

True, you may believe there are more pressing national issues that would occupy their time, but look at their history.

Wonder why B.O. is now airing commercials about his "support of the 2nd Ammendment" and Hunting? I believe he is scared of losing to the majority of silent Americans that truly support the 2nd and Hunting.

Look at B.O. on;

1) Supporting handgun bans

2) Opposing self-defense

3) Banning ammunition

4) Taxing your guns

5) Banning semi-autos and magazines

6) Opposing Right-To-Carry

7) Closing gun stores within 5 miles of a school

8) Attacking gun manufacturers with ridiculous lawsuits

9) Funding anti-gun lobbys

10) Nominating judges

On the issues B.O. has actually supported;

A) The Joyce Foundation, 1994.

B) Support of mandatory waiting periods and a complete handgun ban, 9/9/96

C) 500% excise tax on firearms & ammo, ban inexpensive handguns, 12/13/99

D) "Assault" weapons ban, 3/13/03

E) One gun a month maximum, 5/16/03

F) Allow prosecution of people who use handguns in self defense, 5/25/04

G) States his opposition of Right-To -Carry, 9/15/04

H) Kennedy ammendment to ban almost all rifle & ammo used by hunters, 7/129/05

And how about J.B.?

1) Voted to ban ammo (7/29/05, 3/2/04)

2) Voted to ban semi-autos (Biden Bill, S. 1970, 1989)

3) Voted to ban some rifles & shotguns (3/2/04, 11/17/93)

4) Voted for 5-day waiting period on all handguns (11/20/93)

5) Voted for lawsuits of cites against firearms manufacturers (7/29/05)

6) Voted against pro 2nd Ammendment Supreme Court Justices (1/31/06, 9/6/05, 10/15/91)

I enjoy the freedom of the 2nd Ammendment and in personal protection. I cannot vote for this type of historical anti-2nd Ammendment support.

Riiiiiight, because a NRA site is completely unbiased. *rolls eyes*

These arguments are pointless as one side or the other just cherry picks a few tidbits without looking at the big picture.
Like Mark said. I support the 2nd ammendment, but I do not use the NRA as my guiding light.

The NRA is just as biased towards Republicans and against Democrats os reading the GOP.com website.


McCain Campaign Advisor Supports Obama

The Wall Street Journal today reports that hordes of prominent Republicans jumping ship to Barack Obama. Now one of John McCain's actual advisers has switched sides:

Charles Fried, a professor at Harvard Law School, has long been one of the most important conservative thinkers in the United States. Under President Reagan, he served, with great distinction, as Solicitor General of the United States. Since then, he has been prominently associated with several Republican leaders and candidates, most recently John McCain, for whom he expressed his enthusiastic support in January.

This week, Fried announced that he has voted for Obama-Biden by absentee ballot. In his letter to Trevor Potter, the General Counsel to the McCain-Palin campaign, he asked that his name be removed from the several campaign-related committees on which he serves. In that letter, he said that chief among the reasons for his decision "is the choice of Sarah Palin at a time of deep national crisis."


You have to laugh!
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Frank, I woulnt care if it Bush himself jumping ship and voting for OB. It doesnt matter. he is one man one vote, the same as you and I. there have been people from both sides jumping to the other side. So what is the point..
I woulnt care if it Bush himself jumping ship and voting for OB.

As much as some hate our President, I think this could ensure McCain a win. Could you imagine, "Hello, I'm President Bush. I'd like you to know I endorse Barack Obama as our next President. In my opinion, he is exactly what our country needs to regain prosperity in the future. I approve of THIS candidate".

I'm not anti-gun. But, I think a lot of gun folks get pretty fricking overly jumpy when they think someones going to do something to "their" precious 2nd amendment. It's paranooia at it's worst. Let me tell you guys something. The 2nd amendment ain't going nowhere. Obama can huff and puff all he wants. Nothing's going to change. You wouldn't believe how damned silly you all look getting all defensive over a few words by people expressing their disapproval of firearms.

[quote But, I think a lot of gun folks get pretty fricking overly jumpy when they think someones going to do something to "their" precious 2nd amendment][/quote]

The second amendment is just as important as the first. The second guarantees that the first as well as the others won't be removed. Their all precious. As for some people getting overly jittery I would agree especially in light of the recent Supreme court decision declaring that the second amendment is an individual right,
Mark K >>

Your post make a whole mess of sense. No politician would mess with the gun laws. It would be political suicide. It shows a whole lot of small mindedness (or paranoia) by the gun enthusiasts to slander and smear a Democrat like they do. Obama isnt going to take away your guns when he is President. RELAX.

Why is it considered bashing or biased to state facts about Obama? Same thing happened during the primaries. Nobody will actually look at his record critically. His record is his record and he has voted in ways that will make gun ownership nearly impossible through additional taxes, litigation against companies, etc. I find it pretty dammed silly that people can be so enamored with a candidate with absolutely NO record of accomplishment and so many questions unanswered about his acquaintances and practices.
Relax, said Hitler to the Jews...I'm just taking you to a different Camp...

Obama will simply tax ammunition until gun become too expensive to own.

Criminals will still have plenty of ammunition and guns, since they steal them

anyways. Yes criminals steal guns and ammo, that's why they are criminals!


"When guns are outlawed only Outlaws will have guns."

This quote doesn't say "If" They crazy Brady bunch have been trying this for 25 years.

And No I'm not a member of the NRA.

I just have common sense, and believe in the Constitution.
Frank bloviated: <I>"No politician would mess with the gun laws. It would be political suicide."</I>

Sheer stupidity, Frank, as are most of your posts. Politicians and courts have been watering down the First Amendment for generations. One recent example is the so-called "hate crime" laws, which include provisions against freedom of expression, when said expression includes any perceived criticism of a protected "class". Another is McCain-Feingold, AKA the "Incumbent Protection Act" -- one reason many conservatives like myself don't really like McCain.

Mark blathered: <I>"Riiiiiight, because a NRA site is completely unbiased. *rolls eyes*"</I>

The classic <I>ad hominem</I>. When you can't refute the evidence, attack the source. Unfortunately for you, the veracity of the facts is indisputable, regardless of the source. Biden and Obama have a history -- in Biden's case, a decades-long one -- of opposing a victim's right to self-protection.

How long will it be before these leftist radicals drag us down to the level of, say, England, where a man was recently enjoined from erecting a barbed-wire fence around his garden, lest some poor thief be injured in the act of stealing from him?

Relax, said Hitler to the Jews...I'm just taking you to a different Camp...

...and here lie the ashes of 1 Million killed at Auschwitz/Birkanau. At this point in our visit, my daughter asked to leave...

[Broken External Image]:
Did the Holocaust really happen?

Thanks Nelson...

If we let Obama and his pals re-write history

it will not be taught in schools any more.

Obama wants to pal around with Chavez, Castro

Kim jong il, Ajmedijiad, Carter and other anti-Isreal nuts.
I'm not anti-gun. But, I think a lot of gun folks get pretty fricking overly jumpy when they think someones going to do something to "their" precious 2nd amendment. It's paranooia at it's worst. Let me tell you guys something. The 2nd amendment ain't going nowhere. Obama can huff and puff all he wants. Nothing's going to change. You wouldn't believe how damned silly you all look getting all defensive over a few words by people expressing their disapproval of firearms.

Political suicide? Ever hear of Nanci Pelosi? How about Barb Boxer? Diana Feinstien? Chris Dodd? John Kerry? Michael Bloomberg? Ted Kennedy?

All of them virolent gun-grabbers. Political Suicide? Nope. In my parts of the country nearly 1 of every 2 houses have gun(s). Our local dummycrat Pryor (D-AR) has repeatedly said he supports the 2A as he is an avid sporstman.... great. 2A is not about hunting.

The Clinton AWB (which did NOTHING for crime) was an attempt to limit lawful access to "weapons of war". It expired and there has been no increase in violent crime using these same firearms. None-the-less, there are at least (2) bills before congress and another before the house that is the same AWB on steroids. If they can limit what kind of firearms I can buy based on how "evil" they look, they can curtail my freedom to speak out on the SOCIALISTIC TENDANCIES of Obama and Biden.