Saw this on Night Line tonight . . .

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care'

The Republican talking point was the most pervasive falsehood of the year, used hundreds of times by GOP leaders and candidates. And it worked: a majority of Americans believe the law is a government takeover.

The claim that the Democratic health care law is a "government takeover of health care" is our 2010 Lie of the Year.

Gov't mandating that all citizens purchase a particular good/service like health care insurance, and fining those who fail to do so, along with heavily regulating the health insurance industry sure seems like a gov't takeover to me.:angry:

Where in the Constitution is Congress granted the authority to do anything in this monstrosity of a law? I'm glad the first judge in Cuccinelli v. Sebelius ruled according to the Constitution. This is the first step in dismantling this over-reaching monstrosity.

Repubs are great with the spin. They saved us from "death panels" too.

This happens on both sides of the aisle. Case in point: The recent debates about the current tax code. When the tax laws were changed during the last administration, they were labled by those who opposed them as the "Bush Tax Cuts". That's fine, but once the bill was signed into law they became the current tax code, and have been so for the last 10 years. So in actuality, the current bruhaha wasn't about cutting taxes at all, but whether or not to let the current tax law expire at the end of 2010, thereby raising taxes. So Democrats who were in favor of this were seeking to raise taxes. But they and their minions in the media continued to refer to it not as raising taxes, but letting the "Bush Tax Cuts" expire. Classic spin.

And how 'bout Pelosi's "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it", referring to the 2,000 page health care law last year? What kind of spin was that? :banghead:
And on a related note...

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid

91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs

72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit

72 percent believe the economy is getting worse

60 percent believe climate change is not occurring

49 percent believe income taxes have gone up

63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts

56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout

38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP

63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)
The current plan doesn't take over healthcare right away, but it will in short order make it impossible for health insurance companies to stay in business and the govt plan will be the only alternative. Nancy Pelosi says so:
Those website listed above are bogus. Fox News has already proved them wrong.

<font size=-2>...and they think I am mislead...Ha Ha Ha Ha</font>:banana:

FYI a "government takeover" is when the government actually takes over something. The last time in US history that there was an actual government takeover was when the National Treasury was created. Before then, private banks, companies and individuals made their own money...literally.

I'm old enough to remember how health insurance was before Watergate, Reaganomics and the general trend for every GOP politician to lie relentlessly. Back then we had a social studies debate over the merits and liabilities of something called "HMO". When we researched it, we were convinced that nobody would be stupid enough to fall for the rationed health care and corporate invasion of your health issues. the HMO and its evil cousin, the PPO are your only health insurance options (unless you're filthy rich or a Congressman, of course).

For those of you who are bellyaching about rumors that "the government" is going to do this and that, and how trusting Big Business with your life is such a wonderful idea, I have news for you. You'd better start moaning, because you're already getting screwed.


I think the point is that anyone that goes to one place for all their news and information is blind to the truth.

I listen to NPR, Fox News, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, etc. I also read news from other countries. I like to visit the Drudge Report as well as the Huffington Post.

A good friend that reads the Drudge Report like it is a religon found out I read The Huffington Post. He got all upset. I showed him that they say the same thing, except each portrays it fromt their point of view. He is one of the few that could accept the fact that the truth is somewhere in the middle. He still leans too far to the right for his own good, but he is who he is.

I cringe when someone says, "Did you hear what Glen Beck said?"


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