positives of gas prices

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derek dewey

May 13, 2008
Reaction score
knoxville, TN
Praise the Lord Anyway!

Posted: 30 May 2008 03:14 PM CDT

I was filling up our car with fuel the two days ago when I began to have a panic attack, like many of you have had recently, when I saw how the cost of fuel continues to rise. I at first began to complain, then I remembered that fuel costs $10 a gallon in the United Kingdom, most countries do not have a choice of regular, plus, or premium. The countries that do have lower prices are mostly under great oppression by a wicked tyrant that is consumed by his own desires. Then the ultimate conviction came, at least I have a car to put fuel in!!!! As I reflected, I began to realize that God has truly been good to each of us to allow us to live in our country. This does present a great challenge to many missionaries who are driving across the country raising their support. Please pray for these dear families as they follow God's will. We know that God will provide, but please pray that their faith will be increased during this test. As our cost of fuel rises and as we see the world panic, the Lord gave me this verse yesterday, "They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay." - Psalm 18:18 Although the prices may rise, God is our STAY! Praise the LORD anyway!

I agree with you 100%. I'm not happy about the cost of gas, but I'm not worried about it. I still live in the most blessed nation on Earth and have the freedom to travel within it as I wish. Cost may be a limiting factor, but cost is a consideration in anything you do.
To each his own.

Am not a religious man, god cannot save this country, i believe god has forsaken this country.

wait 15 yrs when gas is $15.00/gal

A loaf of bread is $10.00

salarys have declined due to massive inflation.

The income tax rate becomes 65%

New Orleans (which should have been bulldozed) has another cane far worse than katrina.

When the death toll in Irag and Iran (we will still be there) reachs 100K

When we are also at war with N. Korea at the same time.

when the infrastructure of this nations highways and byways is tottaly in shambles.

When Medicare goes bankrupt.

when you have unvolentarily been forced to contibute a 100 grand over your working career into a SS acct that is bone dry (sorry, it's all gone)

Pray all you want (not saying it won't help, doubt if it will)

God will not save this country any time soon.
bill barber,

For someone that is not religious you claim to know quite a bit about what can and cannot do???

History is no different than what we are seeing today...when a country turns their back on God then he stops blessing them...

I know this isn't a religious blog, but I think it is necessary to say that God can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Besides the government was never meant to be for ssi, medicare, or provision for its occupants, but for protection!!!!!

Gods plan is beyond anything that we could know or imagine

Isaiah 55:8-9

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We cannot know what he can or cannot do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wasnt trying to preach, I just want to be thankful and give him the Glory!!!!!!!

I don't see any positives with the gas prices. Only if you work for the oil guru's and companies such as ExxonMobil which are making a killing with these fuel prices.

Crime is going up, people are finding it harder to just make a living and getting to their jobs and supporting their families.

So what positives are there to meantion here?? :huh:
The bailing out has a prerequisite

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

The question is do you want to be bailed out?????
Bill Barber said:
Am not a religious man, god cannot save this country, i believe god has forsaken this country.

So which is it, you are or you are not religious? Seems to me only a religious man would be able to claim an opinion on what God can save and what God has forsaken.


we need a religious catagory on the site, one that people can quote the scriptures in and one that the infidels can ignore.

Sorry tjr, will not take the bait.
You know its funny because if there were a religious thread then I would still put this on the fuel/mpg thread because that is the way it started.
If this country has been forsaken, what happened to the rest of the world? We live in the greatest country in the world. We have freedoms and prosperity many others can only dream of. We are truly blessed. A few cents more for gas is not that big of a deal.
Relatively speaking, yes, the cost of gas is not that big of a deal. Is it significant, sure, but relative to income taxes, food, beer, dinner out, it simply is not that much. If the income tax reductions are not maintained in the next administration the cost to us will far surpass the added price of gas.

Am certain 99% of the site members will agree with your statement that gas prices are no big deal.

In the mess this nation is in at this time, do you actually believe we shall see tax reductions in the upcoming years? Dude, you are deluded,JMO
The mess has nothing to do with lack of income for the government. Expenses are the problem. Taking more money out of the economy (taxes) would only make matters worse.
bill barber wrote:

"we need a religious catagory on the site, one that people can quote the scriptures in and one that the infidels can ignore.

Sorry tjr, will not take the bait."

Bill, you chose to respond, rather than ignore. No-one forced you to read, or respond to, this thread. I think it was you who dangled the bait and then decided that you didn't like what you caught. :)

What was he supposed to do. The thread title says, Positives of gas prices, and then goes into religious babble. Gas costs too much to do missionary work? STAY HOME.

I'm with Bill... You keep on waiting for your god to save you. Good luck. I'm not religious, nor do I believe in a god, so I won't be waiting with you.

The best thing about the gas prices is that the bums at my local AM/PM are gone now!!! With prices being what they are, there's no way anyone's got any money left over to give them, so now I can pump my gas in peace without two, three, or four of 'em coming up to ask if I can help 'em out or if they can mess up my windows...

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