Okay, this is gross...

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That story made me throw up in my mouth a little.

If only there were help for people like me, afflected with this syndrome:

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BTW, I can't help but think that the couples legal argument, in favor of incest, is the same argument I hear often for gay marriage. The argument being that it isn't hurting anyone else, so why make it illegal?

Note, I am just noting a similarity of argument, folks, not picking a side.

TJR, W.Y.T.U.I.T.U.I.Y.M.L.S. :eek: Can also be caused by someone who's adopted and later finds out he or she is dating their own brother or sister.:huh::eek: I actually saw that in a news story here in the states a couple of years ago, and they chose to continue the relationship. That's just nuts. :wacko:
Does Hallmark even have a card for people like this? I would never go for my own sister,.......Now some of my friends sisters, now thats a different story.

In case you did not notice Tom is from Texas. There is no need to say any more than that.

Just food for thought here guys. In the beginning was Adam and Eve. Where did all the future generations come from? Lets see, they had kids, thennnnnnnn, what next? Just a thought. I think it is very very discusting, however, just thought I would see what I could stir up with this question. lol

If you take Genesis at it's literal word then yes, we all descended from Adam and Eve, and everything was then very incestuous, which would mean the Bible describes if not actually condones incest. But then again, if you take all that is accounted for in Genesis as literal, then the Earth is only about 6000 years old, which clearly isn't factual with what we know today. So, what actually is Biblical truth and what is simply parable and good story telling by man made to fill in the blanks? That's the tough one now isn't it!
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JamesB--Furthermore, beyond TJRs comments aobut the age of the earth, if you take the bible literally, then after Adam and Eve, there were Cain and Abel--what female did either of them mate with? The only one in existence at that time would have been Eve. Talk about an icky Oedipal complex!!!

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