weren't joking about no more exciting birthday's after 21

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Mike Dziubina

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
Shelton, CT
big old 22 today. for my birthday I got to take two of the hardest tests I have ever had in college. :banghead: But man people really werent kidding about no more exciting b-days after 21 i guess. I didnt even know it was my birthday this week till my girlfriend reminded me two days ago. been studying for like the past 4 days straight so i think i might have to sleep the rest of my Bday away until abnormal psychology class later:throwup:

maybe drinks later after class! anyone in CT??? lol. I think i might head up to my favorite bar - Cadillac Ranch - if anyone is in!

have a good one. :cheeky:
30 was fun. Am hoping 40 (in 3 months) will be fun. 21 was the worst of my life.

So don't assume the best ones are over...
Absolutely not true that the best ones are over...

They are yet to come. I was just saying that the birthdays seems to blend all together as we go is all..
Happy Birthday Mike! Why don't you come up to the club? I'm headed there now.

abnormal psychology 3:30-4:45:banghead:

beautiful day for some clays Gary. knock em down. I haven't been skeet shooting in forever, been doing lots of pistol shooting though. I will certainly make it up soon. I just got paperwork for Hamden Fish and Game club. 90% certain i will join there because i will be living in north haven for the next 2 years (grad school). Beautiful facility they have. Just have to see if its true they vote members in only in January.

thanks on the future Bday info all. looks like the best is yet to come..... i guess. lol. :haveabeer:

Happy bday bud.

I turn 27 in September, so I've been through some of it. I gotta say that 25 was a bit of an adjustment for me. It was the bday I finally had to realize that I was becoming an adult and that 30 wasn't too far away. Thats never a fun thought for a young buck like yourself.

At any rate, I had a great year when I turned 23. One of the best.

For me, birthdays get better with age. They also become less significant. Those birthdays in my 20"s? Just lame-assed reasons to get plastered. Big deal.
Now a days, they are just another day. The next one in December will be number 69. Just happy to be still able to still count them.


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