What breed is he?

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Jerry Johnson

Active Member
Oct 26, 2000
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX

After a four year break we decided to adopt. He was found abandoned along a country road near where I live. The vet says that he is approximately 8 weeks old and may be a chow/shephard mix. I do not see the chow in him but I can buy that he has some shephard in him. I know that there are a ton of dog lovers on this web site. So I would be curious to hear what your opinion is on what type of dog he is. Right now I tell everybody that he is a AKC Feral :D He weighs 17 lbs and stands about 13-14 inches to his shoulders.

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He may have some chow in him. Just look at his tongue. If it has any black splotches, he's got chow. You can see a bit of the shepard in what looks like the shaddow of a dark "saddle" on his back. But the face is priceless. Love the ears!

On a side note, my brother found our Pepper dog on the side of the road as a puppy on his drive home from Camp Lejune. It was obvious that she was abused and abandoned. We took her in and cared for her. She is now the greatest dog I can say I've ever known. Super smart, very fun loving, and happy. Best of luck to you!
I'd say he's got some shepard in him... good lookin dog.. From the looks of those paws I'd say he's gonna be a big boy.. lol..kinda looks like a dingo..
I'd have to agree with Jenn, If there are any blotches or at the most a blueish tongue then he has chow in him. Normally if a dog has chow in him he show one of 3 trade marks which is his tongue or a thick mane or a shorter than normal snout. I've had 3 chows myself and they are wonderful dogs, but that depends on who you talk to.
He is cute! Pretty coat and color. I do see the chow in his face, around the eyes and forehead and ears. His front are long!, and the back leg/hip area look like shepherd. Of course, it doesn't matter as long as you love him, he will love you back. :)
I see no Chow in that dog at all (have owned two) lets just say his father was a traveling man:) is just a mutt, most likly the best dawg you will ever have, enjoy.
I guess I will never know what breed he is. Not that it matters. My kids adore him and that matters most. My wife on the other hand is going crazy trying to potty train him. He does have about an 1/4" black blotch on his tongue. My last dog was a chow/husky mix. She looked like a husky but had the attitude and tongue of a chow. She was a great dog but I had problems with her aggression toward other animals and certain types of people. So far I have not seen any type of aggression from this puppy. And believe me, my four year old son has given him plenty of opportunities.
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The blotch is chow. He will be a good protector. My ex-wife and I had a Chow-Shepherd mix. She is a great dog. Very smart, protective, vocal, and funny.

Good thing you got him young so he will get used to the kids. Carly didn't take to kids very well b/c she was the queen of the house for many years.
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This is my dog, Cordelia -- she is a chow mix. I think if you compare her with your pup, you'll see some similarities in the face as well as in the body. And as others have mentioned, a purple or black tongue is a dead giveaway.

The agression can be an issue with chows. They were originally bred as palace guard dogs in China. Hopefully, the shepherd or whatever he is mixed with will mellow him out. Having him as a puppy will help. Unfortunately, Cordi was two when I got her, so I do have to watch her around kids, especially if we are not at home where she is comfortable. At home, she is a great dog.

The whole "black spots on tongue = chow" thing is a myth...

<a href="http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/tonguespots.html">http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/tonguespots.html</a>

<a href="http://www.columbusdogconnection.com/BlackTongueDebate.htm">http://www.columbusdogconnection.com/BlackTongueDebate.htm</a>

Also bogus is the claim that dogs (especially border collies) with black roofs of their mouths make better herding dogs.
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I was going to say that Kozmo (on the right) has a black spot on the roof of his mouth, and he is an Australian Cattle Dog. No Chow in him whatsoever...

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