Sky Diving ?

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Woppy V

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Williamsburg, VA
Has anyone been? I'm looking for feedback to give me the additional push (no pun) necessary with committing to this trip a couple of my family members are preparing. In some off shoot way they are classifying it as a group Xmas gift adventure!

Also it's a Tandem Jump... I believe an instructor goes with you if I understood it correctly.

Who has, would, wouldn't jumped out of a perfectly good plane?

And how do you get marines to jump out of C-130?????

Toss out something shinny.....

Just kidding.....

Would never jump out of a plane that could land.

I had a friend that jumped a few times. 1st Solo jump 1st one didnt open. 2nd got tangled in the 1st.

wasnt a pretty thing to watch.
Wasnt his first Jump.. but his first SOLO jump. he had jumped about 10 times before.

1st chute didnt open.. he didnt cut the 1st. opened the 2nd (reserve) and it tangled in the 1st..
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My cousins grandmother did a Tandem jump on her 80th birthday.

She loved it.

Yes, I would skydive. I would never, ever, ever bungee jump.

I did a skydiving trip with family. It was a great time and a memory that gets recounted often. My Mom wouldn't let us all go up in the same plane, which was funny under the circumstances. But, it was fun seeing each other come down and looking at each other's reactions.

For me, it was a bit nerve-wracking as I don't enjoy heights. But I decided to do it anyway. It was sensory overload for the first couple of seconds. Once I got over the fact that I had just jumped out of a plane, the rest of the ride down was enjoyable. It's a high that lasts for days once you've done it.

I definitely recommend trying it. At least once anyway.
Why wouldn't you bungee jump Caymen?

Too many things to go wrong. If I jump out of a plane and the chute does not open, I am going to die. That is the worst that could happen.

If I bungee jump and I hit the ground, I will be lucky if I get the opportunity to die. With my luck, I will live the rest of my life in a chair getting spoon fed everything, wearing a diaper, and have someone else wipe my butt for the rest of my life. Not for me!

Plus, I want to experiance the feeling of flying.

LOL so its not the fear of bungee jumping... but the fear of diapers that keeps ya from doing it! ;)

But that does make sense.
I did it 7 years ago. It was a wild rush. You do not have the feeling of falling, but I was going about 150 mph from 11,500 feet. I have some video on the way down too. I would never bungee, but I did this.

[Broken External Image]:
I have close to 1k jumps. I'm also a tandem-certified jumpmaster.

I say do it.

I'm also insane.
Woppy, that's about right if it's a reputable school and the preflight class time is included.

My father retired in June of this year. He has ALWAYS wanted to jump, so we got him a gift cert to go do it. My darling family said since I fly everyday, and am used to heights, I was going to go and keep him company. I put it off and put it off longer and longer.....not scared, just something i wouldn't NORMALLY do. Planes shouldn't be flying as is, and things that weren't born with wings to make them fly shouldn't fly either. Needless to say, they wouldn't forget about it, so off we went. Most jump schools, or jump locations......hmmmm it's a "different" breed......not crazy per say, not abnormal.....just "different". The day was a bit windy, and since I am 6'2'' and about 220, they said I would go first to test the conditions out............I thought for a moment and asked, so I am the guinnea pig??? SUPER ! ! !! Dad found THAT one funny. I can hop in an airplane that weighs hundreds upon hundreds of tons, go screaming down a runway, have an engine explode upon lift-off, continue flying with a malfunctioning fire supression system, bring that pig back around and land on a 75ft wide runway, coming to a safe hault, evacuate without soiling myself. That's happened only once, and it didn't bother me, but this jumping from a plane thing...hmmmm didn't like it so much....didn't like it until i actually did it. Just kinda didn't think about things, and went along for the ride listening to instructions carefully. Out of the plane we went. The one thing I don't like is that falling sensation in your stomach you get when going over hills etc etc. I was afraid it was going to be THAT all the way down... I will say I felt ZERO of that sensation. We fell about 4500-5000 feet in mere seconds, and poof the chute opened and we floated back to the runway. It was a great thing to do. Since then I have looked into buying my own rig. It is a good time and I DO suggest that everyone does it. As for the bungee thing...hmmm no. havent done it myself, but even these jumpschool guys say THEY wont even do it, their liine, "We use rubber bands because they BREAK, bungee is crazy!" THAT comes from the DIFFERENT breed!! All in all I say again, do it, have fun.. good luck.
It seems like it would be fun. But I keep remembering when I was in the Army. Before I left for Vietnam, I was asked if I wanted to go to airborne school. My thoughts were as SalA. I cant jump out of a plane that is still flying...:lol:
I think I just gave the confirmation... I can't remember it was all a panicked blur... but it looks like this sporttrac amigo is going to be growing some wings soon! haha... esh!

hmmmm..... I went to enter a smiley.... but there isn't a "HOLY DEAR SWEET JESUS" face! So this will have to do.


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