To TJR re weight loss.

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Jerry Abson 3

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
Maple Valley, WA
Not wanting to steal that thread, figured I would just move over to here.

I am on an official diet, down to 500 cals a day and taking HHCG. Don't ask me what HHCG means, look it up, too difficult to spell!

Anyways, what it does is with 500 cals a day, my body is automatically activated its starvation mode, meaning it will now burn the most available fuel I have, which is muscle. What the HHCG does is trigger my hypothamus to burn the abnormal fat stores it uses to store the excess fat instead of the muscle. I use Keto and Albu sticks to be sure its still working, and each test shows no protein (muscle), just ketones (fat).

Its freaky how it works, but it does. And once I am off this, it will reset my metabolic rate as well, and I plan on getting back into the gym. I had a personal trainer for about a year, and we focused on my gut, didn't loose it, but gained weight becouse of the muscle I gained.

On this, I have lost 2 inches already, and again, almost 30 lbs. I am a little hungry because I work out in the field, but I am not starving. My wife is on it, as well as several of our friends, and its just crazy how well it works.

The HHCG is a homeopathic version of the HCG, a naturally occuring hormone, most found in pregnent women. Yea, weird taking that in! Anyway, some doctor found that when it was used, and still is used, to help male children whose testicles didn't drop, they also lost weight. This was back in the 50's. And its been pretty much perfected.

Only the real HCG cost about 400 bucks a month and is an injection, this is just two sprays, twice a day. And you can only be on this for 42 days, that way you wont deplete all your mineral resources, or something like that. But you can get back on right after if need to loose more.

I think its great that you have lost so much, I have an old friend who did the same as you, whenver she fixed her plate or ordered out, she cut the order in half and wouldn't eat any more. Works for her as well, not sure how much she has lost, but her knee's always acted up, now they dont.

I say if it isn't broke, why fix it! Keep going!
Cool info.

I have lost 10" in my wearing 32 and 34" waist pants.

Most of my shrts are now mediums, down from XLG.

I should post before and after pics.

I feel 20 years younger.

I lost 20 pounds since March. I cut out snacks and cut down on beer, otherwise I didn't eat anything different, just less of it. Feel a lot better, especially my knees, and I sleep better since I'm not snoring as much. Goal is to stay at 180 or less.
Ketoacidosis burns a lot of body fat, but I have heard it is real hard on the body and its organs. I believe that is the same state diabetics are in when they have insuficient insulin and cannot burn available sugar, so it forces the body to burn fat. However, they say being fat is hard on the body and its organs too.

Losing weight is very hard for me. I hurt all over and really dislike exercise. I also enjoy eating too. If I could get rid of or reduce the pain, I'd exercise more- because I have gained the weight by not getting as much exercise. However, running 30 minutes on the treadmill to burn 200 calories just doesn't seem worth it.

Any advice?
Gavin, I too hate to "exercise" but a few things like walking more, eating less bad foods adds up in the long run. Not sure about Jerry, 500 calories seems extreme, most diets recommend 1200 or so. There are more diet plans than you can count. They all have their fans. My son went to a conditioning program with his baseball team, they did alot of different things, p90X was part of it, He went from one of the slowest on the team to the fastest this past winter. Of course he's 14 years old. Us old guys have to figure a better way.
Gavin, thats why I need to be sure I get in my gallon of water each day, to help soften the effects and to flush out whats getting burned.

Due to some time drinking alot, ended up with some fat on my liver, not cirrosis (sp?) but abnormal fat deposits. So this may help with that issue as well, and I have talked to my doc before beginning this.

He has heard of the HCG, and knows it works, just wants me to be sure that I stick with the meals allowed, because the vegetables and fruits provide the necessary vitamins and minerals that I would otherwise be missing.

Dropped another 2 lbs yesterday, down 30 lbs in 25 days, and still not having any ill effects. I think I may hit my wieght goal before I hit 42 days, will see!

And its not that I hate to excercise, I just expect to see some better results other than increased muscle without toning. So with this diet ending, and my gut all gone, I should then be able to return to my core and strength training with more than muscle building, but core shaping as well.

And I think TJR said he lost over 70 lbs so far. But I may not be accurate.
Okay, time to put my money where my mouth is:

BEFORE (Feb 20, 2010):

[Broken External Image]:

AFTER (face pic a couple of months ago, beach pic last weekend):

[Broken External Image]:

[Broken External Image]:
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Still here, still big, just not AS big.

I'm 202 lbs now, down from almost 280 at my heaviest.

I need a tummy tuck. I'm doing 200 crunches every time I hit the gym, but lots of "lose skin" to deal with now. Oh well...


Jerry, I would speak with a dietitian or doctor about your weight loss plan. This is a <b>starvation diet.</b> Please don't be offended, but I would recommend anyone take a hard look at this before trying it.

If HCG works as you say, you are messing with hormone levels. That can be very dangerous if a doctor is not checking up on you. You are probably lowering your body's ability to produce testosterone naturally, and who knows what other hormones you're messing with. That is not good at all.

So far as 500 calories a day, that'll definitely work quickly, but you might as well just drink water. Even with a multivitamin, you'll be TECHNICALLY starving yourself. Your body will react in all the same ways as if you weren't eating anything at all. By using HCG to keep your body from breaking down your muscle mass to use as a source for amino acids that are necessary for other metabolic functions, you're basically masking the damage you're doing to your body. Yeah, you'.. lose wait in a hurry, as you're experiencing, but I'd be heavily concerned about long term damage.

You are in a continual catabolic state. This is very dangerous and can have horrible long term effects. It doesn't matter which cells you think you are breaking down by using some spray, a continuous catabolic state is not good, period.

When doing any weight loss program, you <b>HAVE TO EXERCISE</b>! There just is no way around that. You should also eat protein often enough to keep your body from going catabolic (about every 2-3 hours for "normal proteins, though some slow release proteins last 8-10 hours). If you do that and eat enough complex carbs for your body to use as energy (so that it doesn't use the proteins you're eating instead) you'll build/tone muscle which will help to burn calories even when you're not working out. It'll obviously be harder work... but it will actually improve your health rather than risk damaging it... and it still only takes a few months to see drastic results. It's not a magical mist spray, but it has proven and guaranteed results. And even better, its completely safe and fully endorsed by every single doctor and dietitian.

Sorry if this was hard to follow, but I tried to be as thorough yet brief as possible.

Just be safe.
JerryA, Hugh,

500 calories a day doesn't sound healthy to me, but hey, I'm no doctor.

For me, there was no magic pill, or procedure. I didn't follow anyone's plan, or get a book or a DVD.

We all know what we have to do. It is simple.

The secret: Eat less crap and exercise more.

I started out at 2200 calories a day and about 2 to 3 miles walked on the treadmill and some weight lifting. I would exercise like that at least 6 days a week.

Once I started getting more fit, I had to up the exercise level and lower the calories per day.

Within 2 months I was jogging. Within 3 months running.

Now I am at 1900 calories a day and run/jog about 25 miles a week, along with lifting.

As for my diet, I haven't cut anything out except second helpings.

It can be done, but it takes dedication, and the will to change your lifestyle. This is my new journey, of which the only true destination (for any of us) is the dirt nap. For me, that's going to be as far off as possible, with the best possible health until that time, as possible.


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Hugh, one of our friends recieved his degree for physical fitness and sports medicine, and hsi wife was one this. He made sure it was safe, and yes, my doctor is checking up on me. I went in for a blood test prior to, and will be going in shortly to verify nothing is abnormal. He is looking forward to seeing if this will also remove the abnormal fat that was found in my liver. Hopefully it will take care of that too, otherwise it may stay there.

I have to take in protien daily. I have to eat two meals that are protien, and then the remainder is fruits and veggies.

And just to let you know, this isn't the actual HCG. Here is the hard part to swallow for me. Its Homeopathic HCG. The spray contains 80% purified water and 20% kosher alchohol. Its got, as mentioned on the website, the magnetic signiture of the actual HCG.

Now I have never been a homeopathic person. All this stuff seems too 'far out' for me. And I was very sceptical about this. But speaking with 3 of my friends who are on this, and the husband of one being a sports and physical nut with the college background, convinced me to give it a shot.

So with that, I am not really taking in any hormone, so hormonal changes shouldn't occur.

But yes, it is a starvation diet, but unlike other diets, it targets those areas of fat that we all have a hard time getting rid of. As to the testosterone, my wife will tell you that hasnt' changed any!:supercool:

I don't know what catabolic state is, so cant answer to that. As to amino acids, part of our diet also includes something called Braggs Amino Acids. Its a soy sauce replacement with 8 of the essential amino acids required.

I had a personal trainer for a year and we worked on my gut. Went 3 times a week, trained for an hour. Did BMI, measuring, fat content, etc, and my gut didn't get any smaller even following his dietary recommendations. My arms and legs did get biger, and my weight did go up (muscle mass). But what I wanted to go down didn't.

When I learned that this program targets the 'abnormal fat stores', meaning the gut in men, I did alot of reading, studying, and talking with my friend. I can find nothing wrong with this program, and from personal experience, it really works.

I do appreciate your concern, and it does seem to be an extreme way to loose this, but 42 days and no gut compared to 365 days and no change, call me lazy, but I like the option. Its always good to get as many opinions as well as other ways to look at stuff.

We are supposed to get into excercising, which I plan on, after the 4th phase of this program. I still have my option for a personal trainer, and will get back with him once this is over. But this time, it will be to tone and strengthen, not get rid of something.

I am down 30 lbs now in 25 days as well as 2 inches off my gut, neck and waist each. I am just looking forward to resetting my metabolism so that I can eat that piece of cheesecake without it filling my gut. As well as the ability to really excercise to maintain and strengthen.

And I doubt I will be doing McDonalds or that again, I know that was part of it. But so was my drinking which I quit long ago, and now that my job is more centralized, its alot easier to avoid eating out.

And TJR, I think its great that works for you! The wife and I went to the club our three times a week for the trainer, and we tried to go at least 2 more times just to work on Cardio. I am looking forward to getting back to that with hopefully 50 lbs less on me!
TJR, looks great!

Man, I wish I had time to do that myself again. Back in my 20's, I was around 280. Still single, I started exercising and eating less, and over about 9 months I got down to about 215. Leveled off to a very comfortable 235 and held that for many years. But then I got married and we started having kids--and since then, there's no time to work out at all anymore, and I'm back to 265... :(

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