Replacing Fluids in Reservoirs

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Bill Miller

Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I decided to change my Power Steering, Brake Fluid and Coolant this weekend. I asked my wife if she would mind relinquishing her turkey baster to assist me in my tasks. I knew the benefis of changing the fluids and I earmarked this weekend to do the deed. I started using the baster on the power steering reservoir. However, the baster didn't reach the bottom of the reservoir. So I started looking for a small piece of hose to attach to the end of the baster. But then I noticed that the squeeze bulb of the baster was starting to deteriorate making its function nearly useless. Oh rats ! :cry:

'Round Up' to the rescue ! :grin: I had an empty gallon bottle of 'Round Up' weed killer sitting in the shed. It has a long hard plastic tube running the length of the gallon container and a squeeze handle attached to it. I took the lid off the container and after running some water through it to clean it out , stuck the tube into the reservoir, and now I had a long enough tube to reach into any container that I pleased to suck out the fluid. Since it is hard plastic, it is not affected by any of the fluids including the brake fluid. The fluid is then squirted into the empty weed killer container and properly disposed of. :banana: Making a difficult job really fast.

If you don't want to put the discarded fluid into the weed killer container, then you can easily squirt it into any container you wish to dispose of it. :grin:

As soon as I can, I will take a photo of the 'tool' and post it.
replacing fluids regularly is the secret of long life in cars... I use a piece of small diameter clear plactic hose and just siphon it out..
Here's another solution for extracting fluids. I bought this from Griot's Garage 15 years ago, but you can find similar contraptions online, Northern Tool, etc. Many uses for this tool - oil changes, ATF exchange without dropping the pan, power steering, etc. Came with three tubes - one attaches to the receptacle, two extensions.[Broken External Image]:
walmart or any boat parts store sells lower unit gear lube pumps. cheap at ~ $7 and can transfer a lot of fluid each pump...

I use one with extra hose on each end to empty resivoirs. similar to the weed spray but probably a little faster..

i Just suggested this as an alternative to buying something. The empty container was destined for the trash but now has/had a purpose...however short. And the operative issue is that it was FREE. :grin:

Or...wash it out and use it again on your old Toyota Tercel or VW Rabbit.'s FREE.
I use the boat pump as well to drain various reservoirs, I put a flex hose on the end to reach inside the rear diff, or other odd areas, it works great.
Fluid extractor. Lots of models out there as you can see. Griot's may not sell them anymore, but there are plenty of other sources. Get one with the capacity you need.