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Robert Caffyn

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Forked River, NJ
The recent tradegy in Haiti has left thousands dead and countless more injured. Their basic neccecities of daily living are gone, homes destroyed, families seperated. No clean water, food or much needed medicines as these have gone to the looters that are running rampant through the streets of Port-Au-Prince. Aid has been coming swiftly to this small island nation from around the world. Aid workers, medical staff, military assistance along with the much needed supplies to help these poor people to recover from, what I'm sure is, a nightmareish scene.

Now take out the words Haiti and Port-Au-Prince and insert New Orleans. See how ridiculous it is, a total fantasy. Where were all the humanitarians when one of our country's largest cities was nearly destroyed by hurricane Katrina and then by hurricane Rita? It is nearly two years or so since that horrible day and much of the city outside of the French Quarter is still in shambles. Piles of debris still sit throughout the city, many homes that were destroyed have not been rebuilt. The levees have been rebuilt and the pumping stations updated, but still...

What about the earthquake in California two weeks ago? Any aid? Nope. Forest fires, flooding and destructive tornados. Anybody send in anything to help? Nope.

I know the rest of the world looks to us to be their saviors in time of need and we comply even though they were protesting against America publicly for months and even years. These political leaders, dictators and military huntas are the first to put out their hands towards America anytime disaster, miltary uprising or whatever occurs.

The time to act is now, our government officials need to take a step back and look at what can be done to "fix" the sad state of our country. Homeless people, unemployed, the sick with no insurance and children that are literaly starving in our own country!! These groups of people alone must total in the millions, where is the aid for them? As Americans we can no longer sit idlely by and allow this to continue. A movement needs to be started, letters written to your congressmen and women asking them to address this issue. We must act collectively to help our own and guide this country down a path to it past glory. BC :smile0003:
Just my opinion....

We are a highly evolved, economically stable country and have the capability, when we want, to take care of ourselves. Haiti does not have this luxury. Additionally, Katrina should have never been what it was and there was PLENTY of warning. Haiti's disaster was an earthquake...no warning.

New Orleans, again in my opinion, was a screw up on multiple levels that ended in tragedy. Lets toss out the knowledge that the city itself was doomed by basic geography, and then lets also forget the fact that the mayor/governor didn't take the threat seriously enough until it was too late. But lets consider what happened afterward - we banded together as a country and raised MILLIONS of dollars for relief. Heck, the American Idol fun raiser alone raised millions if I recall. Even the animals were organized for rescue.

I dunno, I think this is apples to oranges. You can't compare the events IMHO. I'm not looking to start an argument, I am just sharing my opinion.



these are real people and children. regardless of anything else.

FORGET about politics and "what have you done for me" .

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Now take out the words Haiti and Port-Au-Prince and insert New Orleans. See how ridiculous it is, a total fantasy. Where were all the humanitarians when one of our country's largest cities was nearly destroyed by hurricane Katrina and then by hurricane Rita?

You're kidding, right? People and money came from around the nation to aid New Orleans, neighboring cities and states, and their residents. The Navy medical ship Comfort was sent to assist, just as it was sent to Haiti. Celebrities were lining up to raise money and offer assistance, just like they are for Haiti. Saying that the aid is being sent to Haiti that wasn't sent to New Orleans is ludicrous.
My wife fired off a contribution to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief yesterday via online! Hope a large part of the funds make it to the folks who are hurting and not to the scoundrels, leeches and administrators that are in both countries.

Both New Orleans and Haiti are similar in my opinion in that they both have impossible scenarios to deal with when trying to provide relief. Haiti appears to have had terrible infrastructure before the quake and now, with all the destruction, there is no organization by their government and the means to distribute helpful goods is very primitive....so far. New Orleans had plenty of ways out and in prior to the levee breaks but once the fishbowl filled up, there was limited ways in and out just like Haiti. The big difference is that New Orleans had a way to get folks out with advance warning and an a lot of folks chose to ignore it IMO! You can blame whomever you want but some folks effed up.

I did see a nice thing online where President Obama got together with ex-presidents Clinton and Bush and the two ex's are working together to get funds to help Haiti out long term. Now, I lean right but this is a good thing. It's a shame both sides couldn't try to meet in the middle on a lot of other things. IMO, the truth lies somewhere in the middle for most Americans.

'07 ST



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Getting back to New Orleans. I have just one question? When all this went down and all those people said they had "no way out", keep in mind that these are the same people that steal cars for the fun of it just to joyride because their bored. Why couldn't they steal a car/truck/bus/motorcycle, whatever to get them and their families out of there? I'm not saying that all of those people were criminals but I think that stealing a car to save your life and or families lives is way more important than stealing a frigging big screen/clothes/appliances,etc., when they're up to the rooftops in water and have no electricty for anything they just stole. I'm not a criminal but if I was in that situation I'd steal a car from a car lot or a bus and get as many people out long before it flooded. JMO. As far as these other countries around the world, yes we can help out but yea know what, America is sooo far in debt that if we every want to get even close to being the country we once were, we need to take care of our own first. I see on the news we're bringing in orphins from other countries by the thousands every month yet there's homeless children and orphins born in this country that are left behind. Lots of stuff that I could rant about but I'll stop here.:smile0003::smile0003::smile0003:
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Bob C,

I'm not outraged when we have a disaster here in the states and we don't get a huge outpouring of international aid.

We have shown we can take care of ourselves. We are the smart, "rich family" in the neighborhood that works hard for their money, keeps their house up and their yard clean. When there is a rumor that the "rich family" has hit some adversity, maybe a job loss, or a fire, some local folks might show their sympathy and compassion, but they certainly don't show up with financial aid, etc. The rich family doesn't need that. They take care of themselves.

Sorry to be the one to say this but America isn't really the rich family anymore atleast not anywhere I've ever lived. Sure I've been out to the burbs but only when the rich are giving something away for free on CL because they just spent money on news things when they just bought their old things last year. Maybe it's just me but after seeing the houses, jobs, etc., I'm begining to think that I'm the poorest member on here. Not putting any of y'all done for being rich but if you've never gone without then you'll never know. I grow up where my familylived in cars and on the streets. Even now my wife and I are barely living paycheck to paycheck, not because were living outside our means but because we do get any help from our own gov't., locally or federal. Don't qualify for anything. The only reason way we get any help is because we work the local food bank and know the person who runs it so they give us food. According to the gov't we made too much last year to recieve any help, he'll I even got screwed out of unemployment because my employer had laid too many people off and the unemployment office figured tht they could make their numbers go done by cutting people that really deserve to be on it. Yes I could go back over the road driving but I'd actually put out more then I'd make just to live on the road. And I'd never see my wife and son like before. Found out that because most of my past employers are now out of business that the new emploer that would like to hire me can't because coorperate said no since they can't get enough work history references for me, not a lie. I had a job lined up driving local for Shaw's flooring making $18.19/hr. and that's what coorperate told the local division Mgr. w:smile0010::smile0008::smile0003::smile0003:hy they can't hire me. B.S.
I don't really see it as rich as in we are all rolling in money, buying whatever we want. I see it as we, here in the US, are rich in opportunity.

You really can be, have, and think whatever you work for in the US.

I've never been to Haiti, but I'd imagine there isn't much opportunity to be more than you are born into. At least here in the US you can work hard and get grants and scholarships, as well as other aid to propel yourself out of a poor life. Sure it's not easy, or may be easier for others, but the opportunity is there.
From purely a humanitarian standpoint, politics aside,I donated what I could afford to haiti and N.O. after katrina.

we are one world folks.
Again if you've never went without or been homeless before especially growing up, you'll never know what it's like. And the help isn't out there for everyone, unless of course you have kids to different dads or are a criminal, recovering drug attick. I'm gonna get flack for my comments but I live in the "Real World" not the MTV's Real World. Or Jersey Shore Or whatever stupid show they have now a days. :smile0009::smile0008::smile0003:
I'm not looking to pass judgment on anyone. Everyone's situation is different and no matter how bad you think it is, someone will always have it worse. Just keep in mind, you don't know everyone's situation. You may never know what other people lived through in their lives. My comments are meant to be simply a general opinion. For all anyone here knows, any one of us here could have been homeless at some point in their lives.

All-in-all, I agree with Bill. It shouldn't matter where the help comes from. If you can help, do. It's not a matter of whether or not you agree with the situation - it matters that help is needed. I too donated to both causes. I also make it a point to donate regularly to other charities because I am lucky enough that I can.
I've always said it's good to help out and we could help but this country in a whole is failing horribly when it comes to taking care of it's own. For "regular" people like me there is no help because we've worked so hard that we make "just over what the gov't says is the poverty level. There's plenty of help for people that live in the ghettos and have everything handed to them, I know because I'm freinds with alot if them, meanwhile they're wearing the most exspensive clothes and driving new cars/trucks with 24's on 'em. I call B.S.. I think that if you get gov't. help you should be drug tested and have to want to help yourself but these people are happy living like this. They don't have to do pop out more babies to get more money/help but the govttakes care of them too. Look at New Orleans as an example. :smile0003::smile0003:
Thank you everyone for your input, my intention with this was to show that "disasters" occur here in the U.S. and not one foreign country comes to our aid. Aid to New Orleans came entirely from our pockets, as many have stated above. I realize that things are considerably different here than abroad, but we have many serious issues at home here that need addressing. They won't ever be addressed if we keep pouring cash into other contries relief requests. I am not proclaiming that we should become isolationists as we have allowed ourselves to be so in debt to many countries that the simple act of refusing/limiting aid may cause them to call in thier loans. If this were to happen the U.S. would rapidly become a third world country. Its almost hard to believe that we really don't own this country. This all sounds like "armchair" politics, but I feel strongly about this. The U.S. needs to stop putting so much time and money towards other countries needs, we are not the global bank that many believe we are. And please don't get me started on military issues. How many countries truly need our military presence thier? The cold war is over, protecting our own country from terrorist threats is the new war. Protection begins at home. BC
Brian, that all looks good from the outside until you look at the section on "actual funds" $856 million was pledged, $400 million in crude oil. Only $40 million was ever received and the oil was a no show! And the U.S. had to request aid from several countries. This not the kind of aid that all of you tree hugging liberals would like us to beleve. The fact is that the bulk of the money came from our citizens not from the empty promises of the world. The U.S. promptly approved $100 million in aid to Haiti. Look at the figures in your article, all of the donations combined would not equal this.
"Additionally, a large portion of the $854 million in aid offered went uncollected, including over $400 million in oil (almost 50%) "

Note the word uncollected.

The USA is not without aid from other countries. It may seem like it at times .

Our church has set up a link on our website to make donations and offer aid. I can't pull it up here at work (blasted Websense!), but if you go to the lower right, you will find it.
Brian, that all looks good from the outside until you look at the section on "actual funds" $856 million was pledged, $400 million in crude oil. Only $40 million was ever received and the oil was a no show!

Bob, it's not that those countries never sent the money they pledged. Instead, in most cases, the US turned it down. In other cases, they accepted aid (including non-monetary aid), and let it go unused until it spoiled. See the article linked below (which was linked within the wikipedia story Brian linked above).

If other countries offered us assistance, and we either turned it down, or we badly misused what was sent such that it went to waste, that's our fault, not theirs.
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I started a thread on another site that progressed to the verge of meltdown when I mentioned this:

If the New Madrid fault zone in center of the country ever had another 8.0 earthquake, we're going to need help in the form of search and rescue and heavy rescue from other countries. Good God! Those flag-waving America-don't-need-no-help-from-nobody types went ballistic.

Truth is, Memphis and St. Louis will be flattened, not to mention what would happen in the smaller cities and towns in the area. There really aren't that many SAR and heavy rescue teams free to leave their jurisdictions to come to the aid of such a widespread disaster.


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