Where were YOU when the world stopped turning, eight years ago, on this September day?

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TJR, at least now enough people have had enough time to gain some perspective on the events that day, that we are actually able to say it. When I made the same point on this board back between 5 and 8 years ago, I got flamed royally...
I was at work, printing the County's property tax bills. Watched the second tower fall on streaming coverage via the internet.

When I picked my daughter up from school, she couldn't wait to ask what had happened. The school allowed no coverage, the teachers were instructed not to talk about it. My daughter knew something was very wrong, she just didn't know what it was.

I had just gotten back in my truck from picking up breakfast on the way to work when I heard about the attacks. I got to work just in time to watch the first tower fall. We spent the entire day pretty much glued to the TV. Didn't sell many Ford parts that day, that's for sure! My wife, son, and mother-in-law were on their way to Shreveport to check on a house my mother-in-law owned and was renting out.
I was working third shift then and had just woke up & turned on the TV and saw the first tower on fire, had been watching about 5 mins and wasn't even really awake yet and caught some movement just as the second jet hit. By far the worst thing I have ever seen. I don't remember talking about it much that day, I think I wasn't sure what I had seen or maybe didn't beleive it.

I have to disagree with Bill V. I think the world did change that day.
I woke up late. I flipped on the TV and saw the first tower on fire and thought, "Wow." Ten seconds later, the second plane came into view and hit the second tower. I put two and two together and realized we were under attack. I slipped on my EMS jumpsuit and went to the EMS department to await orders.
The world didn't stop turning that day. It has continued turning, as usual. 2926 revolutions total since then, just like in every

Sometimes people take things a little too literally. I was paraphrasing a song written about 9/11 in as part of a way of remembering the terrible, evil acts committed on that day. Sadly, I think too many people have forgotten about it and gone about their own lives, rather than continuing to put pressure on our elected officials to truly hunt down and kill the filth responsible for these acts, and the subsequent tragedies (Nick Berg, Daniel Peal, bombings in Europe and Indonesia).

I think that if Admiral Yamamoto were to have attacked Pearl Harbor today, he'd have nothing to worry about, because if the "sleeping giant" did wake up after 9/11, he soon went back to sleep. Our resolve surely wasn't strengthened to truly do what needed to be done. Much like Vietnam, bleeding hearts and politicians have worried too much about political correctness and "collateral damage" rather than give our troops the resources and backing to effectively wage a successful war on ISLAMIC terrorists.

What we need are more units like Delta Force and Dick Marcinko and the original Seal Team Six unleashed on the bad guys.
TrainTrac, I realized that you weren't meaning your message to be taken literally--but my response wasn't meant to be taken only literally either. It seems that in every conversation on 9/11 that I ever hear, someone takes the perspective that the world somehow became a more evil, more unsafe place that day. And that simply isn't true. What changed that day is the visibility most people have to the way the world is, always has been, and likely always will be.
TrainTrac, you are right. People take things too literally. Bill V knows that the world didn't really stop turning. He took an over-the-top metaphorical statement and refuted it, not to show it was wrong, but to make his own point. His point was that the world on 9/11/2001 was the same as the world on 9/10/2001. The world didn't change. We didn't really become any more, or any less safe that day, or the days since. What changed was awareness. What changed was people's anxiety. What changed was the people.

I think that was what Bill was trying to say.

Our attitudes, or beliefs, and our perceptions define our reality and define the world we live in. People that can get past the emotion of the day-to-day recognize that much of what we believe in, much of what we fear, and much of what we preoccupy our time with is largely out of our control.

For me, that is what 9/11 was. It was a turning point in my life that made me realize that me and my family have to live each and every day as if it might be our last; to not go to bed with any harsh words; to love and live each day to its fullest. I can't control what 13 nutjobs might want to do to my family, or my community, and the reasons that they might want to hurt me or my neighbors are outside of my control, and sometimes even my understanding. But, thankfully, there are many, many more GOOD people in this world than bad, so the likihood of these things happening are low (no higher today than any day before...or any day in the future).

I was on my way to perform compaction tests for asphalt in Seattle WA, heard it on the radio. When the second plane attacked, I woke my wife up at home, told her we were under attack and to turn on the news. I got to the job site, and told everyone. We didn't do any work that day. Went back to the office where we jury rigged an old TV so we could watch the news.

It was so unreal that day, but the next day was even more, hearing and seeing not a single plane.

My wife and I for over a year every night set out candles, and we will set out candles again when evening comes. We have kept some sort of American flag on display since then, and have already put it at half mast today.

I will never forget, and neither will my wife and kids.
OK, I'll grant that things are often taken out of context when posted online as opposed to a verbal conversation.

Sure, folks both here and abroad became more aware of the evils perpetrated in the world after the events of 9/11. Mainly because they happened in the USA, and were on such a large scale. But because nothing's happened here since then (not that I'm wishing that by any means), I believe that most folks stuck their heads back in the sand and went back to worrying more about American Idol. The resolve to wage war on the ISLAMIC terrorists and completely eliminate that threat just isn't there in the American people, nor in our elected officials.
I was on a consulting engagement in Watsonville, CA that morning. I ended up having to drive my rental car home when I was finished. Fortunately, I only had to drive it about 400 miles to get home. I have of others having to drive their rentals cars across country to get to their homes.

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TrainTrac said:
...because nothing's happened here since then...

I'm not sure where you were going with that. Can you explain? Most people justify our war on terror citing the proof that we haven't been attacked since.

However, a learned man knows that the "absence of something" is not alone proof of the "presence of anything". The fact that we haven't be attacked is only proof that we haven't been attacked. It is not proof that we are safer, or that the threat has lessened.

I can think of dozens of ways terrorists could kill thousands of people in a single moment at any time in this country, and they are all ways that we cannot (and would not) want to protect ourselves from.

The only way to wipe out Islamic terrorists is to show people the futility of organized religion that preaches fundamentalism.

However, a learned man knows that the "absence of something" is not alone proof of the "presence of anything". The fact that we haven't be attacked is only proof that we haven't been attacked. It is not proof that we are safer, or that the threat has lessened.

It was 8 years between when the first bombing of the WTC took place and 9/11. These guys will plan things out for years. They'll wait it out for the right opportunity.

Thanks for that music video. I sent it to my wife, so we can get that sent out to all our friends and family.

I am not a big country fan, haven't been since Bocephus! But one thing I have noticed, is that country and 'christian' rock all seem to be a huge step above the other styles when it comes to patriotism and giving 'props' to those who deserve it.

I especially loved the part where he sings about us looking for a fight, and where the news removed the images.

Speaking of good songs, link this, its a christian song by Disciple. check the lyrics:


"I'm not afraid of loving my enemies

Turning the other cheek

Blessing those that would curse me

I honestly want peace with you

But when you come against my country

When you come against my family

You try to destroy my people

I can't just stand by

There's no way that I can stand by

This time, I will not stand by

I am coming, and if I come, then pain is coming with me

I'm coming, and pain will be with me"

i was aboard a fine naval vessel off the coast of FL in the middle of a training scenario with assessors on board to grade. As soon as the first tower was struck, our intel guy came in and said the skipper wanted tv "now" -- and that we were headed for the beach at best speed. It was eerie watching it all unfold, and the days following were even weirder. Screens that normally show all aircraft on the east coast were literally blank, save a few military air flights.

We dropped our inspectors off on a tug and headed north to sit off the coast of Northern VA and MD, until finally being released to continue our training down off of Puerto Rico.

I was at our family shop, of which, I walked away from as a result of the events of 9/11.

I am now a full time employee for the Fed Gov in the security field.
i was in class in the 7th grade. english class. my math teacher from next door came in to tell my english teacher to turn on the tv. everyone even us 13 year olds were in disbelief. unbelievable that that was 8 years ago