The revolt is gaining strength

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buzz worth

Active Member
Oct 31, 2000
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Louisville, KY
The networks won't show you this stuff and the protests are out there. How long can the law-abiding taxpayers carry all the deadbeats?


The Today Show opened with the revolt this AM, talked about it for about 10 minutes.

So I'm not sure what you mean by the "networks won't show you this stuff".

I hope one of the long term impacts of this mess is that people will take a bit more skeptical interest in what government is doing, and by government I mean all of them (D) and (R).
Who was the Ayn Rand fan on the site? Don't all these recent actions have a scary resemblance?!


We might as well just throw in the towel and go to socialism... (sarcasm)

Personally, I feel that unless you can't carry your weight because your handicap I want NONE of my tax money going to anything other than businesses and military. Trust me The Machine will continue to work! Everything is being halted because of the excess oil that drips from The Machine and collects on the floor. There is NO REASON to turn off the machine or force it to use the excess oil when it isn't needed just because you don't know what to do with it. Just throttle The Machine harder so the oil becomes needed again. All we are doing now is slugging it further... CAPITALISM is business. Business is The Machine. Oil is what business uses to keep pushing the Nation.

That would be me, Woppy.:banana: It would seem that we're now living out Atlas Shrugged. Where's John Galt when we need him?
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I have drunk the Kool-Aid and joined Obamanation.

(actually it's a gag site but about 25% of the posters are too dumb to realize it.)
My Friend Lorrie was one of the organizers/protesters at Obama's town hall in Arizona. Ron and Marry organized the protest at the towm hall Ft. Meyers Florida when Henrietta Hughes was asking for a house. These are an example of the new Grass Roots movements that are taking place. Lorrie, Ron, Marry and myself are part of a new group called We formed just before the election realizing that Republicans were asleep at the switch and were just starting to energize after Sarah Palin came into the picture. We were guilty of not responding to methods that were being utilized by the Obama campaign.

The Republican committee was not using technology in an effective manner, something that Michael Steele, the new GOP leader is already addressing.

If you are interested in moving forward than check us out at We have groups for every state and are looking for leaders for some of the states now.

We are also on Facebook and Twitter (follow Americac2cceo, Americac2c, or Americac2c1 (me)). We have grown from 15 people from the McCainspace effort to over 2000 since November. You will find me there as Patriotgreg

The road to recovery starts in congressional and senatorial races in 2010.

Your longtime member since 2002


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