What is Ford thinking?

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Tom S

Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
Sarasota, FL
Found this from another forum I frequent (not the one listed, not even Ford actually).

Hard to believe they're pushing infringement on model names and such. Is this something MYST should be worried about?


btw... took me a few tries for it to go through... their server must be getting overloaded.
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MYST will be alright, even if it has to change names. I'm sure of it. *holds up papers*
I just dropped Ford a line letting them know that it would seem that they would WANT the free publicity and support from the taxpayers that they are asking to bail them out, and that as the owner of 3 Fords currently and 8 Fords in the last 20 years, they are rapidly turning me sour. They did the same to Torrie -- didn't they?
What pinhead lawyer thought this one out?

Reading some of the subsequent posts on that website,

it really doesn't make any sense whatsoever?
Okay, I haven't shared this, but I will...

I own a forum site. It has Ford in the name. On it, I have Ford logos and emblems. This is okay, because I have a signed document from Ford saying it is, with no expiration date. Wanna know how I got this?

I asked nicely.

Ford doesn't mind publicity. They just want to make sure you're representing them as they'd like.
It's not about the use of "Ranger" in the web site name. They are desperate, and desperate people do stupid things. As I see it, it is all about the money. MySprotTrac has had a very good relationship with Ford because of all the meets that have been co-hosted with them. I do not see this site having a problem, but as I said above they are desperate, and need the money. They would not do it if they realized how much this action will hurt their bottom line.

If you follow the link, they say that www.michiganmustang.com was also approached. I believe that may be what you are referring to
I just don't understand why common sense can not rule people...

and why Companies have idiots with degrees working for them (referring to Fords Legal team with NO COMMON SENSE) I can not believe the lack of intelligence on this from Ford Legal.

Um, If Ford's legal department has that much time on their hands, Then FORD should fire All of them and use the money to help keep the business going another year. That would be money well spent.

That Ranger site as well as this site are sites created for OWNERS OF a FORD PRODUCTS. Enthusiest that KEEP buying THEIR Products. What A hypocrite Ford is being, by going after Site owners that actually HELP TO KEEP THEM IN BUSINESS. SHAME ON FORD AND THEIR LEGAL TEAM.

It's like Ford say, "hey, We see you are a dedicated customer and have bought our products time and time again over the years. But, You are not allowed to wear our name on it...oh and btw, since you are talking about it and happen to own our product ....you will now have to pay us to use our name and logo...EVEN THOUGH...you and your group are dedicated owners of our products and put up with much having to deal with on going issues of these products and still remain loyal to FORD.

I think ANY FORD enthusist group has BOUGHT the right to post FORD on their site...it's not like they are stealing from Ford heck ....take the number of members and times that by AT LEAST ONE Ranger per member ( and some of them probably own more than one)

I would be surprised if Ford ever came after this site... Since MOST of their folks in Engineering and Design and other areas of the business come here often to see what we are saying. This site has been mentioned in Ford Company interviews and articles. This site is no stranger to Ford Motor Company and it's PR and Design departments. But then again Companies hire idiots any more...so who knows for sure...

Well, FORD...are ya reading now? I'd leave the Ranger site alone... Your legal team is going to help DRIVE you into the ground on that one. It's never too late for long time customers to boycott their truck maker choice....to prove a point.

yes the michigan mustang as well.... another IDIOTIC move by FORD LEGAL.

Ford did not create the name Ranger, nor did they create the name Mustang... this is really stupid on Ford's part, especially in times such as these when you would think they want to KEEP what customers they do have.

I better go have my coffee...it's showing that I have not had enough this morning.
Wow GM. :D good to hear ya finally rant about something!

Usually its all sunshine and roses with you ;)

I could see more of a point in going after those owners who decide that they dont want the Ford emblem on their vehicles and have them "shaved" off as opposed to attacking websites that do exactly what GM said: promote the sales of Ford products.

They do, however, need to keep a close eye on anyone using the licensed Ford logo. They have to ensure that those websites are seen as "Ford enthousiast" websites by the public and not be held accountable for the views, rumors, etc that come from it. Some idiots could mistake those enthousiast sites, much like ours, for actual FoMoCo websites. You never know.

I got the email this morning. I have been a member at The Ranger Station for a long time (owned two Rangers before I went Sport Trac) and in fact I am a moderator there. I fail to see what Ford hopes to gain and wonder if they are that desperate for $5000. Ford has in the past gone after Mustang clubs and parts suppliers for those and other Ford models, threatening them to cease and desist using the name Ford or even the model names in their ads and literature. (Okay, so what are you going to call it then?) They backed off after some outcry from the vintage Ford community but it looks like they're at it again. It's not just about The Ranger Station, but the bell tolls for thee too. Help out and send an email. Thanks. -- Jon
Ford is only going to gain, negative feed back from their long time customer/owners. They need to back off the sites that promote their products period.

Johnny O, Does your group have an email address in order to voice the opinions to Ford? I think the site owners need to talk to the PR department at Ford and explain how they are helping the company and owners. Legal is on a whim of their own and not seeing the BIGGER picture on this. PR dept, could probably help out on this with Legal for the site.

Here is the other input too...do theFord Enthusist site owners charge FORD for using THE SITE NAMES in their articles and publications...Hmmmm turn about is fair play. Sounds silly I know but isn't that calling the kettle black when Ford does that? If all Legal needs is to give permission to use a NAME ...then all they need to be doing is say " Hey we appreciate your enthusaim about our Product, can you just send us a reguest to use our logo on your website? Here is the form, there is no charge, we know you and your group love our truck."

Guess that is too simple for legal. Gotta go about everything the hard way WASTING valuable COMPANY money and time. They need to be handling all the lawsuits and warranty issue lawsuits instead of going after POSITIVE groups that are supporting the Ford products.
Looks like it might be a scam as legal action has not taken place. Not sure Ford is this dumb, but if they are they must be upset that people are making money and they are not.

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